

  • 2、For you a happy Lantern Festival lanterns: diligence as skeleton, is light skin with communication, is the wick with beliefs, with passion to do fire, let the ideal light ahead in the future, in the New Year, wish your dream come true, ideal to achieve!
  • 3、元宵儿圆圆心里儿甜甜。画一个圈圈添一个弯弯。加两个点点送你个笑脸。心儿再酸酸也该会缓缓。如果还烦烦再吃斤汤圆!
  • 4、元宵佳节送礼物给你:十分快乐十分甜蜜、十分浪漫十分温馨、十分幸福十分顺利!还有十分月光十分灵气,映衬你百分百的美丽。
  • 5、元宵将至,据可靠消息,龙年你将:龙腾虎跃,前途大展;龙行虎步,身体康健;卧虎藏龙,好运不断;龙凤呈祥,岁岁平安;飞龙在天,精彩亮剑!
  • 但愿你知道,有个人时时关怀着你,有个人时时惦记你。元宵夜的灯火,是你含笑传情的眼睛,它缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。
  • 6、但愿你知道,有个人时时关怀着你,有个人时时惦记你。元宵夜的灯火,是你含笑传情的眼睛,它缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。
  • 7、Shake the national speed skating games, celebrating the country dance; Families make yuanxiao, 15 moon today the circle! Yuanxiao month this year was the largest and most round in 53 years, please accept my deep full blessing, yuanxiao is happy!
  • 8、Blooming brilliant fireworks, firecrackers singing song, lantern riddle guessing the dream, the wine away the feeling, tangyuan rub round reunited, the moonlight on the auspicious, dance twisted into a joy, happiness in the heart。 Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 9、烟花绽放着辉煌,爆竹合唱着欢歌,灯谜猜开了梦想,美酒飘散着情意,汤圆搓圆了团聚,月光洒落着吉祥,舞步扭出了欢乐,幸福在心地流淌。元宵节快乐!
  • 10、Light 15 colorful lotus lamp, to illuminate the distance of heart lake; Made 365 wishes, prayers for the beauty of the sunrise; Heart mirror like water, love in this Christmas。 Even if you far in exile, the blessing is still with you around, yuanxiao is h
  • 11、收者,短信也。吾发之,思汝矣!汝收之,念吾乎?吾思汝忆汝,皆因汝为吾之友也。故发此信,嘱汝饥必食、困必歇、冷必穿,切莫忘哉!元宵必乐!

  • 12、Lantern Festival, make a wish, wish you everything can be round, life circle, business circle, a round, love dream best earn a dollar a day, the most is predestined friends the day happy and happy, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival。
  • 13、In the face of life, the month circle, happy wish heart at the moment the most unique, daily happenings all farewell, to wish the warmth and joy, wish you happy yuanxiao, omnipotent, nothing is not。
  • 14、I hope you know, someone always care of you and caring you all the time。 An yuan snack of lights, it is your smiling love eyes, it compose in sparking starshanging on the curtain of my heart。
  • 15、Yuanxiao will come, according to reliable sources, dragon: will you be long teng hu yue, future exhibitions; A majestic gait, physically fit; Crouching tiger, hidden dragon, good luck constantly; In extremely good fortune, happiness peace; Dragon in the d
  • 面对人生征途的坎坷,徜徉着月圆的快乐,祝愿的心此刻最独特,生活的琐碎统统的告别,拥抱祝福的温馨与欢乐,祝愿你元宵快乐,无所不能,无所不得。
  • 16、面对人生征途的坎坷,徜徉着月圆的快乐,祝愿的心此刻最独特,生活的琐碎统统的告别,拥抱祝福的温馨与欢乐,祝愿你元宵快乐,无所不能,无所不得。
  • 17、元宵节,许个愿,愿你事事都能圆,生活圆,事业圆,爱情梦想都能圆,最好每天赚美元,天天开心和幸福最有缘,祝你元宵节快乐。
  • 18、踩一踩高跷,踩掉所有的霉运;品一品汤圆,品出快乐的味道;猜一猜灯谜,解开幸福的密码;舞一舞龙灯,舞出马年的精神。元宵节到了,快乐不断。
  • 19、Your eyes are very round, because god, your face is round, because blessed, your Lantern Festival lantern is round, because the family reunion, happy Lantern Festival。
  • 20、挂起点亮希望的灯笼,在今晚为你照亮前方的路途;舞起飞腾梦想的龙灯,在今晚为你送出成功的祝福。元宵佳节,愿你事业一帆风顺,生活美满幸福。
  • 21、点亮十五盏七彩莲灯,照亮远方的心湖;许下365个心愿,祈福美丽的晨曦;心镜如水,爱在佳节中。即使你远在他乡,祝福依然伴随你左右,元宵快乐!

  • 22、Lantern Festival gives you a gift, very happy very sweet, very romantic very sweet, very happy very well! And very moonlight very aura, against you absolutely beautiful。
  • 23、Bright hope that the starting point of red lanterns, illuminate the road ahead for you tonight; Dragon lantern dance fit dreams, success in tonight for you to send a blessing。 The Lantern Festival, wish you career, joy and happiness in life。
  • 24、国足速滑胜相连,举国欢庆舞翩跹;家家户户闹元宵,十五月儿今最圆!今年的元宵月是五十三年来最大最圆的,请接受我浓情满满的祝福,元宵快乐!
  • 25、Lower-income, SMS also。 My hair, think you! You accept it, read my body? I think you have you, for you are my friends also。 So send this letter, tell you hungry will eat, sleepy will rest, cold will wear, do not forget! Yuanxiao will happy!
  • Willow shore fireworks and lanterns brilliant wu lane。 And go and and viewing, sharing peace good times。 HeiWa lane long white wall, partition the plum blossom is fragrance。 Compote snack to eat dumplings, wine tasting held flower fragrance。 Yuanxiao is h
  • 26、Willow shore fireworks and lanterns brilliant wu lane。 And go and and viewing, sharing peace good times。 HeiWa lane long white wall, partition the plum blossom is fragrance。 Compote snack to eat dumplings, wine tasting held flower fragrance。 Yuanxiao is h
  • 27、你的眼睛很圆,因为有神,你的脸蛋很圆,因为有福,你的元宵节元宵很圆,因为家人一起团团圆圆,元宵节快乐。
  • 28、Yuanxiao son yuanyuan son, sweet heart。 Add a curved to draw a circle。 Add two dots to send you a smile。 The heart sour too slowly again。 If still vexed vexed again eat jin dumplings!
  • 29、On a walking on stilts, stepping away all the bad luck; Taste dumplings, goods out of the taste of happiness; Guess riddles, unlock password of happiness; A WuLongDeng dance, dance in stead of spirit。 The Lantern Festival is coming, happy。
  • 30、元宵节为你扎个幸福花灯:以勤奋为骨架,以交际为灯皮,以信念为灯芯,以热情做火焰,让理想的光芒照亮前进的未来,新年里:祝你好梦成真,理想实现!