Life is full of unpredictable opportunities

  • 1、超越极限,超越自我。
  • 2、以欣赏的眼光看待每一个孩子。
  • 3、Students'satisfaction is the greatest happiness.
  • 4、To be honest and conscientious
  • 5、秀出自信,展现自我。
  • 育英才甘为人梯,执教鞭两袖清风。
  • 6、育英才甘为人梯,执教鞭两袖清风。
  • 7、Success always demands a greater effort。成功总需要更多努力。

  • 8、育英才甘为人梯,执教鞭两袖清风。
  • 9、Show confidence and show yourself.
  • 10、only I can stop myself.
  • 11、Listen to children's voices, learn to smile and treat students kindly.
  • 12、我们的每一个孩子都是好孩子。
  • 13、Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference。态度决定一切。
  • 14、Never, never, never give in!永不,永不,永不屈服。
  • 15、Dear child, the teacher is your best friend!
  • 16、education should cultivate vitality and make students grow up.
  • 17、Strengthen your body and make great efforts to become a man.

  • 18、心中有爱,献身教育。
  • 掌握篮板球,就掌握了全场。
  • 19、掌握篮板球,就掌握了全场。
  • 20、展现自我,争创新高。
  • 21、There is a love in erudite memory and a laugh in explicit.
  • 22、Loving children is the most important thing in teachers'life.
  • 23、write the music of education with love.
  • 24、every student is a good student.
  • 25、将对手无视,直冲篮下。
  • 26、History is written by the victors。历史由胜者书写。
  • 27、It's interesting to find masters who are monotonous.

  • 28、children in your eyes and goals in your heart.
  • 29、强身健体,立志成材。
  • 30、挑战地心引力,引爆篮球魅力!
  • 31、all merits are overcome, and all battles are invincible.
  • 我们的每一个孩子都是好孩子。
  • 32、我们的每一个孩子都是好孩子。
  • 33、Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference。态度决定一切。
  • 34、people-oriented is the starting point of all education.
  • 35、Strengthen your body and make great efforts to become a man.
  • 36、Strive hard and make progress forever.
  • 37、让爱伴随我们一同成长。

  • 38、秀出自信,展现自我。
  • 39、用爱奉献一生。
  • 40、将对手无视,直冲篮下。
  • 41、教育无小事;教师无小节。
  • 42、静心的做老师,尽心的教学生。
  • 43、用爱倾听每一个孩子心底的声音。
  • 44、My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best。要求不高,只求最好。
  • 说老实话,干良心事
  • 45、说老实话,干良心事
  • 46、encourage children to be independent of adults as much as possible.
  • 47、caring for children, feeling true love and enjoying children's fun.

  • 48、秀出自信,展现自我。
  • 49、学生的满意,是最大的幸福。
  • 50、children, like flowers, need to be nurtured with love and patience.
  • 51、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。
  • 52、Don't interrupt me while I'm interrupting。我打断你的时候不许打断我!