
  • 1、I love you, but I can not say, I am afraid that I will die, I am not afraid of death, I am afraid I died no one like me love you
  • 2、旧情复燃的结果只有一个,就是重蹈覆辙。
  • 3、温馨提示,请顾好吃自己碗里的饭,别打人家碗里的主意。
  • 4、You want your happiness, you choose your choice, I just accompany you crazy a brief Carnival of the passing
  • 5、有那么一瞬间,我还是愿意相信你是喜欢我的。
  • As long as my parents are still alive, the brothers do not come loose, love does not go, the other can go to hell
  • 6、As long as my parents are still alive, the brothers do not come loose, love does not go, the other can go to hell
  • 7、Can a person that can see through me to be brave, to protect my fragile

  • 8、Warm tips, please attend to their own bowl of rice, do not hit people's minds
  • 9、Because love will not easily sad, so everything is the appearance of happiness
  • 10、Sometimes, when you don't want to do it, you can get what you want
  • 11、Watching you leave the back, I had no choice but to silence, I can only choose silence
  • 12、不要那么相信自己的回忆,里面那个人,不一定同样想念你。
  • 13、I just want to say to you I have a love your heart, this is enough
  • 14、我暗恋的人昨天换了发型,我顿时觉得我变心了。
  • 15、因为爱情不会轻易悲伤,所以一切都是幸福的模样。
  • 16、I crush yesterday for the hair, I suddenly feel that I change
  • 17、一个简单的情字,葬送了多少人的青春年华。

  • 18、宁愿做过了后悔,也不要错过了后悔。
  • I want to have a day when you're cooking, I'm making trouble
  • 19、I want to have a day when you're cooking, I'm making trouble
  • 20、Not every girl can like Fantini's breakfast in Hepburn, experienced so much deception exaggerated, back, still have a person who loved her in her
  • 21、Don't believe in your memory, that person, not necessarily the same miss you
  • 22、被爱是奢侈的幸福,可惜你从来不在乎。
  • 23、再也不跟异性玩了,搞不好在别人嘴里成了打情骂俏。
  • 24、有些人很久不联系,却可能比天天都见面的某些人更亲近。
  • 25、Would rather do regret, also don't miss regret
  • 26、A simple love, ruined many youth
  • 27、不要分开就说对对错错,不要死皮脸皮情绪有多难过。

  • 28、Some people do not contact for a long time, it may be more close to some of the people who meet each day
  • 29、我不会挽留任何一个企图离开我的人。
  • 30、除了爱情之外,你自己必须拥有使你坚强站在大地上的东西。
  • 31、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。
  • I won't keep any one of the people who tried to leave me
  • 32、I won't keep any one of the people who tried to leave me
  • 33、只要我的父母健在,兄弟不散,爱人不走,其他都可以去他妈的。
  • 34、Being loved is a luxury, but you never care
  • 35、Take the courage to face, afraid of losing, do not bet, afraid of being thrown on the other not to fall in love
  • 36、Don't play with the opposite sex, not in others mouth was in love
  • 37、Jealous because of love, anger is because I care about, in a daze because miss, sad is because they don't want to lose

  • 38、我想有一天,你在做饭,我在捣乱。
  • 39、吃醋是因为喜欢,生气是因为在乎,发呆是因为想念,伤心是因为不想失去。
  • 40、Love only one result, that is
  • 41、For a moment, I still want to believe you like me
  • 42、Now I, even if you stand by my side, also feel my existence
  • 43、拿出勇气来面对,怕输就别下注,怕被甩就别恋爱。
  • 44、我爱你,可是我不敢说,我怕说了我会死掉,我不怕死,我怕我死了再也没有人像我一样的爱你。
  • In addition to love, you have to have something that makes you stand on the ground
  • 45、In addition to love, you have to have something that makes you stand on the ground
  • 46、可不可以有一个人,可以看穿我的逞强,保护我的脆弱。
  • 47、Don't leave that for right and wrong, don't have much sad mood of dead skin

  • 48、看着你离去的背影,我只好沉默,我只能选择沉默。
  • 49、并不是每个女孩都可以像凡蒂尼的早餐里的赫本,经历那么多欺骗浮夸,回过头,依然有个爱她的人她。
  • 50、现在的我,就算你站在我身边,也感觉不到我的存在。
  • 51、我只是想对你说我有一颗爱你的心,这已足以。
  • 52、你要你的快乐,你选择你的选择,我只是个陪你疯了一场短暂狂欢的过客。