2、Cobb: Never recreate places from your memory、 Always imagine new places!Because building a dream from your memory is the easiest way to lose your graspfrom what’s real and what is a dream、
12、Cobb: What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinalworm? An idea、 Resilient、、、 highly contagious、 Once an idea has taken hold ofthe brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate、 An idea that is fullyformedfully understoodthat st
13、Eames: You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling、
14、Cobb: Dreams feel real while we’re in them、 It’s only when we wake up that werealize something was actually strange、
17、Arthur: I say: don’t think about elephants、 What are you thinking about?
19、Cobb: A clean dive, perhaps、
21、Thin Man: No, they come here to be woken up、 Dream has become theirreality!
23、Ariadne: Why is it so important to dream?
25、Cobb: They say we only use a fraction of our brain’s true potential、 Now,that’s when we’re awake、 When we’re asleep, the mind can do almost anything、
26、Cobb: Because they think I killed her、 [Ariadne remains silence] Thankyou、
28、Yes、 In the dream state, your conscious defense is lowered that makes yourthoughts vulnerable to theft、
29、Ariadne: Who would wanna be stuck in a dream for ten years?
30、I know how to search your mind and find your secrets、
31、Ariadne: For what?
32、Ariadne: Why can’t you go home?
35、Mal: If I jump, would I survive?
36、Cobb: An idea is like a virus、 Resilient、 Highly contagious、 The smallestseed of an idea can grow、 It can grow to define or destroy you、 The smallestidea such as: Your world is not real、” Simple little thought that changeseverything、
39、Mal: Your world is not real!
40、Ariadne: Wait, whose subconscious are we going through exactly?
43、Saito: In my dream, you play by my rules、
47、Cobb: I’m just doing what you taught me、
48、Cobb: If you’re gonna perform inception you need imagination、
49、Professor: I never taught you to be a thief、
50、Eames: Do they come here to sleep?
53、Cobb: You’re waiting for a train、 A train that will take you far away、 Youknow where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t know for sure! Andit doesn’t matter、 Now, tell me why?
54、Arthur: Right, but it’s not your idea、 The subject’s mind can always tracethe genesis of the idea、 True inspiration is impossible to fake、
58、Cobb: I think positive emotion triumphs negative emotion everytime、 We’re allhearing for a reconciliation、 A catharsis、
65、Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wakeup that we realize how things are actually strange、 Let me ask you a question,you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always windup right in the middl
75、The moment's passed、 Whatever I do I can't change this moment、 I'm about tocall out to them、 They run away、 If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gottaget back home、 The real world、