
  • 1、Friends friends, touch there; Friends friends, really is hard to find。 Friends of the word "two months," the moon represents my heart, the past Mid-Autumn, SMS greetings。 Friends friends, forever! Friends friends, happy, fresh!
  • 2、中秋将至,愿你我的合作如圆月一般,圆圆满满,愿你的事业如金色月光一般,一片光明,愿你的心情如今晚的明月一般,快乐无比,愿中秋快乐’。
  • 3、Each guest: this message had been sent to the iron you receive a message to a happy smile, because you thought to; Second, we must catch as soon as possible, because August 15 sales promotion; Third, we need to well up chunks, because luck has come。
  • 4、中秋节,我以心为弦,思念为谱,祝福为歌,为你奏响月圆交响曲,祝你日子红红火火,事业圆圆满满,亲人团团圆圆,心事花好月圆,幸福美满永在前,中秋节快乐!
  • 5、While you enjoy the delicious moon cake should drink some tea, it helps to oily, help digestion, increase appetite。 And at the same time in the Mid-Autumn festival on the thick cordiality and wish, the month circle person circle everything is good, a happ
  • Mid-Autumn festival will come, I wish you my cooperation is like moon, festive, wish your business is like the golden moonlight, a bright, let your mood is like the moon tonight, happy and clinking, 'a happy Mid-Autumn festival。
  • 6、Mid-Autumn festival will come, I wish you my cooperation is like moon, festive, wish your business is like the golden moonlight, a bright, let your mood is like the moon tonight, happy and clinking, 'a happy Mid-Autumn festival。
  • 7、The most is a year the Mid-Autumn festival, people relatively easiness; The wind osmanthus fragrance move, moonlight cross the pure lotus pond; Drunk to admire the flower confusing, since pick a smell wheatgrass; Beauty I wish you enjoy it, happy happy no
  • 8、To the Mid-Autumn festival, I was with the goddess of the moon to a text, the text is not simple, can bless you and your family life health, safe, lifetime happiness, I sent to you now, please keep。 I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 9、品尝一块中秋饼,浓浓亲情身边留;斟满一杯团圆酒,甜甜蜜蜜无尽头;观赏一轮中秋月,句句祝福涌出喉。中秋到了,祝你全家团圆,幸福快乐!
  • 10、各位尊客:本短信发给了最铁的你,收到短信一要开心一笑,因为甜甜蜜蜜思念到;二要尽快赶早,因为八月十五促销好;三要顺利进宝,因为幸运之神已到。

  • 11、在您享受美味月饼的同时应喝些茶,这样有助于去油腻、帮助消化、增加食欲。并同时在中秋佳节送上浓浓的情意与祝福,月圆人圆事事美满,中秋快乐!
  • 12、Originally duckweed together in life, we all should cherish, another year Mid-Autumn festival to international, wish to turn the good message: grasp the youth wonderful mood, mo make golden cup empty to month。 Happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 13、举杯邀明月,共度中秋夜;玉兔捣药勤,嫦娥喜奔月;吴刚伐桂忙,月桂香意惬;亲朋围成圈,团圆美满夜;短信喜相传,祝福永不歇祝中秋快乐!
  • 14、In the autumn night, the month is round, spend more and take good care of yourself to health; The fish swim, birds in the call, I wish you a ha ha laugh every day; Hand book, cup of wine, I wish you good luck every day! More happiness, less sadness, I wis
  • 15、Taste a piece of cake, the Mid-Autumn festival the thick affection around leave; Reunion fill a glass of wine, the sweet without end; Watch the round moon, every blessing gush throat。 Mid-Autumn festival is coming, wish you and your family reunion and hap
  • The respect customer, went to the festival, the blessing is very important, for you five kinds of moon cakes, called a happy, happy a call, called a health, a call, a call's wealth, let you taste good taste。
  • 16、The respect customer, went to the festival, the blessing is very important, for you five kinds of moon cakes, called a happy, happy a call, called a health, a call, a call's wealth, let you taste good taste。
  • 17、Missing for you is day after day, lonely I still did not change, when can the beautiful dream, dear really want to see you again! But I just can't find you in which a pigsty!
  • 18、最是一年中秋美,花前月下人相对;风挪桂花暗香动,月色荷塘渡清辉;醉酒赏花花迷离,自摘一枝嗅芳菲;但愿美景你共赏,乐得逍遥不思归。中秋快乐!
  • 19、中秋夜,月很圆,花更香,保重身体要健康;鱼在游,鸟在叫,愿你天天哈哈笑;手中书,杯中酒,祝你好运天天有!欢乐多,忧愁少,预祝中秋节快乐!
  • 20、流星划过天际,我错过了许愿!江河奔腾入海,我错过了祝福!又到中秋,不能错过给你的问候,祝中秋节快乐,永远幸福!

  • 21、The moon send acacia Trinidad, on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival! Make your dream round full moon! Send a round cake, with a heart, round, send a round, round a round dream。 Happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 22、明月千里寄相思,在中秋佳节之际,祝中秋节快乐!让圆月圆你的梦!送一个圆圆的饼,献一颗圆圆的心,寄一份圆圆的情,圆一个圆圆的梦。中秋节快乐!
  • 23、对你的思念是一天又一天,孤单的我还是没有改变,美丽的梦何时才能出现,亲爱的好想再见你一面!可我就是找不到你被关在哪个猪圈!
  • 24、朋友朋友,碰碰就有;朋友朋友,真心难求。朋字两个月,月亮代表我的心,月明近中秋,短信传问候。朋友朋友,天长地久!朋友朋友,快乐长留!
  • 25、The Mid-Autumn festival, I miss you in heart, for string, as the spectrum, blessing for the song, for you to play symphony, a full moon day I wish you a thriving, festive, family reunion, happy together, happy forever in the former, happy Mid-Autumn festi
  • 中秋节到,我在嫦娥那里求到一条短信,本短信不简单,可以保佑你和你的家人一生健康,一世平安,一辈子幸福,我现在发给你,请保存好。祝中秋快乐!
  • 26、中秋节到,我在嫦娥那里求到一条短信,本短信不简单,可以保佑你和你的家人一生健康,一世平安,一辈子幸福,我现在发给你,请保存好。祝中秋快乐!
  • 27、Meteor across the sky, I missed the make a wish! River pentium into the sea, I missed the blessing! To the Mid-Autumn festival, cannot miss to you greetings, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival, happy forever!
  • 28、人生原本浮萍相聚,我们大家都应珍惜,又是一年中秋来际,声声祝愿美好寄语:把握青春妙年华,莫使金樽空对月。中秋节快乐!
  • 29、尊敬的客户,节日就到,祝福很重要,送给您五种月饼,一种叫幸福,一种叫快乐,一种叫健康,一种叫如意,一种叫财旺,愿您尝出好味道。
  • 30、A toast to invite bright moon, enjoy the autumn night; Yutu dao medicine frequently, chang xi month; Wu gang felling laurel busy month cinnamon meaning just; Family circle surrounded, happy happy reunion night; Text xi, wish never rest I wish a happy Mid-
