
  • 1、请你打开窗,让新春的风吹进你的屋子,让新春的雪飞进你的屋子,让我新春的祝愿,飘进你的心坎。
  • 2、你的幸福是我心中的惦念,你的健康是我每天的期盼,你一切顺利是我永远的心愿,我的快乐是看到你开心的笑脸。亲爱的,周末愉快!
  • 3、宁静夜,月亮圆,月光明,带去我,深思念。温馨星,闪闪闪,传递我,美祝愿,祝福你,美梦香,好梦甜,佳梦圆。

  • 4、How are you? And the coming year let me faithful blessing you in the New Year with warm and sweet, wish you a happy New Year。
  • 5、With the coming of the New Year, wish your company scale, business development, the business is thriving, source of money widely enter!
  • 您好吗?又是新年来临让我虔诚的祝福您在新的一年中拥有温馨与甜蜜祝新年愉快。
  • 6、您好吗?又是新年来临让我虔诚的祝福您在新的一年中拥有温馨与甜蜜祝新年愉快。
  • 7、Morning dawn breaks, happiness around you; At noon the sun is shining, smile in your heart。 Xishan evening sunset, happy with you one day。
  • 8、Dumplings yuanxiao round, round, round and round circle circle holidays! New Year, spring, and a great year! Best wishes for you and your family: camfrog peace happy Lantern Festival!
  • 9、Like a voice, is the breeze fell dew; Appreciation of a picture, is lang months ornament sky; Intoxicated with a breath, is diffuse kuang orchid valley; I wish you a happy weekend!
  • 10、Going to sleep。 Remember today happy and sweet, though not rich today, tomorrow, is it you or your, you just want to sleep, I wish you all a dream come true。
  • 11、A short message, a sincere greetings, representing the care and miss, contains the blessings and encouragement, I wish a happy New Year, family happiness!
  • 12、将睡之际。回想今天的愉快和甜美,今天虽然没有发财,明天该是你的还是你的,大家就想着入睡吧,祝大家美梦成真。
  • 13、Your happiness is my miss in my heart, your health is every day I look forward to, everything goes well with you is my forever wish, my happiness is to see you happy smiling face。 Honey, have a nice weekend!

  • 14、May sweet。 I wish you every hour of the day, peace be with you through each of the points, may happiness accompany you spend a minute of every second。
  • 15、我不知如何用期待的心为你祝福,在繁忙的工作中请接受我真挚的诚意和问候!
  • 随着新年的到来,预祝贵公司规模扩大,业务发展,生意兴隆,财源广进!
  • 16、随着新年的到来,预祝贵公司规模扩大,业务发展,生意兴隆,财源广进!
  • 17、I don't know how to use forward heart bless for you, in the busy work please accept my sincere sincerity and greetings!
  • 18、清晨曙光初现,幸福落你身边;中午艳阳高照,微笑在你心间;傍晚日落西山,欢乐伴你一天。
  • 19、Says busy, idle idle, can relax the leisure; Say nearly not nearly, said, is it far true friend miss; Say how much, said little, happy holiday continuous!
  • 20、Please open the window, let the New Year's wind blow your room and the snow flying in, my warming wish, float into your heart。
  • 21、元宵圆,汤圆圆,团团圆圆过大年!迎新年,贺新春,欢欢喜喜过大年!祝福您和您的全家:元宵节平安快乐多康福!
  • 22、Quiet night, the moon, in the light, to me, deep thoughts。 Sweet and stars, shining flash, pass me, beautiful wishes, bless you, dream, dream sweet, beautiful dream。
  • 23、一条短短的信息,一声诚挚的问候,代表着牵挂和思念,包含着祝福与鼓励,祝新春快乐,合家幸福!

  • 24、愿甜蜜伴你度过一天中的每一时,愿平安同你走过一时中的每一分,愿快乐陪你度过一分中的每一秒。
  • 25、喜欢一种声音,是微风吹落露珠;欣赏一幅图画,是朗月点缀星空;陶醉一种气息,是幽兰弥漫旷谷;祝您周末愉快!
  • 说忙不忙,说闲不闲,放飞心灵休闲;说近不近,说远不远,真心朋友思念;说多不多,说少不少,假日快乐绵绵!
  • 26、说忙不忙,说闲不闲,放飞心灵休闲;说近不近,说远不远,真心朋友思念;说多不多,说少不少,假日快乐绵绵!