
  • 1、真正能让你倒下的,不是对手,而是你绝望的内心。
  • 2、失败却不一定是过错,只要不跌倒,就要坚韧而斗志不衰,永往直前,不要回头。
  • 3、藐视困难、坚持不懈努力、以充分发挥人的主观能动作用,这种精神无疑是我们干事业、干一切工作所需要的。
  • 4、永远到底有多远?没有人知道,因为当你知道时已经不再是永远。
  • 5、Beautiful blueprint, fall at the hand of idlers, but also is a sheet of paper
  • To make life meaningful, there should be rational, moral, not indulge in pleasure
  • 6、To make life meaningful, there should be rational, moral, not indulge in pleasure
  • 7、在生活中示曾做过任何傻事的人,决不象他自己想象得那么聪明。

  • 8、要想获得一种见解,首先就需要劳动,自己的劳动,自己的首创精神,自己的实践。
  • 9、Happiness to the person be comfortable, but give a person to death; Work to hone to the person, can give a person for a long time
  • 10、对己清正,弃私为公;对人公正,不偏为直;对内严格,勤于精业;对外平等,己任天下。
  • 11、The weak miss the boat, strong manufacturing time, no opportunity is one of the best the weak
  • 12、作品鼓舞要有攻关意识。一是攻创作关,二是攻群文关,三是攻评介关,四是攻管理关,五是攻人才关。
  • 13、Only a down-to-earth person, can only say: road, just under my feet
  • 14、Feel do and cannot do, in fact, only between a read
  • 15、Must engrave on mind; Every day is the happiest day in a year
  • 16、In order to get an insight, first you need to work, their work, their own initiative, his own practice
  • 17、Really can make you fell, not rivals, but your heart of despair

  • 18、Luck coming, often just because you see one eye, many thought for a moment, a step more
  • Defy difficulties, unremitting efforts, in order to give full play to man's subjective dynamic role, this spirit is a career, we needed to do all the work
  • 19、Defy difficulties, unremitting efforts, in order to give full play to man's subjective dynamic role, this spirit is a career, we needed to do all the work
  • 20、When a man use work to welcome the light, the light will soon come over him
  • 21、幸运之神的降临,往往只是因为你多看了一眼,多想了一下,多走了一步。
  • 22、还能冲动,表示你还对生活有**,总是冲动,表示你还不懂生活。
  • 23、Stay with yourself and abandon the private public; On fair, unbiased for straight; Internal strictly, and conscientiousness; External equality and responsibility
  • 24、Please cherish you encounter in your life and you have the answer to every question, because it represents the tree of life you a rings, represents the your growth
  • 25、Failure is not necessarily the fault, as long as you don't fall, will be tough and fight long, straight ahead, don't look back
  • 26、只有脚踏实地的人,才能够说:路,就在我的脚下。
  • 27、剩者为王的时代,能活下来的都成为行业的翘楚。

  • 28、安乐给人予舒适,却又给人予早逝;劳作给人予磨砺,却能给人予长久。
  • 29、For the climber, lose the past footprint is not a pity, lost to the direction of the front is very dangerous
  • 30、希望在探索中孕育,成功在拼搏中积聚。幸福在苦斗中成熟。
  • 31、Hope is gestated in exploring and successful accumulation in the struggle Happiness mature in the struggle
  • 人一生下就会哭,笑是后来才学会的。所以忧伤是一种低级的本能,而快乐是一种更高级的能力。
  • 32、人一生下就会哭,笑是后来才学会的。所以忧伤是一种低级的本能,而快乐是一种更高级的能力。
  • 33、坚信,只要认真地努力向前,肯定会有好结果,应当保持心情舒畅,满怀信心,大步向前。
  • 34、Also can impulse, said do you still have passion to life, always impulse, means you still don't understand life
  • 35、要铭记在心;每天都是一年中最美好的日子。
  • 36、觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。
  • 37、If happiness lies in the pleasure of the flesh, then say, cows find forage is happy when eating

  • 38、Left to the king's era, survive have become industry leaders
  • 39、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。
  • 40、Firmly believe that as long as effort forward, there must be a good result, should be kept in a buoyant mood, full of confidence, big step forward
  • 41、请珍惜你在生活中碰到的每一个问题和你所给出的答案,因为那代表着你生命之树的一个年轮,代表了你的成长。
  • 42、要使生活有意义,应当有理智、有道德,不能耽于享乐。
  • 43、人的才华就如海绵的水,没有外力的挤压,它是绝对流不出来的。流出来后,海绵才能吸收新的源泉。
  • 44、弱者坐失良机,强者制造时机,没有机会是弱者最好的托词。
  • Talent as sponge in the water, there is no external force of extrusion, it is an absolute flow not to come out After flowing, sponge can absorb new source
  • 45、Talent as sponge in the water, there is no external force of extrusion, it is an absolute flow not to come out After flowing, sponge can absorb new source
  • 46、How far is it forever? No one knows, because when you know that is no longer forever
  • 47、People life will cry, laugh is later to learn So sadness is a kind of low-level instinct, but happiness is a more advanced skills

  • 48、In life have done anything stupid, never as clever as he imagined
  • 49、对于攀登者来说,失掉往昔的足迹并不可惜,迷失了继续前时的方向却很危险。
  • 50、如果幸福在于**的快感,那么就应当说,牛找到草料吃的时候是幸福的。
  • 51、当一个人用工作去迎接光明,光明很快就会来照耀着他。
  • 52、Work to have a research consciousness One is writing off, the other is tapping group article, three is tapping statement, four is tapping management, five is attacking talent