
  • 1、别拿自己的生活和别人的相比,你并不知道别人究竟经历过什么。
  • 2、Miss can't help itself,sorrow can't take care of itself,happiness can't help itself、
  • 3、Don't compare your life with others、 You don't know what others have experienced、
  • 4、Not all love can blossom and bear fruit、 Forgive me for not understanding it until now、
  • 5、不要把我的关心当成理所当然。不管我有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。
  • I really want to give you a home、 Every evening,cats and I will wait for you to come home、 Unfortunately,I don't have cats,nor you、
  • 6、I really want to give you a home、 Every evening,cats and I will wait for you to come home、 Unfortunately,I don't have cats,nor you、
  • 7、Don't take my concerns for granted、 No matter how much I love you,there will be a tired day in the end、

  • 8、思念不能自已,哀痛不能自理,幸福不能自予。
  • 9、我好想给你一个家,每天傍晚我和猫都会等你回家,可惜我没有猫,也没有你。
  • 10、并非所有的爱恋都能开花结果,原谅我现在才懂。