
  • 1、回首2013多感想,股票低迷物价涨,汶川地震把心伤,神七飞天创梦想,再看鸟巢水立方,五星红旗迎风扬,中华大地齐歌唱,祝你元宵节快乐又吉祥。
  • 2、天边的繁星闪烁,眼前的华灯缤纷。快乐的谜底万千,心中的祝福斑斓。锅中的汤圆柔滑,碗中的甜汤醇厚。幸福的团圆不断,真诚的问候绵绵。元宵节快乐!
  • 3、The fifteenth day of the moon is round, the Lantern Festival to watch the moon。 Round dumplings made sweet as honey, and relatives together feeling。 View guess lantern riddles, joy all sorts of countless。 I wish you a happy holiday, her love happy happy b
  • 4、元芳,你妈妈喊你回家吃汤圆。你妈还让你别出门乱逛,奥特曼都回去团圆了,小心碰到怪兽抢你汤圆吃。嘿嘿。
  • 5、品尝着汤圆,按动着键盘,发送着祝福。彼此拉着手,拿着灯笼,逛着花街,看着满天,璀灿烟火,激动的心情蔓延,愿彼端的你元宵愉快!
  • 正月十五月儿圆,元宵佳节赏明月。圆圆的汤圆甜如蜜,亲朋相聚情意浓。观花灯猜灯谜,欢乐种种数不尽。愿你快快乐乐过佳节,幸幸福福美生活!


  • 7、十五的月亮圆圆又圆,愿你年画个优美的圆,以健康为圆心,以快乐为半径,平安是起点,幸福是终点,事事开心如圆梦想如圆元宵节快乐!
  • 8、元宵节送您一碗汤圆,将圆起一场事业的美梦,圆出温暖如春的爱情,圆得家人幸福的团聚,圆来新一年精彩的运程!亲爱的元宵快乐!
  • 9、元宵到,祝福我先到,送礼太俗套,发条短信凑热闹,快乐长期把你骚扰,好运永远把你套牢,大把大把赚钞票,闲来无事偷着笑,烦恼都溜了,生活很美妙!
  • 10、明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知世界末日,何时会出现。天中宫阙再展,人间风云突变,翻身奴隶把家还,与我共赏十五之月。问你呢,十五可否一见?
  • 11、汤圆好了祝福到,祝你元宵佳节妙,甜甜蜜蜜爱情好,幸幸福福家庭妙,顺顺利利事业好,开开心心万事妙,快快乐乐日子好,团团圆圆一年妙!
  • 12、Tangyuan full moon, I wish your family reunion! The official sources, wish your business be able! Popularity, good luck to you the geopolitical! Wish, wish your ideal day meant! I wish the Lantern Festival round like source margin!
  • 13、Yuan fang, your mother call you go home to eat dumplings。 Your mother also let you don't go around, the Ottoman back to reunion, careful met monster you eat dumplings。 Hey hey。
  • 14、Tangyuan good wishes to wish you the Lantern Festival, sweet love, her love happy happy family, the smooth career is good, open happy heart all the wonderful, happy day is good, reunion year better!
  • 15、Eating dumplings, press the keyboard, send a blessing。 Holding hands with each other, lanterns, shopping districts, looking at the sky, brilliant fireworks, the excited mood spread, may escape the yuanxiao, nice!
  • The sky stars shine, colorful lights。 Colorful happy mystery myriad, in the heart of blessing。 A pot of tangyuan smooth, mellow sweet soup in a bowl。 Happy reunion unceasingly, the sincere regards。 Happy Lantern Festival!

    16、The sky stars shine, colorful lights。 Colorful happy mystery myriad, in the heart of blessing。 A pot of tangyuan smooth, mellow sweet soup in a bowl。 Happy reunion unceasingly, the sincere regards。 Happy Lantern Festival!

  • 17、The Lantern Festival to send you a bowl of dumplings, dream of going to round up a career, round out the warm love, to family happy reunion, circle to the New Year good fortune! Dear yuanxiao is happy!
  • 18、元宵节勿忘吃元宵,吃一个好运常在,吃两个幸福永远,吃三个合家团圆,吃四个四季平安,吃五个哎呀别吃了,这东西可不好消化!元宵快乐哦!
  • 19、I want to catch a star on the moon, make a wish on your singing, and watching the lights of fish dragon dance, couldn't guess the puzzle you still silly xi xi, seemed to hang up red lanterns with you! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 20、Yuanxiao, bless me to first, gift giving is too tired, clockwork SMS, happy your harassment for a long time, good luck always takes you over, a lot to earn money, be free and at leisure to steal to smile, has slipped to worry, life is wonderful!
  • 21、Easiness is the fairy tale of love, the bell tick is the care of a friend, not deeply wishes dance dragon lantern dance, message was passed not over yuanxiao, Lantern Festival, give you the best wishes, wish you happy。
  • 22、 the moon is round and round, wish you New Year pictures a beautiful circle, centered on health, the radius is happiness, peace is the starting point, happiness is the end, everything is happy like the "circular" dream like "circle"
  • 23、汤圆月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆!官源财源,祝你事业左右逢源!人缘机缘,祝你好运缘缘不断!心愿情愿,祝你理想天随人愿!祝元宵节圆源缘愿!
  • 24、Lantern Festival don't forget to eat yuanxiao, eat a good luck in, eat two happiness forever, eat three family reunion, eat four seasons peace, five Oh don't eat, it can not digest! Yuanxiao happy oh!
  • 25、我想抓个星星坐在月亮上,许下一个愿望对着你歌唱,看着那灯火鱼龙舞,猜不出迷底的你依然傻兮兮,好像和你在一起把红灯笼挂起!祝你元宵佳节快乐!
  • 海天一色庆元宵,想念时刻静悄悄,祝福缓缓起浪涛,给你问候荡最高,且把关怀挂树梢,但求幸福为你俏,元宵到,衷心祝愿你节日快乐,前途看好。


  • 27、花前月下是爱情的童话,铃声滴答是朋友的牵挂,龙灯狂舞舞不尽深深的祝福,短信传来传不完元宵的开怀,元宵节,给你最美的祝愿,愿你快乐顺心。
  • 28、Sea day celebrate yuanxiao, miss moment was silent, blessing slowly up the waves, the highest greetings to you, and hang the care for the trees, but beg for you happiness qiao, yuanxiao, sincerely wish you a happy holiday, promising。
  • 29、When the moon has, wine ask blue sky。 I do not know the end of the world, when will appear。 Days in the imperial palace in the exhibition, rapidly changing world, emancipated slaves to the home also, and I totally 15 months。 Asked about you, 15 can you se
  • 30、Looking back more than 2013 impressions, low stock prices rise, the wenchuan earthquake hurt the heart, god seven flying dream, take a look at the bird's nest water cube, the five-star red flag fluttering, the earth's singing, I wish you a happy Lantern F