
  • 1、Friendship is rare in the world equal friendship is harder to find
  • 2、when you are young and cold, you know pines and cypresses, but when you are in trouble, you see friendship
  • 3、友谊不容草率断绝,再恢复也留症结。
  • 4、丈夫结交须结贫,贫者结交交始亲。
  • 5、疑心是友谊的毒药。

    Suspicion is the poison of friendship
  • 6、Suspicion is the poison of friendship
  • 7、No matter how difficult it is, don't ask for pity
  • 8、Husbands make friends with poor people, and poor people make first relatives
  • 9、a confidant is in the sea, and the horizon is near
  • 10、友谊是人生最大的快乐。
  • 11、Friendship is the wine of life
  • 12、The discord between friends is an opportunity for the enemy to attack
  • 13、He who deceives his friends must be deceived by others
  • 14、Happy today, don't forget later
  • 15、海内存知己,天涯若比临。

  • 16、莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。
  • 17、True friendship is a plant that grows slowly
  • 18、There is no agreement between the old and the young in life why do we have to be in harmony with each other first?
  • 19、怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。
  • 20、友谊能增进快乐,减少痛苦。
  • 21、a cowardly man will send his friend to the executioner
  • 22、妥协对任何友谊都不是坚固的基础。
  • 23、相识满天下,知心能几人。
  • 24、If a friend is blind, I look at him from the side
  • 25、Friendship is an infinite world, how broad it is

  • 26、人生交契无老少,论交何必先同调。
  • 27、真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。
  • It is my friend who speaks well of me behind my back
  • 28、It is my friend who speaks well of me behind my back
  • 29、真正的友谊从来不会平静无波。
  • 30、Friends are better than brothers
  • 31、Friendship should not be cut off rashly, and the crux of recovery remains
  • 32、酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。
  • 33、Friendship enhances happiness and reduces pain
  • 34、岁寒知松柏,患难见交情。
  • 35、友谊是个无限的天地,它多么宽广啊。

  • 36、欺骗朋友的人,必定为人所欺骗。
  • 37、相逢方一笑,相送还成泣。
  • 38、compromise is not a solid foundation for any friendship
  • 39、Know each other all over the world, know how many people
  • 40、You are advised to drink more wine, and there is no reason why the sun rises in the west
  • 41、when we meet, we laugh and weep
  • 42、近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
  • 43、如果朋友是盲人,我就从侧面看他。
  • 44、He who has no sincere friends is truly lonely
  • 45、Friendship is a harmonious equality

  • 46、True friendship is sincere and bold
  • 47、Never worry about the way ahead without knowing who is in the world who knows no gentleman
  • 48、朋友是亲密的永久伙伴。
  • 49、Friendship is a heart in two bodies
  • 所谓友谊,就是一颗心在两个身体里。
  • 50、所谓友谊,就是一颗心在两个身体里。
  • 51、Near zhu is red, near mo is black
  • 52、友情为人生之酒。
  • 53、Friendship and integrity are increasing, while friendship and evil are weakening day by day
  • 54、没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人。
  • 55、友谊是一种和谐的平等。

  • 56、今日乐相乐,别后莫相忘。
  • 57、友谊是培养人的感情的学校。
  • 58、要结识朋友,自己得先是个朋友。
  • 59、Brothers may not be friends, but friends are often like brothers
  • 60、要做真正的知己,就必须互相信任。
  • 61、The right way is the right person, the good evil way is the evil person
  • 62、桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。
  • 63、Friends are close and permanent partners
  • 64、不管怎样困难,不要求人怜悯。
  • 65、Friendship is a school to cultivate people's feelings

  • 66、Twelve thousand gold is easy to get, but one heart is the hardest to find
  • 67、财富不是朋友,而朋友是财富。
  • 68、虽有兄弟,不如友生。
  • 69、Friendship is the greatest joy of life
  • 70、性情爽朗的人,身边总是有三个朋友。
  • 71、朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。
  • To make friends, you have to be a friend first
  • 72、To make friends, you have to be a friend first
  • 73、人生交结在终始,莫以开沉中路分。
  • 74、世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。
  • 75、万两黄金容易得,一个知心最难寻。

  • 76、劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。
  • 77、wealth is not a friend, but a friend is wealth
  • 78、真正的友谊是诚挚的和大胆的。
  • 79、友正直者日益,友邪柔者日损。
  • 80、To be a true confidant, we must trust each other
  • 81、There are always three friends around a person with a cheerful disposition
  • 82、peach blossom pool is thousands of feet deep, not as good as wang Lun sent me love
  • 83、Disasters can prove the truth of friends
  • 84、Life knots at the beginning, so don't split up
  • 85、True friendship is never peaceful

  • 86、灾难能证明友人的真实。
  • 87、好正道则正人至,好邪道则邪人至。
  • 88、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。
  • 89、a thousand drinks are not enough for a confidant, but half a sentence is not speculative