Can hold themselves is the guarantee of your success in the future

  • 1、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。
  • 2、You can't discard me, I can't leave you, you can only be my, I can only be you.
  • 3、要是被老板开除了,你就有了创业的机会。
  • 4、Life can be people need, can have a function, people pay, is the most happy life.

  • 5、Strong confidence, can make the ordinary people to make amazing career.
  • 要做到宽心谈何容易。爱一个人,恨一个人,从来不得太平。
  • 6、要做到宽心谈何容易。爱一个人,恨一个人,从来不得太平。
  • 7、你硬要把单纯的事情看得很严重,那样子你会很痛苦。
  • 8、One lucky premise, is actually he has the power to change yourself.
  • 9、Don't be too sure of your ideas, this way less regret.
  • 10、If you lost your love, I am in this world, like lost soul shell, can't find a home.
  • 11、遇顺境,处之淡然,遇逆境,处之泰然。
  • 12、为他人尽力,即为自己尽力;不帮助他人的人,不能得到别人的帮助。
  • 13、Loathe to give up your people is me, is I care for you.
  • 14、你成不了心态的主人,必然会沦为情绪的奴隶。

  • 15、In prosperity, in cool, meet adversity, disagree agreeably.
  • 16、一个人幸运的前提,其实是他有能力改变自己。
  • 17、永远不要浪费你的一分一秒,去想任何你不喜欢的人。
  • 18、你不能丢弃我,我不能离开你,你只能是我的,我只能是你的。
  • 19、失败时可以称为人生财富,成功时可以称为财富人生。
  • 20、I want to cry, but I already don't know how to tears.
  • 舍不得你的人是我,牵挂你的人是我。
  • 21、舍不得你的人是我,牵挂你的人是我。
  • 22、You laugh, the world laughs with you; You cry only you a person cry all over the world.
  • 23、You take a simple things seriously, that way you will be very painful.
  • 24、Optimistic people with smile, and forget the hatred; Pessimistic people to complain, but forget to smile.

  • 25、God never complains people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of god.
  • 26、Make the person tired not far away mountains, but a grain of sand in the shoes.
  • 27、不要轻易用过去来衡量生活的幸与不幸,每个人的生命都是可以绽放美丽的,只要你珍惜。
  • 28、What time do you put down, when there is no trouble.
  • 29、如果把生活比喻为创作的意境,那么阅读就像阳光。
  • 30、A person must go through a hard struggle, will accomplish something.
  • 31、God never complains people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of god.
  • 32、Don't waste your life, in a place you would be sorry for it.
  • 33、Don't use the past to measure life of fortune and misfortune, everyone's life is can blossom beautiful, as long as you cherish.
  • 34、你拿走的只是你的爱,那么。我给你的爱呢?

  • 35、只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。
  • 如果某人注定属于你,即使打开世界上所有的门和窗,也无法让他离开。
  • 36、如果某人注定属于你,即使打开世界上所有的门和窗,也无法让他离开。
  • 37、If someone is destined to belong to you, even open all the doors and Windows in the world, also can't let him leave.
  • 38、Life is like a snowball, the important thing is to find a very wet snow and a long slope.
  • 39、A great soul, will strengthen the thought and life.
  • 40、As long as the thought not landslide, way better than more difficult.
  • 41、并不是先有了勇气才敢于说话,而是在说话的同时培养了勇气。
  • 42、Forget years, forget pain, forget your bad, we never say goodbye.
  • 43、Forget years, forget pain, forget your bad, we never say goodbye.
  • 44、Make public and indulgence, as a young, after all, the adult travel and hard to make up for.

  • 45、十字路口,我们分着走。你走我的泪,我走你的恨。
  • 46、舍不得你的人是我,牵挂你的人是我。
  • 47、You become the owner of the mentality, will inevitably turned out to be the slave of the mood.
  • 48、要做到宽心谈何容易。爱一个人,恨一个人,从来不得太平。
  • 49、年轻时的张扬和放纵,终究要用成年的奔波与艰辛来弥补。
  • 50、学的到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练。
  • 未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。
  • 51、未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。
  • 52、你硬要把单纯的事情看得很严重,那样子你会很痛苦。
  • 53、What time do you put down, when there is no trouble.
  • 54、Life is singular, we ask his conscience, rather than the old pay attention to whether the applause for you.

  • 55、忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏,我们永不说再见。
  • 56、认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。
  • 57、You laugh, the world laughs with you; You cry only you a person cry all over the world.
  • 58、你不能丢弃我,我不能离开你,你只能是我的,我只能是你的。
  • 59、不要太肯定自己的看法,这样子比较少后悔。
  • 60、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。