I love you not for who you are,but for who I am before you。我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

  • 1、白云从不向天空承诺它的驻留,风景也不向眼睛说出它的永恒。我没太多承诺,没有甜言蜜语,只因真爱无需太多言语表达!
  • 2、You are the world, the world is you. I am willing to use their own heart, good accompany you, love you.
  • 3、有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。
  • 4、沉默是我的习惯,我的态度,不去辩解,不去说明,只要做了就好。
  • 5、我讨厌谁,总是表现的特别明显,而我喜欢谁,却伪装的很好。
  • Originally, really, a person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid of harm.
  • 6、Originally, really, a person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid of harm.
  • 7、或许总要爱错一些人,才能恰逢对的人,得不到的遗憾,就让时间来填满。

  • 8、The spread of the spread of Warsaw is very gorgeous, like carrying hundreds of millions of years of missing, shake broken time, withered love deserted in whose heart.
  • 9、如果你注定不能给予我期待的回应,那么我们还是保持在安全的距离之外!
  • 10、提起你还是心酸,却不再像从前那么喜欢。
  • 11、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。
  • 12、Too many words want to say with you, but by the mouth is a line I miss you.
  • 13、若爱,请深爱;放弃,请彻底;等待本身就是一个错误。
  • 14、欢天喜地国庆到,歌唱祖国万年好,加班工作该歇歇,长长假期别忘了。满街飞舞的彩带,满地欢声和笑颜,祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛,祝愿朋友笑脸常开,祝福你我,普天同庆!
  • 15、I overheard you saying to God, "you're not marrying me, so I don't want you to betray God."!
  • 16、你希望别人怎样对待自己,你首先应该怎样来对待别人。
  • 17、I never have it, but I enjoy it happily. That's optimism.

  • 18、我讨厌谁,总是表现的特别明显,而我喜欢谁,却伪装的很好。
  • 19、爱说,爱笑的你总是让人很回味。于是,你成为了我界中伴侣。
  • 20、If fall in love with you is a kind of wrong, I am convinced that it is life's most beautiful mistake, I'd rather wrong all my life.
  • 21、The twinkling tears in my eyes will turn into uncompromising strength.
  • 22、爱你的人才不会给你买高跟鞋咧,因为他怕你难受。
  • 23、命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。
  • 24、感谢上帝,让我遇见了你。你是我最好的礼物。在你生日的时候,我愿陪你一起度过,一起感谢上苍让你降临在这个美好的世界。
  • 25、我们都是彼此的过客,擦肩而过,只是照面一场。
  • 26、如果可以,我宁愿是个孩子,空着双手站在你面前,期待你的怜悯;如果可以,我宁愿是个乞丐,从你的门前走过,我渴望,我的空碗能盛上你的爱。
  • 27、There is no glitter of a pearl, it is daubed by others.

  • 28、The white cloud never promised its presence to the sky, and the scenery never spoke to the eyes. I don't have too many promises, no sweet words, just because true love without too many words!
  • 29、后来我们都很干脆,你没有回头,我没有挽留。从此成为陌路,音信全无。
  • 我是风,永远没有方向。你是水,永远不会受伤。
  • 30、我是风,永远没有方向。你是水,永远不会受伤。
  • 31、Passion is a kind of hope. This kind of hope may become disappointed. Passion means suffering and transition. When the hope is gone, the passion ends.
  • 32、握住苍老,禁锢了时空,一下子到了地老天荒。
  • 33、人生总有一个镜头叫做相遇,人生总有一个情节叫做相爱,人生总有一个故事叫做相守,人生就是一出戏,现在,邀请你做主角,和我演对手戏。
  • 34、人生路漫漫,朋友天天念,旧貌换新颜,情谊不会变,面对新一天,遥相送祝愿,祝愿你身体健康,生活如愿,开心不变,快乐永远!
  • 35、Everything on the edge in the edge of life and death is still sometimes, no depth to Dingyuan Xiao Xi, do sad! It is why why! If there is a chance to cherish.
  • 36、人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。
  • 37、Exclamation mark is the blood of a brave man on his way to climb, and the tears of a coward when he is disappointed.

  • 38、你的手机,贴着你的身体;我的信息贴着手机,真想冲破这屏幕,让我抱着你,生死轮回,我爱的唯有你!
  • 39、反正他都不难受,他需要自由,他都不会理会我的感受。
  • 40、对相爱的人来说,一个人给另外一个人最用力的报复是什么,不过是永久分离。就像此刻的我和你,你在天堂流浪,我在人间彷徨。
  • 41、We said, may the heart of people, without any deviation, eventually into the arms of others.
  • 他把刀插进你心脏,说了一句我爱你,你却捂着伤口,忍着痛挤出一个微笑对他说:再来一刀,我还想听句我爱你。
  • 42、他把刀插进你心脏,说了一句我爱你,你却捂着伤口,忍着痛挤出一个微笑对他说:再来一刀,我还想听句我爱你。
  • 43、Every day is changing, the same is my feelings for you and a always love your heart.
  • 44、Passion is a kind of hope. This kind of hope may become disappointed. Passion means suffering and transition. When the hope is gone, the passion ends.
  • 45、Also hope that you work harder, do not give up on yourself, one day you will get your own happiness!
  • 46、He is the most, to know that he is a spare, but do not want to leave.
  • 47、The reason why I lived to the full now is to meet you at the moment.

  • 48、人生路漫漫,朋友天天念,旧貌换新颜,情谊不会变,面对新一天,遥相送祝愿,祝愿你身体健康,生活如愿,开心不变,快乐永远!
  • 49、The original love can not disguise, the original can not pretend to be happy, the original is always the same as the moment.
  • 50、希望你可以记住我,记住我这样活过,这样在你身边呆过。