
  • 1、Shenglaobingsi, everything is a natural phenomenon
  • 2、尽人事!听天命!万事终究有始有终!随缘。
  • 3、We are not good sad, life is always to deal with death, as long as we live, or by his sorrow is the spirit of the deceased, can not solve the problem I think it's all right! Restrain one's grief and accord with inevitable changes!
  • 4、生者奋然,死者安息。
  • 5、望门投止思张俭,忍死须臾待杜根。我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。
  • This is the moment of my life I feel sorry for your mother's departure As a friend, I wish your mother a life and happiness in the kingdom of heaven

    6、This is the moment of my life I feel sorry for your mother's departure As a friend, I wish your mother a life and happiness in the kingdom of heaven

  • 7、不好让他们挂念就好了,你也不好悲哀,毕竟人死不能复生,加油吧!
  • 8、沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。
  • 9、人死不能复生,生者的坚强是对死者最好的安慰。咱们已经长大,亲人不可能陪伴咱们生命,咱们终究要应对这一天,发生这样的事我也很难过,期望你坚强起来。
  • 10、其实说什么话都不如以实际行动证明好,他们家料理后事什么的,需要帮忙的地方你尽量去帮就可以了,平时多去看看他们,聊聊天啥的。
  • 11、Don't let them miss it, you are not so sad, after all, the dead can not be resurrected, come on!
  • 12、And it should be ah, everyone will die, so don't be too sad, he / she does not want to see you like this
  • 13、Do one's best! Listen to the fate! After all, everything "! Revel
  • 14、Don't let them miss it, you are not so sad, after all, the dead can not be resurrected, come on!
  • 15、The rest of the living hard
  • 16、人生都要经历这一刻,我为你母亲的离去感到悲痛,作为朋友我祝福你的母亲在天国得到永生和幸福。

  • 17、亲的亲人了,相信我,我一定负起责任让你幸福的,一定让你感受到家的温暖。
  • 18、Relatives will look at you in the sky Accompany you Loved ones will always be by your side You just can't see him
  • 19、Dear, you may regret because of the past, will be sad because of the loss, but please learn to be strong in the most sad
  • 20、亲人失去痛离别,苦为人之湿短袖。不知何时再相见,天上人间月满花。
  • 21、人言落日是天涯,望极天涯不见家。已恨碧山相阻隔,碧山还被暮云遮。
  • 22、不好让他们挂念就好了,你也不好悲哀,毕竟人死不能复生,加油吧!
  • 23、The world has no feast Grandpa left him, but grandpa left a lot of things, always live in his heart
  • 24、生老病死是自然规律,去世是她最终的规宿,不必太悲哀。
  • 25、亲爱的,可能你会因为过去而悔恨,会因为失去而悲伤,但请在最悲伤的时候学会坚强。
  • 遇到这样的情况一般不要急着跟他讲话,时间是最好的疗伤药,也只有时间让你的同事慢慢淡忘了,在以后的日子里你就多份心去关心你的同事吧!


  • 27、Human life, illness and death, is a natural planning, young big, one day will leave us, maybe your grandfather loves you, so you will be very sad, but the more you Grandpa don't expect you so sad, cheer up
  • 28、生老病死,一切都是自然现象。
  • 29、我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。
  • 30、He's gone, but he doesn't want us to live He must have hoped that we should live as well as we should, after we have expressed our modest sorrow He will bless us in another world
  • 31、Shenglaobingsi, everything is a natural phenomenon; All men are mortal, as long as they live in my heart
  • 32、当现实不能改变,我们只能学会坚强,花开花落,世间万物都有始有终,属于自然规律,请不要伤心,生活还要继续。
  • 33、我明白你此刻的情绪,但是老人已经走了,逝者不能重生!以后这个世界上我就是你最亲的亲人了,坚信我----我必须负起职责让你愉悦的,必须让你感受到家的温暖。
  • 34、人的生命,生老病死,都是有自然规划的,人年轻大了,总有一天会离开咱们,也许你爷爷很爱你,因此你才会很悲哀,但是更加你爷爷不期望你这么悲哀,振作起来吧。
  • 35、Don't be too sad He can look at us We are happy, he can feel at ease, this is his old man's greatest desire, is not it?
  • 36、节哀顺便,不要太难过了。照顾好身体。

  • 37、人生都要经历这一刻,我为你母亲的离去感到悲痛,作为朋友我祝福你的母亲在天国得到永生和幸福。
  • 38、天下无不散之筵席。爷爷虽然离开他了,但是爷爷留下了许多东西,永远活在他的心中。
  • 39、I understand your mood at the moment, but the old man had gone, the dead can not be reborn! In the future, I will be your closest relative, and believe me, I must take responsibility to make you happy, must let you feel the warmth of home
  • 40、故园东望路漫漫,双袖龙钟泪不干。马上相逢无纸笔,凭君传语报平安。
  • 41、亲人会在天上注视着你。陪伴着你。亲人一向都会在你身边。只是你看不到他了。
  • 42、Lost relatives parting, suffering people of wet sleeve I do not know when to meet again, immeasurably vast difference moon flower
  • 43、I mourn the sad news
  • 44、阴月南飞雁,传闻至此回。我行殊未已,何日复归来。江静潮初落,林昏瘴不开。明朝望乡处,应见陇头梅。
  • 45、逝者安息,生者奋发。
  • 生老病死本来就是应该的啊,所有人都会经历死亡,所以不要太伤心的,他/她也不希望看到你这样的。


  • 47、Dear, no matter how, when you are tired, when you are lonely, I will accompany you in the side
  • 48、I'm sorry for your loss, don't be too sad Take care of your body
  • 49、你的亲人去世了,不好太悲哀难过,在天国,他不会喜欢你这样消沉的,打起精神,发奋吧,为了你的亲人。
  • 50、Life is the natural law, death is her final random places, don't be too sad
  • 51、故园眇何处?归思方悠哉。淮南秋雨夜,高斋闻雁来。
  • 52、汝奋臂出其间,岁寒虫僵,同临其穴。今予殓汝葬汝,而当日之情形,憬然赴目。
  • 53、When reality cannot change, we can only learn to be strong, the flowers bloom, everything in the world ", belongs to the natural law, please don't be sad, but life goes on
  • 54、In fact, say what not to take practical action to prove that good, they take care of things what need help, where you try to help it, usually to see them and talk about
  • 55、The dead can not be resurrected, living strong is the best consolation for the dead We have grown up, our loved ones can not accompany our lives, we have to deal with this day, I am very sorry to have such a thing, I hope you strong
  • 56、村童看见我却不能相认,笑着问我这客人是从何处而来。

  • 57、The living dead Fen ran
  • 58、听到悲伤的消息,我深表哀悼。
  • 59、生老病死,一切都是自然现象;人生自古谁无死,只要常活我心中。
  • 60、Life is the most unusual thing, the dead can not be resurrected, living people should live, or the elderly will not rest
  • 61、亲爱的,不管如何,当你累了,当你孤单时,我都会陪在你的身边。
  • 62、Do one's best! Listen to the fate! After all, everything "! Revel
  • 63、The world has no feast Grandpa left him, but grandpa left a lot of things, always live in his heart
  • 64、尽人事!听天命!万事终究有始有终!随缘。
  • 65、Happiness is the living to the dead loved ones the best comfort to the expectations of the elderly, you must strive for self happy!
  • 人生芳秽有千载,世上荣枯无百年。


  • 67、不要太难过,他老人家可看着我们呢。我们幸福了,他才能安心,这是他老人家最大的愿望,不是吗?
  • 68、The death of your loved ones, not too sad sad, in heaven, he does not love you so depressed, spirits, hard, for your loved ones
  • 69、柳青青著地垂,花漫漫搅天飞。柳条折尺花飞尽,借问行人归不归?
  • 70、大家都不好悲哀了,人生总归是要应对一死的,只要咱们好好活着,他的在天之灵也好受些,悲哀是解决不了问题的。我想就应行吧!节哀顺变!
  • 71、生者幸福是对逝去亲人最好的安慰,为了老人家的期望你必须要发奋让自我快乐起来!
  • 72、生老病死是最寻常不过的事,人死不能复生,活着都人就应该好好活着,不然老人也不会安息。
  • 73、天下无不散之筵席。爷爷虽然离开他了,但是爷爷留下了许多东西,永远活在他的心中。
  • 74、雌鸟西去觅雏食,风雨飘摇未所惧,尔来雏鸟既长成,便应展翅冲天驰!
  • 75、去的已经去了,但他一定不希望我们活着的人过得痛苦。他一定希望我们在表达了适度的悲哀之后,应该照样会好好地活着。他会在另一个世界为我们祝福的。
  • 76、闻道欲来相问讯,西楼望月几回圆。

  • 77、妹魂在天,浩宇苍苍;妹魂在地,烟海茫茫。见不可及,思不可望。
  • 78、This is the moment of my life I feel sorry for your mother's departure As a friend, I wish your mother a life and happiness in the kingdom of heaven
  • 79、Encountered such a situation generally don't talk to him, time is the best healer, only time let your colleagues slowly forgotten, in the days after you have a lot of heart to care for your colleagues!
  • 80、Dear relatives, believe me, I must take the responsibility to make you happy, make you feel the warmth of home