
  • 1、第21条 Education is rooted in love and caring people, it can be a successful man、
  • 2、第4条 作为一名园丁,我坚信每一朵花都有盛开的理由。

  • 3、I would like to dedicate all their kids love, so that they run the starting line in life a good first step、
  • 4、第49条 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。
  • 5、君子开始形成于教育,而完成于交际。
  • 第82条 Anything’s possible, opportunity belongs to the confident competitor、
  • 6、第82条 Anything’s possible, opportunity belongs to the confident competitor、
  • 7、Birth is much, but breeding is more、
  • 8、第73条 天荒地老,教师的童心不泯。
  • 9、第27条 用爱心启迪孩子的心灵,用激情点燃孩子的智慧。
  • 10、第50条 Education is no small matter, must try our best to everything、
  • 11、第28条 你不能预知明天,但你可以把握今天。
  • 12、Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?

  • 13、Education is the transmission of civilization、
  • 14、第54条 教育的过程有艰辛,也有快乐,我却乐得其所。
  • 15、第74条 Let us use their own and their own heart education of our children、
  • 16、第34条 教育无小事,事事须尽力。
  • 17、第38条 打电话的时候请你微笑,对方一定感觉得到。
  • 18、Education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character、
  • 19、第61条 让师爱在教诲中闪光,让学生在关爱中成长。
  • 20、第11条 May be the gardener regular watering, as their candle torch burning、
  • 21、第39条 The best engineers heart shape、
  • 22、Education skills to teachers on how to release the children love、

  • 23、第40条 选择了远方,就要风雨兼程。
  • 24、Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him、
  • 25、第66条 诵读六十五条,习惯牢记心头。
  • 26、The outside world is very exciting, the children of the world more cute, I would like to immersion in the child's inner world beautiful string music harmony、
  • 27、第29条 Friendly with the children, he saw the sprinkled on the earth is love、
  • 28、Better untaught than ill taught、
  • 29、第77条 爱自我的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是神。
  • 30、Passed on to the happineof each child, so that children become more beautiful and wonderful world、
  • 31、第79条 Work for the pleasure of others, to get to their own perfect、
  • 32、第37条 我愿做人梯让年轻人踏着我的肩膀攀登科学高峰。

  • 33、I have nothing to offer but blood, toil tears and sweat、
  • 34、第20条 With love, patience, sincerity to inspire children pure childlike innocence、
  • 第35条 有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈!
  • 35、第35条 有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈!
  • 36、第26条 教师最重要的职责之一是培养学生的自信。
  • 37、第17条 学高为师,身正为范!
  • 38、第68条 踏踏实实做人认认真真做事。
  • 39、第31条 首先做研究者,其次才做管理者。
  • 40、Let early education be a sort of a musement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent、
  • 41、第36条 从零开始,持之以恒。
  • 42、第72条 World affairs and in fine, the world is easy to give in easily、

  • 43、The best bred have the best portion、
  • 44、Appreciated the education equivalent to the square of education、
  • 45、第64条 And so, in the process of education and teaching, we can learn a lot、
  • 46、第56条 教着,感受着;走着,快乐着。
  • 47、Concerned about the children carefully, intentions to accept the child, the child experiences intentions、
  • 48、第65条 Only an interest to the outside world things can maintain mental health、
  • 49、第12条 Ten years trees, educating people in one hundred、
  • 50、The face of children, there is love there is a sense of responsibility will be with a sense of responsibility to pay will always love action、
  • 51、第63条 With love to enlighten the child’s mind, the wisdom of the children with passion、
  • 52、第81条 Teacher and artist is he in order to create a good living、

  • 53、Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune、 (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher、
  • 54、Instruction knows no cladistinction、
  • 55、第24条 凡事皆有可能,机遇属于有自信的竞争者。
  • 56、第2条 A teacher never teach a timid a heroic to students、
  • 57、Education has for its object the formation of character、
  • 58、A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops、
  • 59、第75条 爱校、爱生是我们职责。
  • 60、Education is a admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught、
  • 61、第52条 让我们用自己的行和自己的心教育我们的孩子。
  • 62、He can ill be master that never was scholar、

  • 63、第67条 Dogged willpower can conquer any peak in the world、
  • 第47条 Education is no small matter; Teachers have no section、
  • 64、第47条 Education is no small matter; Teachers have no section、
  • 65、第32条 Interest in the knowledge data could be comprehend motives、
  • 66、第48条 Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom、
  • 67、第76条 Professional is a man first, for the teacher、
  • 68、第14条 The gardener, lofty title, I wish you all the peaches and chunhui times square、
  • 69、第44条 教书育人是教师的天职,既有苦,也有乐。
  • 70、Education is the chief defence of nations、
  • 71、Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading、
  • 72、Genius only means hard-working all one's life、

  • 73、第53条 快乐工作,快乐生活。
  • 74、第23条 你对生活微笑,那么生活也对你微笑。
  • 75、第18条 Learn like a stream, not to advance is to go back、
  • 76、第46条 Sometimes tolerance caused by the moral shock is stronger than punishment!
  • 77、第33条 要把阳光洒向教室的每个角落。
  • 78、第10条 Do the researchers first, secondly do managers、
  • 79、Let me into the world's heart, and with the growth of children、
  • 80、第43条 教师与画家不一样的是他要创造真善美的活人。
  • 81、第58条 生命的蜡烛,因思维而点燃;生命的火花,因智慧而灿烂。
  • 82、第59条 习于智长,优与心成。

  • 83、第15条 只有学而不厌的老师,才能教育出学而不厌的学生。
  • 84、第69条 Love the children of self is a person, love someone else’s child is god、
  • 85、第9条 Tolerant, but don’t indulge: preference, but don’t spoil, smooth and in the spring rain、
  • 86、第51条 每个孩子都是一粒种子。我愿做阳光,给他们以温暖。
  • 87、第57条 Let love glistened in teaching, let the students grow in love、
  • 88、A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops、
  • 89、第8条 春风化雨,滋润学生的心田;雷厉风行,提升自身的素养。
  • 90、第80条 Our greatest happiness is to groups of children to the other side of the ideal、
  • 91、第16条 Teacher’s greatest happiness is to groups of children to the other side of the ideal、
  • 92、Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one , more important, which he gives himself、

    第7条 用爱心去塑造,用真诚去感召,用人格去熏陶。
  • 93、第7条 用爱心去塑造,用真诚去感召,用人格去熏陶。
  • 94、第42条 宽容,但不纵容:偏爱,但不溺爱,贵在春雨润物。
  • 95、To do a child's teacher, the child's friend first、
  • 96、第71条 The vitality of life is to keep learning, learning, and learning、
  • 97、第70条 美德大多存在于良好的习惯中。
  • 98、第78条 一个怯弱的教师决不能教出一个英勇的学生来。
  • 99、第3条 Only education study of teacher, the students study、
  • 100、第62条 微笑是一种境界,更是一种责任。
  • 101、教师英文
  • 102、第55条 Full of childlike innocence, standard words and deeds, good for the students、

  • 103、And gladly would learn, and gladly teach、
  • 104、第25条 对所学知识资料的兴趣可能成为领悟动机。
  • 105、第19条 心灵塑造的最佳工程师。
  • 106、Man errs so long as he strives、
  • 107、第13条 认认真真教书,踏踏实实做人。
  • 108、第22条 Spring rain, nourishing students hearts; High efficiency, to improve its quality、
  • 109、第60条 Life is short, only virtue can be handed it to the remote future、
  • 110、第41条 Bad things happen to good people good, even if, also want to be good、
  • 111、第45条 爱孩子,是我快乐的源泉。
  • 112、Genius without educaton is like silver in the mine、

  • 113、第30条 Friendly attitude, always a teacher good itself、
  • 114、Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune、
  • 115、第6条 Eyes with children, a goal in your heart、
  • 116、第5条 教育是植根于爱的,充满爱心的人,就会是成功的人。