
    1、Safety is the most important factor in success

  • 2、我爱篮球,篮球真神。
  • 3、Nobody can stop us
  • 4、顽强拼搏,超越极限。
  • 5、every investment must go forward, wonderful I show
  • Stronger I can, faster and higher
  • 6、Stronger I can, faster and higher
  • 7、球场争霸,争创新高。
  • 8、磨砺意志,奋发冲刺。
  • 9、更强我能,更快更高。
  • 10、努力奋斗,勇敢争先。
  • 11、篮球场上,秀出自信。

  • 12、I am wonderful, I exercise
  • 13、go forward, the ball will be scored
  • 14、我精彩,我运动。
  • 15、无兄弟,不篮球。
  • 16、Struggle tenaciously and exceed the limit
  • 17、篮球场上,勇夺第一。
  • Strive hard and win the first place forever
  • 18、Strive hard and win the first place forever
  • 19、Happy basketball, happy me
  • 20、Strength witnesses, unity wins
  • 21、Sharpen your will and make a dash

  • 22、顽强拼搏,勇夺第一。
  • 23、挑战自我,突破极限。
  • 24、Stadium competition for hegemony, strive for new heights
  • 25、飞火流星,唯我必赢。
  • 26、拼搏追取,善学勤练。
  • 27、Basketball spirit, dare to open up
  • 28、逢投必进,精彩我秀。
  • 29、不畏**,所向披靡。
  • Show confidence on the basketball court
  • 30、Show confidence on the basketball court
  • 31、快乐篮球,快乐的我。

  • 32、篮球精神,勇于开拓。
  • 33、I love basketball, basketball is absolute
  • 34、三分线外,手起足落。
  • 35、Strive hard to catch up, be good at learning and practicing
  • 36、勇往直前,球球必进。
  • 37、outside the three-point line, hands rise and fall
  • 38、Flying Fire meteor, I must win
  • 39、赛出成绩,安全第一。
  • 40、challenge yourself and break through the limit
  • 41、实力见证,团结必胜。

    Struggle tenaciously and win the first place bravely
  • 42、Struggle tenaciously and win the first place bravely
  • 43、Strive hard and be brave to take the lead
  • 44、Not afraid of violence, all the way
  • 45、on the basketball court, win the first place bravely
  • 46、No brothers, no basketball
  • 47、努力拼搏,永夺第一。