
  • 1、刚落笔,耳边又响起吉他声,柔和的夜风送来的声音不是忧郁,不是烦躁,只觉充满深情,告诉每一位相逢何必曾相识的朋友。
  • 2、流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。《吕氏春秋尽数》

  • 3、尽信书,不如无书。《孟子尽心下》
  • 4、**太多,执著不容易,初入社会,真的不要被浮躁架空,真的不要目光短浅,就算暂时沉在基层,只要工夫到了,积攒到更多的能量,一定可以高飞。
  • 5、In an age of knowledge explosion now, who does not continue to learn, who will be eliminated by the society, only by constantly to recharge themselves, can be in an impregnable position in the competition
  • 绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。唐孟浩然《过故人庄》
  • 6、绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。唐孟浩然《过故人庄》
  • 7、好风凭借力,送我上青云。理由的背后没有理由,只要你遇到那阵风,或者,遇到那个送你鼓风机的人。
  • 8、Only the interests of the eyes, for only a short pleasure; Set high goals, but also should face the reality Combine ideals and reality, will succeed
  • 9、在现在这个知识大爆炸的年代里,谁不继续学习,谁必将被社会淘汰,只有不断地为自己充电,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。
  • 10、童年,总充满多彩的梦,幻想有一双翅膀,像小鸟在天空中飞翔。曾幻想有一件隐形衣,不仅能隐形,还能穿越时空,上天下海。童年的梦如肥皂泡,虽然虚幻缥缈,可却承载你的童年。
  • 11、永远年轻,永远装嫩,永远不知好歹,永远热泪盈眶。
  • 12、是可忍,孰不可忍。《论语八佾》

  • 13、水至清则无鱼,人至家则无徒。班固《汉书东方朔传》
  • 14、人生是美好的,又是短暂的。有的人生寂寞,有的人生多彩,不同的人有着不同的人生追求;人生是一条没有回程的单行线,每个人都用自己的所有时光前行。
  • 15、Life is so dull in the past, we occasionally sparked dream spark, failure can defeat it
  • 16、苦乐全凭自已判断,这和客观环境并不一定有直接关系,正如一个不爱珠宝的女人,即使置身在极其重视虚荣的环境,也无伤她的自尊。
  • 17、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。宋司马光《训俭示康》
  • 18、孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流。唐李白《送孟浩然之广陵》
  • 19、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。《礼记杂记》
  • 20、人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。《史记项羽本记》
  • 21、善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。
  • 22、幸福,时时刻刻围绕在你身旁。如果你从母亲手中接过饭碗,心存温馨,那就是幸福;如果你在灯下读着朋友的来信,品味友情,那就是幸福;如果你独坐一隅,静静听歌,凝神遐思,那就是幸福。

  • 23、Childhood, always full of colorful dream, fantasy has a pair of wings, like birds flying in the sky Once fantasized have a cloak, can not only contact, also can through time and space, the sea god Childhood dream, such as soap bubbles, although the unre
  • 而生命就是由这吉他奏出的乐章。组成这乐章的一支支歌中,旋律有高有低,节奏有快有慢,情感有仰有抑。无论演奏是否成功,都应认真对待,全身心付出。正如那几根弦,学会调节,掌握方法,弹奏正确,才能产生共鸣,奏出生之华章。
  • 24、而生命就是由这吉他奏出的乐章。组成这乐章的一支支歌中,旋律有高有低,节奏有快有慢,情感有仰有抑。无论演奏是否成功,都应认真对待,全身心付出。正如那几根弦,学会调节,掌握方法,弹奏正确,才能产生共鸣,奏出生之华章。
  • 25、Forever young, act young forever, forever unappreciative, tears forever
  • 26、正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君。唐杜甫《江南逢李龟年》
  • 27、沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。唐刘禹赐《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》
  • 28、多少次曾因生活的无奈想去流浪,多少次曾在这不眠的夜里,拿起那把老吉他,轻轻的哼唱那,难忘的歌谣。在这深夜里把你思念。时光匆匆,带走了我们的青春,带走了我们的回忆,但带不走的是一份心情,和一份淡然。沉浸在音乐的世界里,我无法自拔,我终于在无数的陌生背后找到了真实的我,缓缓的从那,细细的琴弦下飘出,穿越了时空,穿越了自己,经过了你的梦呓终于,终于泪流满面。
  • 29、珍惜每一次转弯吧,黄河因为弯曲而滋润着更广袤的土地;勘探队因路途弯曲而得以深入钻探;那么,我有理由坚信人们也将因为珍惜每一次转弯而将人生的路走得更好。
  • 30、希望源于失望,奋起始于忧患,正如一位诗人所说:有饥饿感受的人一定消化好,有紧迫感受的人一定效率高,有危机感受的人一定进步快。
  • 31、Qingyun good wind with force, sent me Behind the reason there is no reason to, as long as you meet the wind, or, meet the man who will send you the blower
  • 32、Happiness, always around in your side If you from the hand of the mother took the bowl, warm, that is happiness; If you read the letter from a friend, in the light taste friendship, that is happiness; If you are sitting in a corner, quietly listening to

  • 33、长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。屈原《离骚》
  • 34、Life is fine and enjoyable, and short Sometimes life is lonely, sometimes life is colorful, different people have different life pursuit; Life is a no return one-way street, everyone with her all the time
  • 35、The brave and optimistic in the face of depressing "setback" into the road Frustration is not terrible, terrible is the heart of fear and pessimism Don't enlarge setbacks, increase the fear and pain
  • 36、所有的形容词都不够描述心中那种感觉,我觉得吉他的声音是有颜色的,有形状的,有动作的,有时如流水,有时如流血,有时圆如雨滴,有时刺麻如荆棘,有时来自天堂,有时来自地狱。
  • 37、忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。唐岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》
  • 38、小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。宋杨万里《小池》
  • 39、若要人不知,除非己莫为。枚乘《上书谏吴王》
  • 40、世界上最豪华的不是亿万富翁的别墅,世界上最壮美的不是古老的七大遗迹,世界上最动人不是慈善家的善举。而集豪华壮美动人于一身的恐怕只有那生命的乐章。
  • 41、有一本书,在等待被翻阅;有一把吉他,在等待被弹拔;有一丛花,在等待被欣赏;有一杯茶,在等待被品尝。放下急事,照顾心中被搁置的琐事,那才是生活的养分来源。
  • 绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。宋宋祁《玉楼春》


  • 43、出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。唐杜甫《蜀相》
  • 44、The United States, everywhere Beauty, is in a dawn dawn of chardonnay, is a setting sun at dusk, delicate and charming be about to drip, was a flower
  • 45、美,无处不在。美,是一个晨曦初霞的黎明,是一个夕阳西下的黄昏,是一株娇艳欲滴的花朵。
  • 46、乐观面对,勇往直前,踏平挫折成大路。挫折不可怕,可怕的是内心的恐惧和悲观。不要放大挫折,白白增加恐惧和痛苦。
  • 47、生活就这样平淡的过去,我们也会偶尔激起梦想火花,失败也击败不了它。
  • 48、Not billionaires in the world's most luxurious villa, the world's most magnificent isn't ancient seven sites, the world's most moving not philanthropist ACTS of kindness Set of luxurious and magnificent and moving only subscribe to the movement of life
  • 49、姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。唐张继《枫桥夜泊》
  • 50、Hope from disappointment, rise began suffering, as a poet said: have felt hungry good digestion, have urgent feeling of high efficiency, have crisis feeling of progress fast
  • 51、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。唐王勃〈送杜少府之任蜀州》
  • 52、Temptation is too much, is not easy to grasp, entered society, don't be impetuous overhead, really really don't short-sighted, even temporarily sink at the grassroots level, as long as effort to accumulate to more energy, can fly

  • 53、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。宋柳永《凤栖梧》
  • 54、山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。陶渊明《饮酒》
  • 55、你想是怎样的人,你就是怎样的人;你想成为怎样的人,你离这个目标就不会太远。
  • 56、Be kind to your hobby, don't let them to make way for the study, to make them for learning services
  • 57、项庄舞剑,意在沛公。《史记项羽本记》
  • 58、Judging going all by myself, it and do not necessarily have a direct relationship between the objective environment, just as a woman who does not love jewelry, even in extremely importance to vanity environment, nor hurt her self-esteem
  • 59、其曲弥高,其和弥寡。宋玉《对楚王问》
  • 塞翁失马,焉知非福。《淮南子人间训》
  • 60、塞翁失马,焉知非福。《淮南子人间训》
  • 61、一张一弛,文武之道。《礼记杂记下》
  • 62、山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。宋陆游《游山西村》

  • 63、只顾眼前的利益,得到的只是短暂的欢愉;目标高远,但也要面对现实。把理想和现实结合起来,才有可能成功。
  • 64、Healthy body is the foundation of good style of study is a condition, diligence is the premise and method of study is the key, the psychological quality is the guarantee
  • 65、欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。宋苏轼《饮湖上初晴后雨》
  • 66、Cherish every turn right, the Yellow River because of bending and moistens more vast land; Due to the road bend to deep drilling exploration team; So, I have reason to believe that people will also because cherish every turn to the road of life better
  • 67、橘生淮南则为橘,生于谁北则为枳。《晏子春秋》
  • 68、不是一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。元高明《琵琶记》
  • 69、士别三日,即当刮目相待。陈寿《三国志吴书》
  • 70、健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。
  • 71、How do you want to, you is what kind of people; What do you want to be, you will not too far from the goal