
  • 1、回归故乡不必早,前往他乡不要迟。
  • 2、If happiness is a pleasure, it should be said that the cattle find happiness when eating grass
  • 3、虎啸而谷风至,龙举而景云往。
  • 4、One step at a time, all the grass and trees are in full swing
  • 5、吃饭象条龙,做活象条虫。
  • A good country can only stay for three days, but a bad one can spend its whole life here
  • 6、A good country can only stay for three days, but a bad one can spend its whole life here
  • 7、龙船上装大粪,臭名远扬。
  • 8、Eating like a dragon, doing like a worm

  • 9、别让幸福等太久,别让拥有变成遗憾;我们,再也不会从这里经过。
  • 10、Don't let happiness wait for too long Don't let it become a pity
  • 11、彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。
  • 12、我是广大劳苦大众当中的一员,我能帮助人民克服一点困难,是最幸福的。
  • 13、把幸福的希望放在未来,我的脚步才能移动。
  • 14、If the pain is to get to know the truth, adhere to the truth, it should be willingly bear, then, only then, the pain will be happy
  • 15、There are no clouds in the dragon's mud, so you can't have the other ascending wings
  • 16、Ye Gong is a good dragon I'm afraid it's true
  • 17、龙多不治水,鸡多不下蛋,媳妇多了婆婆做饭。
  • 18、龙蟠泥中未有云,不能生彼升天翼。

  • 19、The dragon fights against the tiger and suffers the little deer
  • 20、佘太君的龙头拐杖,有钱也买不至。
  • 21、莫为霜台愁岁暮,潜龙须待一声雷。
  • 22、I am a member of the general working people, I can help the people to overcome a little difficult, is the most happy
  • 23、幸福是看出来的,痛苦是悟出来的。
  • 凡是创造自己幸福的人,应该做全体工人和农民的幸福的匠人和创造者。当他成为一切人幸福的匠人时,他就会成为自己自身幸福的匠人了。
  • 24、凡是创造自己幸福的人,应该做全体工人和农民的幸福的匠人和创造者。当他成为一切人幸福的匠人时,他就会成为自己自身幸福的匠人了。
  • 25、A singer in a Dragon Robe cannot become an emperor
  • 26、如果痛苦换来的是结识真理、坚持真理,就应自觉地欣然承受,那时,也只有那时,痛苦才将化为幸福。
  • 27、It is not necessary to return to one's hometown early, nor to go to another
  • 28、The tiger whistles and the valley breeze comes, the Dragon raises and the scenery clouds go

  • 29、幸福这东西,一点不符合牛顿的惯性定律,总是在滑行得最流畅的时候戛然而止。剩下的事情就是锻炼你的承受能力了。
  • 30、A place of people, a snow mountain of water
  • 31、幸福就是无论何时何地,那一个人的心永远与你贴在一起。
  • 32、龙眼识球,凤眼识宝,牛眼识青草。
  • 33、是龙到处行雨,是蛇到处伤人。
  • 34、我们爱幸福,幸福爱我们。
  • 35、他乡虽好只能停留三日,故乡虽坏毕生在此度过。
  • 36、叶公好龙,怕是真的。
  • 37、知足就是幸福,它只是一种感觉,一种平和的感觉。
  • 38、一个地方的人,一座雪山的水。

  • 39、云从龙,风从虎。
  • 40、我在闹,你在笑,这就是幸福。
  • 41、Fleas turn into clocks and counterfeit goods
  • To love one another is to be happy So simple, so hard
  • 42、To love one another is to be happy So simple, so hard
  • 43、It's the dragon that rains everywhere, the snake that hurts everywhere
  • 44、我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福!
  • 45、龙行一步,草木皆舂。
  • 46、能随时随地居心灵去品味生活的味道,才有幸福可言。
  • 47、Never provoke dragons, no matter what you are
  • 48、I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness!

  • 49、Cloud from dragon, wind from tiger
  • 50、Put the hope of happiness in the future, my steps to move
  • 51、Longduo does not govern water, chickens do not lay eggs, more daughters-in-law and mother-in-law cook
  • 52、千万不要去招惹龙,无论你是什么。
  • 53、Happiness is something, a bit does not accord with Newton's law of inertia, is always at a time when most smooth glide abruptly The rest of the thing is to exercise your ability to withstand
  • 54、哪儿幸福是故乡,谁最慈爱是父母。
  • 55、如果幸福在于**的快感,那麽就应当说,牛找到草料吃的时候是幸福的。
  • 56、Those who create their own happiness, should do all the workers and farmers of the builders and creators of happiness When he became all happy when he will become their builders, builders have their own happiness
  • 57、Happiness is no matter when and where, that a person's heart will always be with you
  • 58、龙斗虎争,苦了小獐。

  • 59、I am in trouble, you are laughing, this is happiness
  • We love happiness, love us
  • 60、We love happiness, love us
  • 61、跳蚤变龙钟,冒牌货。
  • 62、She Taijun's leading crutches are too rich to buy
  • 63、Don't worry about frost, Qianlong has to wait for a thunder
  • 64、Dragon boats are notorious for their excrement
  • 65、没有比故乡美,没有比父母亲。
  • 66、Longan knows ball, phoenix eye knows treasure, ox eye knows grass
  • 67、Where happiness is home, who is the most loving parents
  • 68、Happiness is free without any burden of the psychological

  • 69、幸福是无拘无束没有任何负担的心理。
  • 70、Contentment is happiness, it is just a feeling, a feeling of peace
  • 71、唱戏的穿龙袍,成不了皇帝。
  • 72、Can anytime, anywhere in the heart to taste the taste of life, there is happiness
  • 73、Nothing is more beautiful than home, no more beautiful than parents
  • 74、Happiness is to see, the pain is to realize