
  • 1、此刻我很挂念你,请为我小心照顾自己。
  • 2、The strangers are like jade, and the prince and son are unparalleled
  • 3、在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。
  • 4、I hope the breeze with the moon, I only hope you and I are inseparable
  • 5、Some people leave for a while, others for a lifetime
  • 我寻了半生的春天,你一笑便是了。
  • 6、我寻了半生的春天,你一笑便是了。
  • 7、It's not enough to be safe all the year round I want to have you all the year round
  • 8、The first impression of you is unforgettable for a long time
  • 9、谁许你一世繁华,谁陪你共度年华。
  • 10、遇到你,我才找到我自己。

  • 11、Some people, once they meet, will see for thousands of years
  • 12、I only wish that your heart resembles my heart, and you will never lose your lovesickness
  • 13、If you are the devil, you are mine
  • 14、不要走,请逗留,不要再让我心痛。
  • 15、我的身边并不拥挤,你来了就是唯一。
  • 16、What suddenly comes to mind, just keep it in mind
  • 17、岁月为笔,相思入墨,字里行间全是你。
  • 18、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思。
  • 19、谁执我手,陪我痴狂千生。
  • 我愿用万次轮回,换你我一世地久天长。


  • 21、When spring comes, beauty grows old and flowers fall and people die
  • 22、Who promises you a prosperous life, who accompanies you to spend time together
  • 23、这世道太乱,你不妨跟了我。
  • 24、岁岁平安可不够,我要岁岁有你。
  • 25、Love or not, it was not my has the final say
  • 26、I found myself only when I met you
  • 27、哪有什么突然想起,只是一直放在心里。
  • 28、It's a messy world You might as well follow me
  • 29、Don't go, please stay, don't make my heart ache any more
  • 30、爱或不爱,原来不是我说了算。

  • 31、You treat me with the world, and I return you with prosperity
  • 32、The moon on the sea floor is the moon on the sky, and the people in front of us are sweethearts
  • 33、陌上人如玉,公子世无双。
  • You are the tenderness that I can't finish writing in a dream
  • 34、You are the tenderness that I can't finish writing in a dream
  • 35、有的人离开一阵子,有的人离开一辈子。
  • 36、没什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。
  • 37、My side is not crowded, you are the only one
  • 38、I've been looking for spring for half my life You just laugh
  • 39、一朝春去红颜老,花落人亡两不知。
  • 40、Who holds my hand, accompanies me crazy for thousands of lives

  • 41、对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。
  • 42、Unless loess and white bone, I will keep you safe for a hundred years
  • 43、一见你的笑,我的世界顿时亮了起来。
  • 44、In the eyes of a lover, a thousand miles'journey is only one mile
  • 45、君以天下待我,我以盛世还君。
  • 46、At the sight of your laughter, my world suddenly lit up
  • 47、你是我黄粱一梦写不完的温柔。
  • Nothing special, just want to hear your voice
  • 48、Nothing special, just want to hear your voice
  • 49、If you meet a rainbow, you know it
  • 50、I would like to use ten thousand reincarnations to replace you and me for a long time

  • 51、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年。
  • 52、Now I miss you very much Please take care of yourself for me
  • 53、海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。
  • 54、Years are the pen, Acacia into ink, between the lines are all you
  • 55、斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。
  • 56、汝若是魔鬼,且为吾所有。
  • 57、但愿清风伴明月,只盼你我两不离。
  • 58、除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。