
  • 1、If you love her, let your love like sunshine surrounded her, and gave her freedom
  • 2、To me, I'll be on your left breast and a fourth rib to one inch place

  • 3、如果注定要错过,就让它的美停留在还没来得及消逝的时候。
  • 4、如果等待只能成为等待,结局只是我悲哀。
  • 5、人生,只有两分半钟时间,一分钟微笑,一分钟叹息,半分钟的爱。
  • Life, only two and a half minutes of time, a minute smile, sigh, a minute and a half minutes of love
  • 6、Life, only two and a half minutes of time, a minute smile, sigh, a minute and a half minutes of love
  • 7、What other people think of you is not important, the only important thing is that you love the real you
  • 8、别人怎么看你不重要,唯一重要的是你很喜欢真实的自己。
  • 9、A woman must understand and bear in mind that men - as long as he is a man, no matter old and young, all his love beautiful woman
  • 10、暧昧总有,事端不断,却也总等不到真正的爱情。
  • 11、Ambiguity is always, disturbance, but also always less than the true love
  • 12、对于大多数女人,爱的意思,就是被爱。

  • 13、两个心房,一个住着最重要的自己,另一个早就丢弃了。
  • 14、我爱你,关你什么事?千怪万怪也怪不到你身上去。
  • 15、For most women, the meaning of love, is to be loved
  • Love should pledge of eternal love, only faithful, constancy of love, is the true love
  • 16、Love should pledge of eternal love, only faithful, constancy of love, is the true love
  • 17、When we think of love, is often don't understand
  • 18、If waiting can only be waiting, just my sad ending
  • 19、Two atrium, a live in one of the most important, another would have been discarded
  • 20、一个女人必须了解和牢记,男人只要他是是男人,无论老幼,他都爱漂亮的女人。
  • 21、在你离开的那一天,我没作任何的挽留。
  • 22、想我的时候,我就会出现在你左胸第四根肋骨往里一寸的地方。

  • 23、有些事情,不需要放在嘴上,而是放在心里,那才是真正的幸福。
  • 24、On the day you left, I didn't make any retention
  • 25、I love you, close you what thing? Thousand to blame all blame also can't blame you
  • If doomed to miss, let its beauty stay in haven't had time to die
  • 26、If doomed to miss, let its beauty stay in haven't had time to die
  • 27、There are some things, do not need to put in mouth, but in my heart, that is the true happiness
  • 28、爱情应当山盟海誓,只有专一的、忠贞不渝的爱情,才是真正的爱情。
  • 29、在我们以为爱着的时候,常常是并不明白的。
  • 30、你若爱她,让你的爱像阳光一样包围她,并且给她自由。