
  • 1、To be a teacher of a child, first be a friend of the child.
  • 2、Jing, diligent, respectful, tight, quiet.
  • 3、all merits are overcome, and all battles are invincible.
  • 4、教育加赞赏等于教育的平方。
  • 5、将对手无视,直冲篮下。

  • 6、我们的每一个孩子都是好孩子。
  • 7、Basketball is my genius, I come to my wonderful.
  • 8、倾听童声,学会微笑,善待学生。
  • 9、让爱伴随我们一同成长。
  • 10、To be honest and conscientious
  • 11、moving basketball, happy I show.
  • 12、用爱奉献一生。
  • 13、There is a love in erudite memory and a laugh in explicit.
  • 14、I want to grow up with my children.
  • 15、appreciation of education equals the square of education.

  • 16、篮球我天才,我来我精彩。
  • 17、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。
  • 18、喜欢孩子,善待孩子。
  • 19、篮球精神,永驻我心。
  • 20、对待学生要像春天般的温暖。
  • 我运动,我健康,我快乐。
  • 21、我运动,我健康,我快乐。
  • 22、Like children, treat them kindly.
  • 23、Be a teacher and teach students.
  • 24、There is no trifle in education; there is no trifle in teachers.
  • 25、铺路作石子,护花化春泥。

  • 26、要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友。
  • 27、快攻阵地,技高一筹。
  • 28、牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!
  • 29、Listen to children's voices, learn to smile and treat students kindly.
  • 30、Beyond limits, beyond self.
  • 31、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。
  • 32、秀出自信,展现自我。
  • 33、教育应当培植出活力,使学生向上长。
  • 34、There is no trifle in education; there is no trifle in teachers.
  • 35、Let love grow with us.

    caring for children, feeling true love and enjoying children's fun.
  • 36、caring for children, feeling true love and enjoying children's fun.
  • 37、Listen to children's voices, learn to smile and treat students kindly.
  • 38、Like children, treat them kindly.
  • 39、育英才甘为人梯,执教鞭两袖清风。
  • 40、appreciation of education equals the square of education.
  • 41、every one of our children is a good one.
  • 42、踏踏实实地做,心中也踏踏实实。
  • 43、用爱倾听每一个孩子心底的声音。
  • 44、动感篮球,快乐我秀。
  • 45、青春无畏,逐梦扬威。

  • 46、Treat students as warm as spring.
  • 47、challenge gravity, explode the charm of basketball!
  • 48、The healthy growth of children is our greatest hope.
  • 49、play well and make progress every day.
  • 50、奋发拼搏,勇于开拓。
  • 以欣赏的眼光看待每一个孩子。
  • 51、以欣赏的眼光看待每一个孩子。
  • 52、people-oriented is the starting point of all education.
  • 53、超越极限,超越自我。
  • 54、眼中有孩子,心中有目标。
  • 55、精,勤,敬,紧,静。

  • 56、I want to grow up with my children.
  • 57、一飞冲天,一鸣惊人。
  • 58、Beyond limits, beyond self.
  • 59、掌握篮板球,就掌握了全场。