
  • 1、离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。
  • 2、You have to work hard, you want, you want to give yourself
  • 3、寄君一曲,不问曲终人散。
  • 4、你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。
  • 5、缤纷的七彩里,六月直率的性格火热的情怀豪迈的气魄,就更是纤毫毕现了。
  • 六月绝不止是单调的燥热。六月天,孩儿脸,说变就变。
  • 6、六月绝不止是单调的燥热。六月天,孩儿脸,说变就变。
  • 7、没有清醒的头脑,再快的脚步也会走歪;没有谨慎的步伐,再平的道路也会跌倒。
  • 8、The growth of each tree to accept the sun, but also inclusive of wind and rain
  • 9、我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。

  • 10、In June more than monotonous hot June day, baby face, change
  • 11、Without a clear mind, and then the pace will go fast; there is no cautious pace, and then the road will fall flat
  • 12、晨曦初照,而山像含羞的少女,若隐若现,日落西山,余光横照。
  • 13、你要努力,你想要的,要你自己给自己。
  • 14、山沟被雪填平了,和山背一样高,成了一片片平平的雪铺的大广场。
  • 15、如果人生是一段旅途,快乐与悲伤就是那两条长长的铁轨,在我身后紧紧跟随。
  • 16、Listen, breathe deeply, fireworks rain, pear month, send a wisp of wind Xianghun, away from the noise
  • 17、没有黑暗中的那盏光芒,我担心您像个小孩子一样怕黑怕迷路。
  • 18、Send a bumper grain harvest autumn, snow in winter is coming
  • 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。


  • 20、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。
  • 21、Happiness comes from a quiet heart
  • 22、成功的门往往虚掩着,只要你勇敢去推,它就会豁然洞开。
  • 23、As long as you also know that living in this world, I will be free
  • 24、幸福就像小偷,来的时候静悄悄,走的时候才知道损失惨重!
  • 25、In life, there are always some people, Enron, waiting quietly, never abandon
  • 26、Happiness is like a thief, when you come, you will know that when you leave, you will know that you have lost a great loss!
  • 27、Often unlatched the door of success, as long as you are brave to push, it will suddenly open
  • 28、I count your smiles every day, but you're so lonely when you're smiling
  • 29、送走了五谷丰登的秋天,雪花飞舞的冬天终于来临了。

  • 30、生命中,总有些人,安然而来,静静守候,不离不弃。
  • 31、每一棵大树的成长都要接受阳光,也包容风雨。
  • If life is a journey, happiness and sadness is the two long tracks, followed by me
  • 32、If life is a journey, happiness and sadness is the two long tracks, followed by me
  • 33、Send you a song, not end
  • 34、用心聆听,深深呼吸,烟花雨,梨花月,寄一缕风的香魂,远离喧嚣。
  • 35、A deep quiet and cold was terrible
  • 36、幽幽的深谷显的骇人的清静和阴冷。
  • 37、窒息的沉默,悲伤的是我,不是你。
  • 38、According to the early dawn, and the mountain is like a shy girl, Yu The sun sinks in the west, partly hidden and partly visible, according to wang
  • 39、Go away, make things simple, people become good, like a child, we start again

  • 40、Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon
  • 41、只要知道你还活在这个世上,我就可以了无牵挂。
  • 42、Face to the sun, you can not see the shadow
  • 43、把脸向着阳光,就看不到阴影。
  • 44、In June the colourful, forthright character fiery feelings and heroic spirit, is even more lucidity
  • The snow Valley is filled, and the mountain high, large square became a piece of flat snow shop
  • 45、The snow Valley is filled, and the mountain high, large square became a piece of flat snow shop
  • 46、No darkness in the light of light, I worry about you like a child was afraid of getting lost
  • 47、今世我为你沉沦、几度轮回后、我们再相爱好吗?
  • 48、幸福来自一颗踏实安静的心。
  • 49、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

  • 50、Your eyes, I would not be living in the sea
  • 51、Choking silence, sad is me, not you
  • 52、This life I sink for you, after a few degrees of reincarnation, we fall in love again good?