
  • 1、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。
  • 2、A good man runs to the end
  • 3、When a person knows what he wants, the whole world will make way for it
  • 4、The important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it
  • 5、A bull's eye sees a man's height, but a dog's eye is low
  • Don't try to be sad when you are unhappy, think about the days with laughter
  • 6、Don't try to be sad when you are unhappy, think about the days with laughter
  • 7、打铁的要自己把钳,种地的要自己下田。

  • 8、走路怕暴雨,说话怕输理。
  • 9、好茶不怕细品,好事不怕细论。
  • 10、Heaven does not give birth to men without land
  • 11、天下无难事,只怕有心人。
  • 12、发回水,积层泥;经一事,长一智。
  • 13、The mountain has its own passenger road and the water has its own ferry
  • 14、Rather than help people, do not let the population sink
  • 15、没有什么比顺其自然更有超凡的力量。没有什么比顺乎本性更具有迷人的魔力。
  • 16、It is better to hear than to speak
  • 17、Man practices in the world, and knives grind on stones

  • 18、Dogs bite and wear
  • 19、跟别人比,会使得自己永远都不快乐。跟自己比,看到自己每天都在进步,你会很快乐。
  • 20、If the fear of ups in front of the rock, life can only ever be a backwater
  • 21、Reading, for example, eating, chewing gently, it will taste long, chew big mouth, do not know the taste
  • 22、论旁人斤斤计较,说自己花好稻好。
  • 23、生活若剥去理想梦想幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。
  • 24、要想拥有成功,就需要赋予人生足够的速度。这是成功者的姿态,也是胜利者的姿态。
  • 25、吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短。
  • 26、生活本没有导演,但我们每个人都像演员一样,为了合乎剧情而认真地表演着。
  • 27、Things to think twice, but more importantly than think twice before

  • 28、老姜辣味大,老人经验多。
  • 29、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。
  • 30、On other people's meticulous, said that he spent good rice
  • 31、坐吃山空,立吃地陷。
  • 32、He chopped wood and chopped his head and asked the old man
  • 33、宁可无钱,不可无耻。
  • 34、冷,冷在风里,穷,穷在租里。
  • 35、Mountains will fall, waters will flow, and you will never fall by yourself
  • 36、只给君子看门,不给小人当家。
  • 37、Interlacing is like mountain crossing

  • 38、When you are proud, you are indifferent; when you are disappointed, you are calm
  • 39、It's better to clench your fist when you are sad and sad
  • 40、与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。
  • 41、有理说实话,没理说蛮话。
  • 42、文官三只手,武官四条腿。
  • 43、Strong confidence, can overcome the demons, produce invincible courage
  • 44、业精于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随。
  • 吃要吃有味的,说要说有理的。
  • 45、吃要吃有味的,说要说有理的。
  • 46、宁伸扶人手,莫开陷人口。
  • 47、有志不在年高,有理不在会说。

  • 48、Don't climb the mountain, do not know how high the sky is; not a deep river, I do not know of the thick
  • 49、门前出起青草墩,嫡亲娘舅当外人。
  • 50、走不完的路,知不完的理。
  • 51、Who said goodbye with no regrets, hanyue Qing Xiao Qi Meng Hui, know are in love long in the past, no clouds were flying
  • 52、Villagers bear grudges, gentlemen have long aspirations
  • 53、According to their own will to do, don't listen to those groundless talk, you will be successful
  • 54、人要心强,树要皮硬。
  • 55、Strike iron with your own forceps, and plant land with your own fields
  • 56、It's fair to tell the truth
  • 57、Again vexed, also do not forget to smile; again anxious, also should pay attention to the tone; again bitter, also do not forget to insist; again tired, also want to love yourself

  • 58、山高自有客行路,水深自有摆渡人。
  • 59、Old ginger tastes spicy, and the old man has many experience
  • 60、Where there is a will, there is no reason
  • 61、Each setback or adverse mutation is a seed with the same or greater
  • 62、不如意的时候不要尽往悲伤里钻,想想有笑声的日子吧。
  • 63、A greedy ghost is not full, a miser knows no wealth
  • 64、雄鹰不怕风,好汉不怕死。
  • 65、Do things according to the principles of heaven and speak well
  • 66、Industry is good at diligence, playfulness, thinking and destruction
  • 67、天不生无碌之人,地不长无根之草。

  • 68、三百六十行,行行出状元。
  • 69、经受了火的洗礼泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。
  • 70、It is better to have no money than to be shameless
  • 71、Eat people's mouth soft, take people's hands short
  • 72、With their tears and regrets today, as with sweat hard today
  • 73、A strong heart needs a strong skin
  • 74、做事循天理,出言顺人心。
  • 75、真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。
  • 76、Life, the most valuable than time Life, the most brilliant than the cause Life, the most happy is not too hard
  • 77、Cold, cold in the wind, poor, poor in the rent

  • 78、We all have the animal side, as human beings, our responsibility is to become a trainer that person
  • 79、The eagle is not afraid of the wind, the hero is not afraid of death
  • 80、宁可无钱,不可无耻。
  • 81、Cats and mice sleep differently, and tiger deer do not go together
  • 82、民族精神不仅仅是大义凛然,视死如归;也不仅仅是金戈铁马,马革裹尸滴中。
  • 83、A generous husband; an iron hero
  • 世界上最残忍的不是野兽,不是刽子手,而是时间;因为时间不等人,时间不留情。
  • 84、世界上最残忍的不是野兽,不是刽子手,而是时间;因为时间不等人,时间不留情。
  • 85、It will not rain until next year
  • 86、人生,最宝贵的莫过于光阴。人生,最璀璨的莫过于事业。人生,最快乐的莫过于奋斗。
  • 87、贪婪鬼没个饱,吝啬鬼不知富。

  • 88、In front of the door, the grass mound is drawn up, and my uncle and brother-in-law are strangers
  • 89、Every day depends on the sun and the moon, and every man on his conscience
  • 90、Through the baptism of the fire will also have a strong body of mud
  • 91、别人只能给你指路,而不能帮你走路,自己的人生路,还需要自己走。
  • 92、The national spirit is not only the death; not only is fearless of death for a just cause, drop in a symbol of war in ancient China, died
  • 93、我们都有兽性的一面,作为人类,我们的责任是成为驯兽师那样的人。
  • 94、强者征服今天,懦夫哀叹昨天,懒汉坐等明天。
  • 95、凡事要三思,但比三思更重要的是三思而行。
  • 96、Better have no money than be shameless
  • 97、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。

  • 98、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。
  • 99、A civil servant has four legs
  • 100、We have nothing, the only capital is youth Dreams make me different, so that I can change the fate of the struggle!
  • 101、狗咬穿烂的,人舔穿好的。
  • 102、The world is not the most cruel beast, not the executioner, but time; because time waits for no time without mercy
  • 103、人在世上练,刀在石上磨。
  • 104、小人记仇,君子长志。
  • 105、If you want to be successful, you need to give life enough speed This is the success of the attitude, but also the winner of the gesture
  • 106、猫鼠不同眠,虎鹿不同行。
  • 107、No mill, no man

  • 108、好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。
  • 109、Walking is afraid of storms, and words are afraid of reason
  • 110、慷慨丈夫志;铁石豪杰心。
  • 111、Return water and accumulate mud
  • 112、谁言别后终无悔,寒月清宵绮梦回,深知身在情长在,前尘不共彩云飞。
  • 113、If stripped of the ideal life dreams, that life is only a pile of shell
  • 114、砍柴砍小头,问路问老头。
  • 115、当一个人知道自己想要什么时,整个世界将为之让路。
  • 116、Speaking is better than seeing, hearing is better than seeing
  • 117、Eat delicious food, say it's reasonable

  • 118、舌头是肉长的,事实是铁打的。
  • 119、有志不在年高,有理不在会说。
  • 120、There is nothing more extraordinary than the power of nature There is nothing more magical than the nature of nature
  • 121、Compared with others, will make you happy forever Compared with their own, to see their own progress every day, you will be very happy
  • 122、读书譬如饮食,从容咀嚼,其味必长;大嚼大咀,终不知味也。
  • The real value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play
  • 123、The real value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play
  • 124、To rejuvenate youth and youth, the wind and frost will remain unchanged
  • 125、天凭日月,人凭良心。
  • 126、益重青青志,风霜恒不渝。
  • 127、雨不会下一年,人不会穷一世。

  • 128、Good tea is not afraid of fine products, but good things are not afraid of details
  • 129、隔行如隔山,隔行不隔理。
  • 130、The conquest of today, coward lamented yesterday, idle waiting for tomorrow
  • 131、Only for gentlemen to guard the door, not to be a villain
  • 132、The tongue is flesh, and the truth is iron
  • 133、我们什么都没有,唯一的本钱就是青春。梦想让我与众不同,奋斗让我改变命运!
  • 134、The ambition is not in old age, the reason is not to say
  • 135、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
  • 136、悲伤忧愁,不如握紧拳头。
  • 137、If you give up, you will never lose your rotten wood

  • 138、不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也。
  • 139、Sit and eat, eat and sink
  • 140、Three hundred and sixty rows, row out the first prize
  • 141、We can not finish the road without knowing the truth
  • 142、There's a race for horses Laugh before you talk
  • 143、Others can only give you directions, and can not help you walk, your own way of life, but also need to go
  • 144、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。
  • 145、举手不打无娘子,开口不骂赔礼人。
  • 146、人生之要事在于确立伟大的目标与实现这目标的决心。
  • 147、口说不如身到,耳闻不如目睹。

  • 148、Raise your hand and do not fight
  • 149、按照自己的意志去做,不要听那些闲言碎语,你就一定会成功。
  • 150、Life is not a director, but every one of us is like an actor, acting in a way that is in order
  • 151、不磨不炼,不成好汉。
  • 152、再烦,也别忘微笑;再急,也要注意语气;再苦,也别忘坚持;再累,也要爱自己。
  • 153、得意时淡然,失意时泰然。
  • 154、拍马有个架,先笑后说话。
  • 155、口说不如身到,耳闻不如目睹。
  • 156、强大的信心,能克服来自内心的恶魔,产生无往不胜的勇气。