Beyond limits, beyond self


  • 2、今天付出诚意,明天收获信誉。
  • 3、paving roads for stones and protecting flowers for spring mud.
  • 4、说老实话,干良心事
  • 5、Listen to every child's inner voice with love.
  • 牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!
  • 6、牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!
  • 7、心中有爱,献身教育。
  • 8、每一个学生都是好学生。
  • 9、你在做小事时要想着大事,这样小事才能走向正确的方向。
  • 10、Treat students as warm as spring.
  • 11、Those who forget today will be forgotten tomorrow.

  • 12、要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友。
  • 13、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。
  • 14、Successful people do not win at the starting point, but at the turning point.
  • 15、学而不舍,金石可镂。
  • 16、To be a teacher of a child, first be a friend of the child.
  • 17、教育应当培植出活力,使学生向上长。
  • 18、appreciation of education equals the square of education.
  • 以诚待人,以诚做人。
  • 19、以诚待人,以诚做人。
  • 20、Strict in detail, love sprinkles the soul.
  • 21、要想获得幸福,必先吃苦耐劳。

  • 22、博学内存一个爱,外显一个笑。
  • 23、教育应当培植出活力,使学生向上长。
  • 24、学而不舍,金石可镂。
  • 25、caring for children, feeling true love and enjoying children's fun.
  • 26、Those who forget today will be forgotten tomorrow.
  • 27、without the potential to withstand difficulties, there will be no expectations.
  • 28、Since you want to fly, don't take back the wings that have been opened.
  • 29、Jing, diligent, respectful, tight, quiet.
  • 30、Love in heart, devote oneself to education.
  • 31、Bo Bo's sunrise and sunset, a battle against the backwater, he has no complaints and no regrets.

    Do it down-to-earth, but also down-to-earth in mind.
  • 32、Do it down-to-earth, but also down-to-earth in mind.
  • 33、每天都将自己最好的一面展示给别人。
  • 34、Reading changes destiny, hard work, attitude decides everything.
  • 35、Be a teacher and teach students.
  • 36、Listen to every child's inner voice with love.
  • 37、关爱童心,感受真爱,欣赏童趣。
  • 38、a man should have responsibilities when he is a man.
  • 39、教育应当培植出活力,使学生向上长。
  • 40、a man should have responsibilities when he is a man.
  • 41、In good times, we are indifferent; in adversity, we are indifferent.

  • 42、If you keep learning, you can carve out the stone.
  • 43、everyone has something to do and everything has to be done.
  • 44、The way you choose, you have to walk on your knees.
  • 困难像弹簧,你弱他就强。
  • 45、困难像弹簧,你弱他就强。
  • 46、育英才甘为人梯,执教鞭两袖清风。
  • 47、Yu Yingcai is willing to be a ladder, with two sleeves of teaching whip.
  • 48、Self-control is the instinct of the strongest.
  • 49、蚌下苦轼的时候是不作声的,献出来的终于是明珠。
  • 50、There is no trifle in education; there is no trifle in teachers.
  • 51、要想获得幸福,必先吃苦耐劳。

  • 52、既然要飞翔,就别再收回已经张开的翅膀。
  • 53、用爱倾听每一个孩子心底的声音。
  • 54、Yu Yingcai is willing to be a ladder, with two sleeves of teaching whip.