
  • 1、Life is full of regrets All we can do is to minimize them
  • 2、Only those who are brave in torrents can appreciate the spectacular scenery at the source of rivers and rivers
  • 3、人总在没认识爱时,错过爱人,在理解爱时,只能追忆。
  • 4、You are driving a ship, constantly pursuing the end of life, the roadside scenery so beautiful, but you turn a blind eye
  • 5、The living person has only a beating heart

  • 6、低头不是认输,而是要看清自己的路。仰头不是骄傲,是要看见自己的天空。
  • 7、Years, is a poem, a poem contains rich philosophy, time is one hump camels, carrying the dream of countless people
  • 8、In a flash, all the dreams were disillusioned, and the rest of the memories wet my eyes
  • 9、我们多久没联系,没有忘记,只有越来越深的想念,深知你以扎根在我心里。
  • 10、Loyal love fills my heart I can't estimate the wealth I enjoy
  • 11、她没有你漂亮没有你聪明没有你细心,可是她是我这辈子都不愿放开的人。
  • 12、To meet again later, so when we are mature enough, will never inexplicably separated
  • 13、Bowed their heads and not give up, but to see his own way Please not proud, is to see their own sky
  • 14、或许,不爱了,对自己也是一种解脱。
  • 15、Many days in advance to, that is "life"; But you can decide how to face, that is "luck"!

  • 16、From the moment of birth is such a won't turn back road Nearby is a visitor Complete only yourself
  • 17、我想人生中最难过的事情不是一直遇不见,而是遇见了,得到了,又被拿走。
  • 18、It is said that two people together for a long time, you will like the left hand and right hand, and even if no longer love will choose to be together
  • 19、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。
  • 20、In love, firmness is illusion, the oath is appropriate, life is changing, all before never have ending
  • 21、其实我一直都爱着你啊!你能给我个机会么?让我用一辈子的时间守护你。
  • 22、如果那是你们的爱、那它太沉重,我受不起。
  • 23、人群匆匆忙忙,缘份停停留留,一生的知已能有几人,唯有珍惜友谊才会长久。
  • 24、我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。
  • 25、感情久了、就不是爱了、而是依赖。然后当失去时、那并不是痛、而是不舍。

  • 26、爱你时,你若晴天里的太阳,再明亮的星也黯然。不爱你的,你却成了明亮的星。
  • 27、一句我爱你,把我哄得好开心,好痛心。
  • 28、There are no ladies in the world, so there are many people who pretend to be ladies
  • 29、爱绝不是要找一双完全适合你的手,而是一双无论有多么的不合适,也愿意牵你的手。
  • 30、即使分道扬镳,我还是想奔赴那条能遇上你的路。
  • 31、其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我说。什么是陪伴,什么是心安,你就是答案。
  • 32、Around the dam Ge, LianNa bitter, if the day sentient days also old, clearly know that love is very painful, but still chose to let go
  • 33、When a girl ask you to listen to a song, will listen carefully for the lyrics content is she want to say to you
  • 34、Love is deep like the sea, I give you, the more my own, the more abundant, because both of them have no end
  • 35、How many people, because of lonely fall in love with a person, and how many people, because fall in love with a person, and lonely life

  • 36、Happiness is a feeling, not have how many, don't say who than happiness, because happiness is unable to compare
  • 37、A word of I love you makes me happy and sad
  • 38、每次劝别人的时候好像什么大道理都懂,等到了自己的时候还是一样会哭。
  • 39、Do a calm person, do a kind person, do a smile and happy heart
  • 40、Take the punishment of others, is the most foolish, because in addition to hurt yourself, there is no any effect
  • Since no escape, not joy Since there is no pure land as meditation Since no wish, relief
  • 41、Since no escape, not joy Since there is no pure land as meditation Since no wish, relief
  • 42、突然,我会怀疑太执着的爱你,是出自爱情还是不甘心。
  • 43、A meteor in the night sky to draw the line of silver, as in exploring the world the most beautiful and good future
  • 44、岁月,是一首诗,一首蕴含丰富哲理的诗,岁月是一峰骆驼,驮着无数人的梦想。
  • 45、世上本没有淑女,装的人多了,也就有了!

  • 46、高尚的目标用卑鄙的手段来实现,同样不是高尚的行为。
  • 47、当一个女孩叫你去听一首歌的时候,要认真听因为歌词内容都是她想对你说的话。
  • 48、和你一同笑过的人,有可能把他忘记,但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远忘不了。
  • 49、阳光很好的时候,我就会想到你。毕竟没有谁能像你一样,给我比太阳还温暖的直觉。
  • 50、A noble goal is achieved by mean means, and it is no noble act
  • 51、Now we even together, will become history a short memories and ethereal
  • 52、一直都觉得为一个人唱一首歌是件很深情的事。然而你脚步匆匆,我五音不全。
  • 53、幸福是一种感觉,而不是拥有多少,不要说谁比谁幸福,因为幸福是无法比较的。
  • 54、We've agreed to peace break up next intersection, why haven't we have already broken up to the crossroads
  • 55、在爱情里,坚贞是假相,誓言是应景,生活是改变,统统在永远之前就有了结局。

  • 56、Your selected creature, if can become lifelong partner, like from the bottom of the sea, get a treasure
  • 57、既然无处可逃,不如喜悦。既然没有净土,不如静心。既然没有如愿,不如释然。
  • 58、People always miss their lover when they don't know love When they understand love, they can only recall it
  • 59、世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是我隐身你在线,我在线却你隐身了。
  • 60、Perhaps, do not love, is also a kind of liberation for oneself
  • 61、我们说好要在下个路口和平分手,为什么还没有到路口我们就已经分手了。
  • 62、Two people together is happy, don't ask for too much; Two people meet is happiness, don't expect too much
  • 63、After listen to much sweet nothings that really don't really feel false, but there is some happy always
  • 64、你来的时候,风变成了四月的风,你走的时候,四月的风就成了化了的雪。
  • 65、我们总是回忆过去的美好,殊不知我们现在的日子,正是我们未来怀念的过去。

  • 66、God just blinked, our story begins And come to an end He stole all of us
  • 67、上帝只是眨了眨眼睛,我们的故事就开始了。又结束了。他把我们都偷走了。
  • 68、自己的意中人儿,若能成终身的伴侣,犹如从大海底中,得到一件珍宝。
  • 69、当我们年华老去,还能有人天天陪着一起闲扯,那将是一件多么幸福的事啊!
  • 70、乐观的生存,乐观的奋斗,只问耕耘,不问收获,这才是洒脱而坦荡的人生。
  • 71、回忆是那样的,这现实又是何等的残酷。望心只可寄情,怎样的守望终归是遥远的。
  • 72、回忆就像一根紧绷的弦,极力追忆过去,稍一不留神,就又回到了现实。
  • 73、She didn't you beautiful clever without you without you careful, but I don't want to let go in my life is she
  • 74、When we grow old, still can someone shoot the breeze with the everyday, it will be a how happy thing!
  • 75、幸福其实很简单,就是用心能感到用手能触到一个人真实的心跳,那就是幸福。

    The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but I stealth you online, I online you stealth
  • 76、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but I stealth you online, I online you stealth
  • 77、在一瞬间曾经所有的梦都幻灭,剩下回忆湿了我的眼。
  • 78、If that's your love, it's too heavy for me
  • 79、One day a letter to write down sincerely, hidden in, the last sentence of love, but can't send, the distance of your heart
  • 80、Do you want to dare to put after happiness all I bet on me, I would dare to clear the life to accompany you to the last won't let you lose
  • 81、有多少人,因为寂寞爱上一个人、又有多少人,因为爱上一个人,而寂寞一生。
  • 82、I always thought, I did not sorry to anyone, but now I know, I am sorry, is my own
  • 83、How long we have no contact, did not forget, only more and more deep miss, know you to take root in my heart
  • 84、Happiness is actually very simple, is the heart can feel with the hand can touch one true heart, that is happiness
  • 85、Love this stuff, only when the give and receive the same understanding, the same attention, is interested in

  • 86、我想换个舒服的睡眠姿势,换来换去却发现最舒服的姿势就是拥着你睡。
  • 87、其实我早有耳闻,你心里一直有一个人。
  • 88、爱情也像海一样深沉,我给你的越多,我自己就越丰富,因为两者都是没有穷尽的。
  • 89、你驾着航船,不断追寻着人生的终点,路边的风景那么美,你却视而不见。
  • 90、生活是一个具有多梯度、立体化的时空,我们不能用统一的天平去衡量所有人的价值。
  • 91、Suddenly found that some people will no longer let your heart made waves But some people are always appear in your mind
  • 92、听多了情话,以至于之后真心的不真心的都觉得虚假,但开心总还是有的。
  • 93、We always recall the past good, but we now days, we miss the past in the future
  • 94、Always feel to sing a song about a person is a very deep thing However you hurry, I'm tone-deaf
  • 95、When the sunlight is very good, I will be thinking of you After all, no one can like you, give me more than the sun warm intuition

  • 96、对的人晚一点再遇见吧,这样等我们都足够成熟了,就再也不会莫名其妙地分开了。
  • 97、Love is not to find a pair of completely suitable for your hand, but a pair of not appropriate, that no matter how they would be willing to hold your hand
  • 98、Memory is like that, the reality is cruel At heart can only be placed, what kind of watch is far away
  • 99、I love you, you ReQing day in the sun, again bright star also shade Do not love you, you became a bright star
  • 100、人生本就充满遗憾,我们所能做的只是把遗憾降到最低。
  • 101、激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景。
  • 102、Life is one who has a gradient, three-dimensional space and time, we can't use unified scales to measure the value of all people
  • 103、Actually, I've heard about it There's always someone in your heart
  • 104、In fact, I have been in love with you! Can you give me a chance? Let me use a lifetime to protect you
  • 105、Memory is like a taut strings, trying to recall the past, one not careful, and then back to reality

  • 106、If one day I miss you, please don't be shame, don't say I'm sorry, not every story is ending
  • 107、Optimistic, positive struggle, only ask, don't ask, don't harvest, this is free and easy and flat life
  • 108、Suddenly, I will doubt whether I am too persistent in loving you, whether it comes from love or not
  • 109、I'd like to try a comfortable sleeping posture, to switch to find the most comfortable position is held you sleep
  • 110、共你亲到无可亲密后,便知友谊万岁是尽头。
  • 很多事先天注定,那是命;但你可以可以决定怎么面对,那是运!
  • 111、很多事先天注定,那是命;但你可以可以决定怎么面对,那是运!
  • 112、两个人在一起就是幸福,不必要求太多;两个人见见面就是幸福,不必奢求太多。
  • 113、绕堤画舸,帘内苦,天若有情天亦老,明明知道失恋很痛,却还是选择了放手。
  • 114、用自己去惩罚别人,是最愚蠢的做法,因为除了伤害自己,再没有任何作用。
  • 115、The crowd in a hurry, the fate to stop stay, lifetime know already can have a few people, only treasure friendship would last

  • 116、突然发现,有些人不再会让你的心中泛起波澜。而有些人却时刻在你的思维中出现。
  • 117、做一个平静的人,做一个善良的人,做一个微笑挂在嘴边,快乐放在心上的人。
  • 118、一天一封写下的真心,隐藏在,最后一句的爱意,却寄不到,你心的距离。
  • 119、High mountain, on a small, on small, very clear and bright I think in the way, one day disappear, my heart quietly
  • 120、有一颗流星在夜空里划出银亮的线条,就像在探寻着世界里最美好的未来。
  • 121、I think the most sad thing in life is not always met, but met, get, and take away
  • 122、如果有天世界毁灭,我还是会一直在迩身边。
  • 123、Even if we split up, I still want to go to the road where I can meet you
  • 124、皓月像银盘一般高悬在万里无云的夜空里,带着一丝寒意的月光把秋江照得闪闪发光。
  • 125、现在的我们即使在一起了,也只会成为历史长河中一段短暂而又飘渺的回忆。

  • 126、山之高,月出小,月之小,何皎皎。我有所思在远道,一日不见兮,我心悄悄。
  • 127、你要敢把以后的幸福都搁我身上赌,我就敢豁了命陪你到最后不让你输。
  • 128、And you laughed together, are likely to forget him, but people cried with you, but you'll never forget
  • 129、In fact, I'm sorry, just pride won't let me said What is a company, what is reassuring, you is the answer
  • 130、Each time you advise others as I understand, what is the truth by ourselves or will cry
  • 131、从一出生就是这样一条不会回头的路。身边的都是过客。完整的只有自己。
  • 132、When you come, the wind into the wind, in April when you walk, the wind became of snow in April
  • 133、活着的人,只是有一颗会跳的心脏而已。
  • 134、如果有一天你我擦肩而过了,请别可惜,别说对不起,不是每个故事都会有结局。
  • 135、If one day the world will be destroyed, I will always be around you

  • 136、Feelings for a long time,, it is not love, but depend on Then when lose, that is not pain, but don't give up
  • 137、Bright moon like a silver plate hung in a cloudless sky, with a chill autumn Jiang Zhao to moonlight shine
  • 138、爱这个东西,只有当给的人和接受的人同样理解,同样重视的时候,才算得上有意。
  • 139、When you have no intimacy, you know that long live friendship is the end
  • 140、据说两个人在一起久了,就会象左手和右手,即使不再相爱也会选择相守。