
  • 1、从来不知道哭的时候被对象搂在怀里什么感觉,因为每次都是为他而哭。
  • 2、从来都是隐身着。因为我知道就算我在线也没有人愿意理我。
  • 3、站在孤单的人海,一直不停盼啊盼,每一天,每一夜,渴望与你再相见。
  • 4、Don't love wandering world, only willing to be by your side quiet around, hand in hand, a long long time.

  • 5、感觉太累的时候,不要吝啬,给自己一个拥抱吧,闭上眼就是天堂。
  • Has always been stealth. Because I know if I am online and no one is willing to me alone.
  • 6、Has always been stealth. Because I know if I am online and no one is willing to me alone.
  • 7、爱情也许会随着季节的变迁而褪去,但友谊会为你全年守侯。
  • 8、Don't forget to bloom, it was when you were a seed dream was born.
  • 9、We are looking forward to go to school every day, just because there is a group of people we love.
  • 10、Result of rekindling the repeat, romantic end be invite humiliation.
  • 11、Fall in love with a wild horse but no grassland. No prairie then moved to live on!
  • 12、Lost themselves once, is to make themselves better understand the road that lies ahead in the future.
  • 13、I like in my world thinking unleashing all grievances, until driving yourself crazy.
  • 14、Then smashed bottle also didn't return for awake, dirty oneself also didn't return the love.

  • 15、要是回去没有止痛药水拿来长岛冰茶换我半晚安睡
  • 16、从来都是隐身着。因为我知道就算我在线也没有人愿意理我。
  • 17、Please pick the first button of the shirt for me, because it is the most redundant, like me.
  • 18、Feel too tired, don't be stingy, give yourself a hug, I closed my eyes is heaven.
  • 19、Has always been stealth. Because I know if I am online and no one is willing to me alone.
  • 年龄不是问题,身高不是距离,问题是没感情什么都白搭。
  • 20、年龄不是问题,身高不是距离,问题是没感情什么都白搭。
  • 21、Please pick the first button of the shirt for me, because it is the most redundant, like me.
  • 22、Again and again indulge you because I love you, also disappointed saved up enough I won't look back.
  • 23、你越在乎,你失去的就越多,当一切结束的时候你就越心碎。
  • 24、Forgive me people ugly, name is not nice, smile is not warm heart, also won't into your heart.

  • 25、不爱满世界乱走,只愿在你身边安静环游,长路携手,岁月悠悠。
  • 26、We all like a child, nonsense because rely on you; Polite, because you are a stranger.
  • 27、不是我们没话讲了,而是我们都变了不再是你想说什么就说什么。
  • 28、某个人,某句话,某些场景,某一首歌,总能轻易撕扯着你的情绪。
  • 29、我们每天期待去学校,只是因为里面有一群我们爱的人。
  • 30、看见一个老婆婆在卖橘子,写了一张标牌,上面有四个字:甜过初恋。
  • 31、放弃一个人比爱一个人还要难,而要想彻底的忘掉他就会更难!
  • 32、The delusion of people who will hurt you, I can't copy him with her, but I can open both hands to block in front of you.
  • 33、幸福就是寂寞时接到久未联络的好友的电话,两人煲电话粥一个半小时。
  • Not we don't have to speak, but we have changed is no longer what you can say whatever you like.

    34、Not we don't have to speak, but we have changed is no longer what you can say whatever you like.

  • 35、只是我一个人不可能有多快乐
  • 36、人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散抄。
  • 37、Like how you feel, how to say, than the heater is warm in winter, cool cake sweeter than summer.
  • 38、Fall in love with a wild horse but no grassland. No prairie then moved to live on!
  • 39、A life without a dress rehearsal, every day is broadcast live. Not only low ratings, and salary is not high.
  • 40、每个人眼中都有一只名为幸福的青鸟,但未必所有人都能看到它。
  • 41、One day, you will meet that person, accompanied you to listen to every rain in your life.
  • 42、迷失了自己一次,是为了让自己以后更好的认清前方的路。
  • 43、后来砸碎了酒瓶也没换来清醒,弄脏了自己也没换来爱情。
  • 44、为什么从前的要一直幸福,走到最后却只剩下了祝你幸福。

  • 45、当众人的都注视着那位漂亮迷人的美女的时候,别忘了,我在看你!
  • 46、请记住你留给我的所有伤口,总有一天,我会加倍偿还。
  • 47、Result of rekindling the repeat, romantic end be invite humiliation.
  • 只愿在人潮拥挤的街头与命中注定到白头的人撞个满怀。
  • 48、只愿在人潮拥挤的街头与命中注定到白头的人撞个满怀。
  • 49、旧情复燃的结果就是重蹈覆辙,自作多情的下场就是自取其辱。
  • 50、We are looking forward to go to school every day, just because there is a group of people we love.
  • 51、桃树漂亮,洋葱叫我们流泪。可是洋葱没有核,桃子却有核。
  • 52、原谅我人丑,名字也不好听,笑也不暖心,也入不了你的心。
  • 53、Do you like me, I also like you. But why no one will stand up to the other party in the profession.
  • 54、任何值得去的地方都没有捷径;一个人越懒明天要做的事情越多。

  • 55、Any way, if you want to go far, always meet many difficulties.
  • 56、The more you care, the more you have to lose、在意的越多,失去的就越多。
  • 57、心里千疮百孔,疼得要死,流不出血了,也总是对别人说我没事的。
  • 58、Forgive me people ugly, name is not nice, smile is not warm heart, also won't into your heart.