You know, we are not only for now, but the struggle for the future!

  • 1、To understand the law, in particular to understand the defects of the law.
  • 2、The title before the law, all to no avail.
  • 3、There is no time because it is not well used.
  • 4、一心为公,莫让先贤专美;两袖清风,堪当今世楷模。
  • 5、辞乙酉难忘闻鸡起舞,迎丙戌仍需刺股悬梁。
  • 你之所以感到巨人高不可攀,只是因为跪着。
  • 6、你之所以感到巨人高不可攀,只是因为跪着。
  • 7、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。
  • 8、YiYou unforgettable the chickens, meet c xu-gou CiGuXuanLiang was still needed.

  • 9、If want to persuade others, first of all to try to make people listen to what you said.
  • 10、People who believe in their abilities can do anything.
  • 11、If we don't work hard, we will merge the same items.
  • 12、举证职责之所在,即败诉之所在。
  • 13、岁月是一笔笔债,偶尔收收债,偶尔还还债。
  • 14、当你用权力换取金钱的时候,同时也为自己掘好了坟墓。
  • 15、不努力,是会合并同类项的。
  • 16、The reason why you feel the giant unattainable, just because kneeling.
  • 17、不努力,是会合并同类项的。
  • 18、The good law is created by the bad custom.

    Law always put national security over the safety of individuals.
  • 19、Law always put national security over the safety of individuals.
  • 20、把语言刻进行动,才有机会拥抱成功。
  • 21、There is no time because it is not well used.
  • 22、Life is a rich mine, which needs to be mined by oneself.
  • 23、The title before the law, all to no avail.
  • 24、Nothing not learn, not learn at all times, everywhere.
  • 25、要理解法律,特别是要理解法律的缺陷。
  • 26、To expand innovation, contend for optimal and progress.
  • 27、要理解法律,特别是要理解法律的缺陷。
  • 28、To expand innovation, contend for optimal and progress.

  • 29、任何权力都不得位于法律之上,否则它就成为腐败的最大的温床。
  • 30、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。
  • 31、Every day we live now is the youngest day in the rest of our lives.
  • YiYou unforgettable the chickens, meet c xu-gou CiGuXuanLiang was still needed.
  • 32、YiYou unforgettable the chickens, meet c xu-gou CiGuXuanLiang was still needed.
  • 33、If we don't work hard, we will merge the same items.
  • 34、当你用权力换取金钱的时候,同时也为自己掘好了坟墓。
  • 35、Life is a rich mine, which needs to be mined by oneself.
  • 36、耕耘分秒,勤奋造就天才;积蒿力量,实力铸就辉煌。
  • 37、一心为公,莫让先贤专美;两袖清风,堪当今世楷模。
  • 38、不同的信念,决定不同的命运!

  • 39、龙吟八洲行壮志,凤舞九天挥鸿图。
  • 40、现在过的每一天,都是余生中最年轻的一天。
  • 41、Years are a debt, occasionally collected, occasionally repaid.
  • 42、岁月是一笔笔债,偶尔收收债,偶尔还还债。
  • 43、所谓没有时间,是因为没有很好地利用它。
  • 44、Dragons eight state line, phoenix dance nine days and all.
  • If want to persuade others, first of all to try to make people listen to what you said.
  • 45、If want to persuade others, first of all to try to make people listen to what you said.
  • 46、The title before the law, all to no avail.
  • 47、把语言刻进行动,才有机会拥抱成功。
  • 48、Different beliefs determine different destinies!

  • 49、在法律面前,一切头衔都无济于事。
  • 50、The responsibility of proof, namely the losing.
  • 51、Don't sigh for the dead time, must face to in a hurry the time slip away.
  • 52、勤学守纪,踏实严谨。
  • 53、If want to persuade others, first of all to try to make people listen to what you said.