
  • 1、Don't give my heart, because my heart is sad
  • 2、有时候我显得冷淡,你别怪我,别想太多,我是真不想说话。

  • 3、时间会让我放弃曾经,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。
  • 4、Even if you are lying around the woman is not me, but I still believe that you love me
  • 5、I heard that the taste of the sea salty, and like tears
  • Your sign every change, I think many times, although I did not know you say and
  • 6、Your sign every change, I think many times, although I did not know you say and
  • 7、借着酒精的麻醉,大声的对你说我的爱,得到的却是你的一句疯子。
  • 8、I wish I'm still a kid, no broken heart, no painful tears
  • 9、The youth is a drama repeated, we always hurt
  • 10、Have the feeling of love to others, then the heart will suddenly feel slightly bang down
  • 11、By alcohol anesthesia, loudly say to you I love you, but get a lunatic "
  • 12、A beautiful dream, even if only memory can refer to

  • 13、忆起某些曲子,却怎么也听不出从前的旋律。
  • 14、很多时候,不是女人太贪心,而是男人给不起女人想要的。
  • 15、My dear girl, who do you see in the day, you pretend you play Yin Zhuangnen you pure baby you will die
  • 16、有些事你不必问,有些人你不必等。
  • 17、Remember some of the pieces, but how also not once melody
  • 18、Time will let me give up once, my habit is no longer used
  • 听说,海水的味道咸咸的,和眼泪一样。
  • 19、听说,海水的味道咸咸的,和眼泪一样。
  • 20、Trust than any words to warm the heart, I also know ah
  • 21、记住,劳资活着不是为了取悦任何人。
  • 22、This really is not to show my mouth, tell me the truth in time

  • 23、Empty eyes, can not recall memory
  • 24、Regardless of the outcome, they still insisted that I loved
  • 25、When the night has been too lonely, no one to comfort a crying girl
  • 26、You don't have to ask some things, some people don't have to wait for you
  • 27、Don't you know that your emotions can affect my mood, so I do not allow you not happy
  • 28、有没有感觉自己爱的人对别的人好,心就会咯嘣一下子之后心情就会低落下来。
  • 29、Please cherish the love don't wait to be not easily won, lost only regret
  • 30、A person can recite many things, really is not light
  • 31、不管最后结果如何,都依然坚持说我曾经爱过。
  • 请珍惜来之不易的爱,不要等到失去了才后悔。


  • 33、即使你身边躺的女人不是我,但我仍然相信你是爱我的。
  • 34、Sometimes I look cool, you don't blame me, don't think too much, I really do not want to speak
  • 35、Left eye jump test Mobile phone lost, people are stupid
  • 36、Most of the time, not a woman too greedy, but man can not afford to give women want
  • 37、喜欢某人,并不一定要成为恋人,有时候,能做朋友就已足够。
  • 38、左眼跳跳,考试翘翘,手机丢掉,人都傻掉。
  • 39、真心不该都用嘴来表达,我在等时间告诉我真话。
  • 40、空洞的双眼,回忆不起记忆的旁白。
  • 41、青春是一场反复重演的戏剧,我们总会反复地受伤。
  • 42、Love someone, not necessarily to be lovers, sometimes, you just have to be friends

  • 43、你的个签每改一次,我都会琢磨好多遍,虽然清楚你说的并不是我。
  • 44、信任比任何情话都要暖人心,我也知道啊。
  • 我说亲爱的姑娘,人做事儿天在看,你耍阴你装逼你装嫩你装纯宝贝儿你会早死的。
  • 45、我说亲爱的姑娘,人做事儿天在看,你耍阴你装逼你装嫩你装纯宝贝儿你会早死的。
  • 46、一个人能背多少往事,真不轻。
  • 47、想一个人多美好,就算只剩记忆可参考。
  • 48、夜晚总是太寂寞,没有一个人会去安慰一个爱哭的女孩。
  • 49、不要轻易付出真心,因为真心,离伤心最近。
  • 50、Remember that employers do not live to please anyone
  • 51、你知不知道你的情绪已经可以影响我的情绪,所以我不允许你不幸福。
  • 52、我希望自己依旧还是个孩子,没有破碎的心,没有痛苦的眼泪。
