
  • 1、When youre wondering why he blows hot and cold to you, because he go through fire and water for another people、
  • 2、不能怪别人三言两语就改变了自己在他人心中的形象,谁叫你本来就不重要。
  • 3、不要太相信在一起,顺其自然是最好的力量,总会有那么一些人赶也赶不走。
  • 4、Only wait for things, people will know miss; Always in our most dont understand, miss most things really、
  • 5、但凡能说透的东西,基本也就是释怀了,要知道,心结,是说不清楚的,甚至说不出口。
  • May have individual does not love me because of my soft body, but my cold hands, the heart of the holes and the eyes of despair、
  • 6、May have individual does not love me because of my soft body, but my cold hands, the heart of the holes and the eyes of despair、
  • 7、看着你大雾迷茫的眼,有种恍如你眼前的和我面前的不是同一个世界的感觉?
  • 8、上帝只是眨了眨眼睛,我们的故事就开始了。又结束了。他把我们都偷走了。

  • 9、God just blinked, our story begins、 And come to an end、 He stole all of us、
  • 10、Many things we think of a lifetime will not forget, as we never forget the day, forgotten by us、
  • 11、Once you have the feeling to someone, those feelings will always leave a heart, you may not like them, but you always care about、
  • 12、当你奇怪他为什么对你忽冷忽热的时候,因为他在为另一个人赴汤蹈火。
  • 13、感情久了、就不是爱了、而是依赖。然后当失去时、那并不是痛、而是不舍。
  • 14、Your selected creature, if can become lifelong partner, like from the bottom of the sea, get a treasure、
  • 15、因为我爱你所以我拒绝了所有的人,我不希望到最后你会让我遍体鳞伤。
  • 16、Dont believe in together, let nature take its course is the best power, there will always be some people dont cast out、
  • 17、一切和谐与平衡,健康与健美,成功与幸福,都是由充满乐观希望的向上心理造成的。
  • 18、Memory is like a taut strings, trying to recall the past, one not careful, and then back to reality、

  • 19、Because I love you so I refused all the people, I dont want in the end would you let I was black and blue all over、
  • 20、Suddenly found that now season begins to grow and people, so thoroughly、 Call people by surprise、
  • 21、The past is like a paper clip, fixed the youth page, and then turned into a book will not be published、
  • The media made yuhua district, bloom on the surface of the lake in the summer, like a bunch of beautiful laughter、 Wish you smile, happy life!
  • 22、The media made yuhua district, bloom on the surface of the lake in the summer, like a bunch of beautiful laughter、 Wish you smile, happy life!
  • 23、What can be said, basic is missing, you know, knot, said is not clear, even couldnt say、
  • 24、Once upon a time, we have done in the world the most tender feelings, as a flower, low eyebrow, it were a cloud, to touch a drop of rain、
  • 25、情窦初开的雨花,盛开在夏季的湖面上,像一串美丽的笑声。愿你笑口常开,幸福安康!
  • 26、Now we even together, will become history a short memories and ethereal、
  • 27、爱是缘分,爱是感动,爱是习惯,爱是宽容,爱是牺牲,爱是体谅,爱是一辈子的承诺。
  • 28、一个不确定的明天,一个不知道的未来。突然好迷茫,但是要学会坚持。

  • 29、曾几何时,我们做了世上那最柔情的人,为一朵花低眉,为一朵云驻足,为一滴雨感动。
  • 30、一旦你对某人有了感觉,那些感觉会永留心底,你也许不会再喜欢他们,但你始终在意。
  • 31、很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。
  • 32、【抒情篇】
  • 33、爱情是什么?爱情就是无论分隔多远,无论相隔多久,你都是我最牵挂的人。
  • 34、世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是我隐身你在线,我在线却你隐身了。
  • 35、Love is the fate, love is touched, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifetime commitment、
  • 36、回忆就像一根紧绷的弦,极力追忆过去,稍一不留神,就又回到了现实。
  • 37、愿有个人不因我柔软的身体而爱我,而是我冰凉的手,千疮百孔的心,和绝望的眼睛。
  • 总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响,我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。


  • 39、突然发现现在的季节开始变得和人一样,走的那么彻底。叫人措手不及。
  • 40、过去就像回形针,把青春一页页的固定,然后变成了一本不被出版的书。
  • 41、自己的意中人儿,若能成终身的伴侣,犹如从大海底中,得到一件珍宝。
  • 42、火红的彩霞在雨后,真诚的友谊在别后,流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏。
  • 43、All the harmony and balance, health and fitness, success and happiness, is full of optimistic upward psychological cause of hope、
  • 44、不必刻意的陪伴,只需偶尔的相视一笑,如此自然,却又仿佛胜过千言万语。
  • 45、A mothers love is a lifetime I cannot read the book; A mothers love is a piece of me forever also could not fly in the sky、
  • 46、One day I will silently walk away from you, without any sound, I missed a lot, I always one sad、
  • 47、现在的我们即使在一起了,也只会成为历史长河中一段短暂而又飘渺的回忆。
  • 48、Leave, make things simple, people become good, like a child, we start again、

  • 49、Dont have to be the company of deliberately, just occasionally a smile at one another, so naturally, but seemed more than thousands of words、
  • 50、Look at the eyes of the fog of confusion, you kind of like your eyes and in front of me is not the same feeling in the world?
  • 51、Cant blame others in a few words will change the image of yourself in others heart, who call you would not have been important、
  • 52、母爱是一本我终生无法读完的巨著;母爱是一片我永远也飞不出的天空。
  • 53、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but I stealth you online, I online you stealth、
  • 只有等到物是人非之后,人才会懂得怀念;总是在我们最不懂的时候,错过最真的东西。
  • 54、只有等到物是人非之后,人才会懂得怀念;总是在我们最不懂的时候,错过最真的东西。
  • 55、只是你送我的礼物我都小心翼翼的保存到现在,那样的心意我怕再也遇不到。
  • 56、What is love? Love is no matter how far separated, no matter how long, you are my most care of people、
  • 57、Red the rosy clouds in the rain, the sincere friendship, after dont running water resistance by stone, friendship does not drain by far、
  • 58、Just you send me the gift I have carefully preserved to the present, that I am afraid cant meet、

  • 59、Feelings for a long time,, it is not love, but depend on、 Then when lose, that is not pain, but dont give up、
  • 60、离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。
  • 61、【文艺篇】
  • 62、【优秀篇】
  • 63、An uncertain tomorrow, a dont know the future、 Suddenly lost, but must learn to adhere to、