浪漫的英文句子 温柔浪漫的英文情话(优选99个)

  • 1、我是个独立的人,但我也需要你,需要你疼爱我。
  • 2、Half your hand, half your bed, half life
  • 3、怎样才能笑的甜一点呢,只要想你就可以了。
  • 4、有一个人,在梦里,在心里,那就是你。
  • 5、一生二,二生三,三生万物,万物不如你。
  • 烟花在世界上,眼睛是你,心是你,是梦中的你。
  • 6、烟花在世界上,眼睛是你,心是你,是梦中的你。
  • 7、Come with me Don't you want to? If not, I'll go with you

  • 8、晚安,我已经安排了,会有蚊子替我亲你。
  • 9、My heart likes you, my heart cares about you, my heart waits for you
  • 10、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。
  • 11、我心喜欢你,我心在乎你,我心等待你。
  • 12、See you tomorrow, make the whole tomorrow become super sweet
  • 13、 If all the land is connected together, I will go to life to embrace you
  • 14、看到一处熟悉,突然想起你,笑了笑自己。
  • 15、我会扫除一切的阻力和你在一同,好好照顾你一辈子。
  • 16、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子!
  • 17、I must have eaten too much salt, otherwise I always miss you

  • 18、我可警告你啊,别来调戏我,不然我可是会非礼你的。
  • 19、我真的十分喜欢你,嘴上一分,眼里两分,心里七分。
  • 20、I really like you very much, mouth one point, eyes two points, heart seven points
  • 21、Drink your wine of love, if there is no refill, I would like to be thirsty for a lifetime!
  • 22、Don't close the window tonight, I want to cast into your dream
  • 23、亲爱的原谅我吧,我想讲粗话了,俺想死你了。
  • 24、The story is very long I like you for a long time
  • 25、When you look at the sky at dawn and clouds at dusk, you will miss you when you are walking or sitting
  • 26、眉目清冷,像一整季的雪水都融化在了她的眼睛里。
  • 27、In all the warm sentences, your face is hidden

  • 28、你的名字只有两个字,填不足三行,却已写满我的心。
  • 29、花再美也比不上你的笑,没见过你的人不会明了。
  • 30、因喜欢你,借你的光,看见了以前未见过的世界。
  • 你可以随时倒下,我一个人,做你的四面八方。
  • 31、你可以随时倒下,我一个人,做你的四面八方。
  • 32、I believe that you will bring four leaves of happiness, appear in the warm afternoon
  • 33、今晚别关窗,我想投投进入你的梦里。
  • 34、From now on, I will accompany you to be the best one in your life
  • 35、遇见你之后,你周围的世界,全部都是马赛克。
  • 36、故事很长,我长话短说,喜欢你,很久了。
  • 37、Recently, my eyes are nearsighted I can only see you in front of me

  • 38、星星揉碎了在你眼睛里,不要掉出来了呀。
  • 39、你的一句明天见,让整个明天都变得超级甜。
  • 40、I love you I love you today I love you with all my heart
  • 41、Be my boyfriend, OK, no, I'll try again
  • 42、See a familiar place, suddenly think of you, smile at yourself
  • 43、手分你一半,床分你一半,人生分你一半。
  • 44、如果套路到你,实在抱歉,我是故意的。
  • 45、知道为什么我老是输吗?因为我输给了你的温柔。
  • 46、If you give me some pomp, I will allow you to be full of flowers
  • 47、执君手,慢同行,不问前路风疏马聚。

  • 48、The stars are crushed in your eyes Don't fall out
  • 49、你烦我,你烦着我,你再烦我,你就娶我。
  • 50、我表白的方式一向简单粗暴,有时间一起睡觉。
  • 51、我爱你,今天说出爱的表白,一心一意我爱你。
  • 52、我相信,你会带着四叶的幸福,出现在暖暖的午后。
  • 53、如果所有土地连在一起,走上一生只为拥抱你。
  • 54、Hold your hand, walk slowly, do not ask the road ahead, wind sparse horses gather
  • 55、Your name is only two words, less than three lines, but it is full of my heart
  • There are countless beautiful red in the world, only you are the place I love
  • 56、There are countless beautiful red in the world, only you are the place I love
  • 57、I'm sorry if the routine comes to you I mean it

  • 58、你就是我最困难时的,那位永远支持我的人。
  • 59、我对床上用品的要求很高,目前发现你是我最满意的。
  • 60、Don't be afraid No matter how far you go, I will always wait for you to go home
  • 61、After meeting you, the world around you is a mosaic
  • 62、You annoy me, you annoy me, you annoy me again, you marry me
  • 63、你若厌,我便持刀握剑,为你血染人间。
  • 64、我这一生,除了故乡,只为你一个人写过月亮。
  • 65、In my whole life, in addition to my hometown, I only wrote about the moon for you
  • 66、You see me once, I am moved, you look back and smile, I am happy
  • 67、不想做好人,也不想做坏人,只想做你的心上人。

  • 68、愿你岁月波澜有人陪,余生悲欢有人听。
  • 69、全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。
  • 70、Her eyes were cold, like a whole season of snow melt in her eyes
  • 71、My way of confession is always simple and rough I have time to sleep together
  • 72、I can warn you, don't tease me, or I will insult you
  • 73、You can fall down at any time I'll be all around you
  • 74、There is only one you in the world How can I not cherish it
  • 75、When you are thin, you are in my heart If you are fat, you can't get out
  • 76、你不要害怕,走得再远,我总会等你回家。
  • 77、How to smile a little sweeter, as long as you can

  • 78、Life two, two begets three, three begets all things, all things are inferior to you
  • 79、Do you know why I always lose? Because I lost to your tenderness
  • 80、You are the one who always supports me when I am in the most difficult time
  • Good night I've arranged for a mosquito to kiss you for me
  • 81、Good night I've arranged for a mosquito to kiss you for me
  • 82、Fireworks in the world, the eyes are you, the heart is you, is you in the dream
  • 83、你知道我的缺点是什么吗?是缺点你。
  • 84、陪你度喜喜悲悲,不悔,只为能感动你的泪。
  • 85、May you have someone to accompany you and listen to your joys and sorrows for the rest of your life
  • 86、你若赐我一段浮华,我便许你满世繁花。
  • 87、With me, you should not want anything, no matter how wild the heart knows, you should refuse

  • 88、If you are tired of it, I will hold the sword and hold the sword, and I will dye the world with blood for you
  • 89、No matter how beautiful the flower is, it can't be compared with your smile People who haven't seen you will not understand
  • 90、做我男朋友吧,行就行,不行我再想办法。
  • 91、I am an independent person, but I also need you, need you to love me
  • 92、I have a high demand for bedding, and I find that you are my most satisfied
  • 93、Dear, forgive me, I want to speak rude, I want to die of you
  • 94、Because I like you, I see the world I haven't seen before by your light
  • 95、世界上有无数美丽的红色,只有你是我爱的地方。
  • 96、Do you know what my weakness is? It's your fault
  • 97、我肯定是盐吃多了,不然怎么总是闲的想你啊。

  • 98、There is a person, in the dream, in the heart, that is you
  • 99、从此以后我来陪,做你生命里最好的那一位。