
  • 1、值得留恋的永远不会离去,离去的永远不值得我留恋。
  • 2、You will not listen to a song, staring at the lyrics, slowly red eyes
  • 3、回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。
  • 4、In fact, life is very dull, but we make them miserable
  • 5、离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。
  • No matter how unhappy, life has to continue, it is better to laugh every day
  • 6、No matter how unhappy, life has to continue, it is better to laugh every day
  • 7、I squat down to touch my shadow said: I'm sorry to let you wronged
  • 8、Don't comfort me, to know each sewing has to meet stinging pain
  • 9、这年头谁都不是谁的谁,谁都不值的谁为谁掉眼泪!

  • 10、Everyone is a dreamer, when the dream is gone, only to home
  • 11、变形记只考虑了城里孩子,农村孩子回家后咋办捏?
  • 12、If one day I suddenly not contact you, you will find that I disappear?
  • 13、Loneliness is a kind of tense, at any time will be in the past, when it is not allowed to come
  • 14、Because my soul has no place, so you can fool me
  • 15、我们每个人都是梦想家,当梦走了,就只剩想家了。
  • 16、The metamorphosis only consider the city children, rural children go home do?
  • 17、你可明白,如果有一天我不折腾了不闹了,那代表着什么。
  • 18、我只是想证明,这个世界上只有我能欺负你,别人,没门。
  • 我蹲下来抚摸着自己的影子说:对不起让你受委屈了。


  • 20、因为我的灵魂没有寄托,所以你可以尽情的骗我。
  • 21、Worthy of nostalgia will never leave, leaving forever is not worth my nostalgia
  • 22、I selfish, you heart, I hide, you cheat, we have all the problems
  • 23、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,別人也许早已经忘记了。
  • 24、Tufte said: important people are getting less and less Important people are becoming more and more important
  • 25、如果有一天莪突然不联系迩了,迩会不会发觉莪消失了?
  • 26、This year who are not who who, who are not worth who shed tears!
  • 27、这世上最幸福的事莫过于你爱的人刚好也爱你了吧。
  • 28、The happiest thing in the world than the one you love just love you, too
  • 29、心情不好的时候吃香蕉,他告诉我的。只能回忆,不敢多想。

  • 30、I just want to prove that in this world only I can bully you, others, no way
  • 31、When I was in a bad mood, he told me Can only recall, did not dare to think
  • Memories can make you smile, sometimes also can let you tears trickling down cheeks
  • 32、Memories can make you smile, sometimes also can let you tears trickling down cheeks
  • 33、The distance between people and people, too close will tie, too far will hurt
  • 34、即使只是你最随便的问候,都会让我觉得你太暖心。
  • 35、其实生活很平淡,只是我们自己把它弄得苦不堪言。
  • 36、女人的生命如花,要死在采折她的手心里,才是幸福。
  • 37、The best way to avoid disappointment is not to hope for anyone or anything
  • 38、Not to deny my feelings for you, not our last love
  • 39、Even if only your most casual greetings, will make me feel that you are too warm heart

  • 40、再怎么不开心,生活都得继续,不如笑着过每一天。
  • 41、避免失望的最好办法,就是不寄希望于任何人、任何事。
  • 42、A woman's life is like a flower, to die in the production of her palm, is happiness
  • 43、你会不会听一首歌,盯着歌词,慢慢的红了眼眶。
  • 44、You can understand, if one day I do not toss about not noisy, it represents what
  • Love laugh people are not necessarily happy, maybe they just laugh in the protection of color
  • 45、Love laugh people are not necessarily happy, maybe they just laugh in the protection of color
  • 46、不予否定的是我对你的感情,不是我们最后的爱情。
  • 47、人和人之间的距离,太近了会扎人,太远了会伤人。
  • 48、莪自私,你花心,莪隐瞒,你欺骗,莪们之间各有各的问题。
  • 49、托佛说:重要的人越来越少。重要的人越来越重要。

  • 50、孤独是一种时态,随时都会过去,说不准什么时候又会来。
  • 51、A person from that others may The imprint is engraved on my heart memories, already forgotten
  • 52、喜欢笑旳人不一定快乐,也许笑只是他们旳保护色。