
  • 1、有两句话一直很想对你说,今天终于提起勇气:第一句,我爱你,我好喜欢你;第二句,千万不要把第一句当真哦!哈哈,记得开心呀!
  • 2、Last night I dreamed you and take you home, we went to a beautiful buildings, to you say, run into, I looked at your figure, also saw the words a mental hospital!
  • 3、As the saying goes, all that glitters is not gold, the water cannot be measured, although some people looks ugly, but a good heart, although small, but lofty。 Everybody praised said - you are such a person!

  • 4、愚人节到,为您支招:自己被愚,尽管欢喜;观人被愚,笑而不语;若想更喜,把朋友愚。多愚多喜,快来参与。
  • 5、Without a revelation: a deadly, glassy-eyed; IQ is low, cause lost; Staring at the phone, watching the revelation; See the revelation, quickly disappear!
  • 这两天真的太冷了,你一定要照顾好自己啊,千万别冻着啦俗话说:人冻腿,猪冻嘴。我已经把毛裤穿上了,你也赶紧买个口罩吧。
  • 6、这两天真的太冷了,你一定要照顾好自己啊,千万别冻着啦俗话说:人冻腿,猪冻嘴。我已经把毛裤穿上了,你也赶紧买个口罩吧。
  • 7、爱你一万年,夸张;爱你五千年,无望;爱你一千年,荒唐;爱你一百年,太长;接连爱你70年,只要我身体健康,这是我的强项!愚人节快乐!
  • 8、Two words have been very want to say to you, today finally courage: the first sentence, I love you, I love you; The second sentence, don't take the first sentence seriously! Ha ha, remember to happy!
  • 9、俗话说人不可貌相,海水不可斗量,有些人虽然外表丑陋,却拥有美好的心灵,虽然身材矮小,却理想远大。大家都夸奖说你就是这样的人!
  • 10、Her boyfriend said to his girlfriend, I will always love you。 Girlfriend puzzled asked her boyfriend: what is forever? Her boyfriend replied: "is dead and still love you forever。" Ha ha, happy April fool's day。
  • 11、The two innocent is too cold, you must take good care of yourself ah, don't frozen, as the saying goes: people frozen leg, the pig frozen mouth。 I have already put pants on, you also get to buy a mask。
  • 12、Love you ten thousand, exaggerated; Love you five thousand years, hopeless; Love you one thousand years, absurd; Love you one hundred years, is too long; Love yousuccessively in as long as my body health, this is my strengths! Happy April fool's day!
  • 13、The thief stole a second time to shop when caught by the police。 The police asked: "don't you know to be caught?" The thief said: "I know it says" welcome to come again。 '"

  • 14、男友对女友说:我会永远爱你的。女友疑惑的问男友:什么是永远?男友回答:永远就是死了还接着爱你。哈哈,愚人节快乐。
  • 15、小偷第二次来商店偷东西时被**抓住了。**问:你难道不知道要被抓住吗?小偷说:我知道上面写着欢迎再来’。
  • 昨晚我梦见你,还送你回家,我们走到一栋漂亮的建筑物,你说到了,跑进去,我望着你的身影,还看见上面写着精神病院!
  • 16、昨晚我梦见你,还送你回家,我们走到一栋漂亮的建筑物,你说到了,跑进去,我望着你的身影,还看见上面写着精神病院!
  • 17、寻人启示:肥头大耳,目光呆滞;智商低下,无故走失;盯着手机,在看启示;看了启示,赶快消失!
  • 18、April fool's day, for your action: he was a fool, although joy; Man is a fool, smiling without a word; For more joy, the friends fool。 How foolish pleased, fast to participate。