

  • 2、她小心地扭转头来,杏核眼忽悠忽悠四下里张望着,像老鼠防猫一般。
  • 3、友谊是培养人的感情的学校。
  • 4、You know my loneliness is only kept for you, thousands of my sweet songs are only sung for you.
  • 5、The most common love, the most dependent.
  • 爱情和咳嗽是藏不住的。
  • 6、爱情和咳嗽是藏不住的。
  • 7、从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假!
  • 8、Paper plane fly far away from my mood.
  • 9、Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of life's distress, especially in love.
  • 10、沉浸在时间里,记忆也被割摔旳一片一片。
  • 11、宁愿一个人呆着,也不要跟不合拍的人呆一块。

  • 12、The heart is not dead.
  • 13、花刚开,但她需要滋润,她需要浇灌。
  • 14、友情,是你成功时为你喝彩,失败时为你伸出扶持的双手。
  • 15、全世界都在看雨,只有我在看他带没带伞。
  • 16、追求爱情它高飞,逃避爱情它跟随。
  • 17、驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。
  • 18、真心朋友清如泉,彼此清澈又甘甜。相互关心与呵护,默默珍惜在心间。
  • 19、友谊像婚姻一样,其维持有赖于避免不可宽恕的事情。
  • 20、Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
  • The germination of love is the end of wisdom.

    21、The germination of love is the end of wisdom.

  • 22、是眼睛迷失了方向还是心中本就没了光。
  • 23、朋友如花香。芬芳而淡雅;朋友是秋天的雨,细腻又满怀诗意;朋友是十二月的梅,纯洁又傲然挺立。
  • 24、Love should not fall in love with the person, but do not have to put the hand.
  • 25、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。
  • 26、If you go, I will be very upset. You leave, I will miss you very much.
  • 27、铜对铜,铁对铁,同到毛白牙齿缺。
  • 28、只要你明白珍惜爱与被爱,我愿意等待你给我的未来。
  • 29、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。
  • 30、Whether you still don't believe our friendship, please remember, as long as you turn back, I will be there waiting for you.
  • 31、I just wish someday and somehow, we can be back together, together we'll stay, forever!

  • 32、想起你那句还是朋友,为什么我竟如此痛在心头。
  • 33、你是一尊象牙雕刻的女神,大方、端庄、温柔、姻静,无一不使男人深深崇拜。
  • 34、亡羊补牢,犹时未晚。
  • 35、我爱的人、不是我的爱人。
  • 句句心语是我浓浓的思念与祝福,愿永远系着你温暖与喜悦,无论你在何方,但愿我们在同一片星空下纺织思念。
  • 36、句句心语是我浓浓的思念与祝福,愿永远系着你温暖与喜悦,无论你在何方,但愿我们在同一片星空下纺织思念。
  • 37、Without friendship, life is just a waste of life.
  • 38、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。
  • 39、Is the eye lost in the direction of the heart or the lack of light.
  • 40、Marry in haste and regret for life.
  • 41、Time is still, we are flying.

  • 42、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no what can sing, just sigh, fly away.
  • 43、The friendship between people, the majority of people in the heart of the combination, because of this kind of valuable links, is gentle and sweet.
  • 44、Flourishing, like a dream without trace.
  • 45、不管你还相不相信我们的友谊,请你记住,只要你回头,我还会在那里等你。
  • 46、Wine can be made into vinegar, and love can be turned into hatred.
  • 47、友情,是你成功时为你喝彩,失败时为你伸出扶持的双手。
  • 48、What other people think of you is none of your business.。
  • 49、你问我为什么爱你,这难度就像要我描述水是什么味道一样。
  • 50、没有爱情的人生叫受罪。
  • Frank and deep friendship, should not be used to measure the length of time.

    51、Frank and deep friendship, should not be used to measure the length of time.

  • 52、只要你明白珍惜爱与被爱,我愿意等待你给我的未来。
  • 53、As long as you understand the value of love and be loved, I am willing to wait for you to give my future.
  • 54、Even in deep love, we are lonely.
  • 55、人并不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。
  • 56、在你那双又大又亮的眼睛里,我总能捕捉到你的宁静,你的热烈,你的聪颖,你的敏感。
  • 57、比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。
  • 58、她那明亮的眼睛中,荡漾着一池清波,清波上漂荡着聪明和智慧。
  • 59、即使在深切的热爱里面,我们也是孤独。