
  • 1、Through the sadness of youth, the time will be all smooth
  • 2、Sometimes, we don't think too much, just follow your heart
  • 3、曾经的海枯又石烂,抵不过你最后一句好聚好散。
  • 4、To embrace the memories bit by bit, finally even lighting passes away
  • 5、其实我是一直相信的,我根本不需要想起什么,因为我从来没有忘记过。
  • 人生最痛苦的就是,太重视别人了,甚至都忘记了自己也很特别。
  • 6、人生最痛苦的就是,太重视别人了,甚至都忘记了自己也很特别。
  • 7、Some words, you inadvertently said exports, but I am very serious sad
  • 8、Love like an idiot, worth it?
  • 9、We have to give up, painted white memory, thinking that we can disguise the beauty of innocence, can only say that I lost, maybe you are afraid of
  • 10、经过青春的忧伤,时间会将一切抚平。

  • 11、Don't torment me, my heart has been cut, not the blood stream, loving you is wrong
  • 12、This time, what is money, you do not have money on a waste
  • 13、爱你是我给你一生的承诺,爱离是你给我一生的伤痛!
  • 14、Tears are you mailed to me the gift, the address is not very happy
  • 15、企图拥抱的点滴回忆,最后连光影都逝的一干二净。
  • 16、爱来爱去像个傻逼一样,值得吗?
  • 17、I want to be your tooth, at least, I am sad you also hurts
  • 18、Love you is the promise that I give you life, love is you give me the pain of life!
  • In the breaking up of the world is not only to you better not to think of my separation, also need I'd better not think you, that won't hurt so much
  • 19、In the breaking up of the world is not only to you better not to think of my separation, also need I'd better not think you, that won't hurt so much
  • 20、There is no unfinished story in the world, only the heart is not dead

  • 21、那首你最爱的歌,落得有一些凌乱,俄怎么拾起?
  • 22、See the courthouse blossom, Rongrubujing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay
  • 23、在分手的世界里不止是要你最好别想我的分离,也需要我最好别想你,那样不会那么痛。
  • 24、身边的位置只有那么多,有的人要进来,就有人不得不离开。
  • 25、下辈子我要做你的一颗牙,至少我难受你也会疼。
  • 26、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。
  • 27、Don't lie to me, you know I will believe even if you lie
  • 28、这年代,什么都是钱,没有钱你就一废物。
  • 29、我倔强的不愿屈服,换来的却也只是伤痕累累。
  • 30、看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。

  • 31、The sea was dry and rotten stone, arrived at your last good
  • 不要再折磨我,我的心已被割破,流尽的不是血,是爱你的错。
  • 32、不要再折磨我,我的心已被割破,流尽的不是血,是爱你的错。
  • 33、你若是不懂我的心,就算是我太过强硬,那离别也无法用什么来代替。
  • 34、Look at other people's stories, with tears in their eyes
  • 35、It's your favorite song, get some messy, Russia to pick up?
  • 36、眼泪是你邮寄给我的礼物,地址是不怎么幸福。
  • 37、即使左岸印象再过深刻,也抵不过右岸时光的淡然清歌。
  • 38、Life is but a journey, you pass by me, I pass by you, respectively, to leave, their practice, their forward
  • 39、挥之不去的身影,我该怎么去忘记?
  • 40、If you do not understand my heart, even if I was too strong, then it can not be used to replace

  • 41、In fact, I have always believed that I do not need to think of anything, because I have never forgotten
  • 42、人生不过一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,分别离去,各自修行,各自向前。
  • 43、Lingering figure, how can I forget?
  • 44、看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。
  • Life is the most painful is that too much attention to others, and even forget that they are very special
  • 45、Life is the most painful is that too much attention to others, and even forget that they are very special
  • 46、我们在放弃,涂白了记忆,以为就可以伪装无邪的美丽,只能说我输了,也许是你怕了。
  • 47、有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。
  • 48、Around the location of only so much, some people want to come in, some people have to leave
  • 49、有些话,你不经意的说出口,我却很认真的难过。
  • 50、I stubbornly reluctant to yield, but also only the scars

  • 51、Even after a profound impression on the left bank, right bank also arrived at the time of making
  • 52、不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。