
  • 1、知不知道,有时你不经意的一句话,会影响我一天的心情。
  • 2、Sometimes, fall in love with a person's reason, is also leave a person's reason
  • 3、心不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。

  • 4、You're not good at sweet words, but the way you hug me is deeper than anyone
  • 5、錯誤的時間,錯誤的人,可悲的錯誤,我們卻一犯再犯。
  • 在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。
  • 6、在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。
  • 7、离魂草淹没不了内心的思念,彼岸花吞噬不去心底的阴霾。
  • 8、Man is iron, rice is a steel, one day a suffocating
  • 9、Still in place, back away, waiting for you a review
  • 10、The reason why people can, is to believe that
  • 11、最怕世间寻遍却发现了无此人。
  • 12、What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger。
  • 13、He said: "we are strangers in the future I answer: we have been unfamiliar

  • 14、还在原地徘徊着,背影渐远,等你一个回眸。
  • 15、What good method, can let the lonely become obedient。
  • 16、时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。
  • 17、Hidden in her heart a deep abyss, throw stones also made no sound
  • 18、To hurt someone who loves you more than he loves you, it's not because of his courage
  • 19、那一场盛世流年,我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。
  • 20、愿得一人心,白首不相离!
  • 21、在我心中,只要你还笑着,这个世界就不会太糟。
  • 22、Originally my heart also can pain is still so clear and thorough
  • 23、没有离不开,只有不想离开;没有舍不得,只有放不下。

  • 24、人是铁,饭是钢,一天不装憋得慌。
  • 25、没有人会太关心你 除非你很漂亮或濒临死亡。
  • 26、真相会让我们痛一阵,但谎言会令我们痛一生。
  • 27、原来我的心也会痛还那么清晰透彻。
  • 28、The soul is not where it lives,but it loves。
  • 29、In a bad mood to go to the school gate kick, kick a row of a row
  • 30、我一直记得我爱过你,尽管我只是个转瞬的过客。
  • 31、我还过得去。
  • 32、You accompany me to stage a comeback, I let you mother instrument
  • 33、Sometimes not others despise, they will despise their own inferiority

  • 34、无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。
  • 35、The wrong time, the wrong person, the sad mistake, we have a
  • 36、Delete everything, but you can not delete our memories
  • 37、多看娱乐可以让自己思维更活跃,注意要跟上潮流。
  • 38、Life is too short to give up today, tomorrow may not be able to get
  • 39、Walking alone on the road, only the wind to accompany me
  • 40、总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回忆。
  • 41、生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。
  • 42、One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality
  • 43、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq。

  • 44、The imprint of shades, laugh at the memory
  • I will be the lonely feed, warm you again
  • 45、I will be the lonely feed, warm you again
  • 46、我要给你一个拥抱,给你一双温热手掌。
  • 47、他说:以后我们是陌生人。我答:我们一直都不熟。
  • 48、伤害最爱自己的人,不过仗着他爱你,向来与勇敢无关。
  • 49、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you。
  • 50、也许那些错过的,是因为注定就要错过。
  • 51、Don′t cry because it is over, smille because it happened。
  • 52、Always have to wait until late at night to fall asleep, wake up or think you are all you
  • 53、There's always that one song that brings back old memories。

  • 54、我好像喜欢上你了。
  • 55、把思念藏在心间,任季风渐瘦了容颜。
  • 56、总是要等到深夜才能睡着,醒来还是想着你都是你。
  • 57、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。
  • 58、那些放肆的猖狂的蔓延在黑夜里。
  • 59、My youth is like a broken glass, I light up the foot to go up
  • 60、Affection is not the determination of two people, but the pull of entanglement
  • 61、心情不好就去学校门口踢自行车,踢一辆倒一排。
  • 62、我们害怕失去却始终没学会珍惜。
  • 63、No one will care about you too much unless you're pretty or dying。

  • 64、关系就像一张纸,破碎了,再怎么拼凑都有裂痕。
  • 65、如果我说我想一个人静一静。
  • 66、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards。
  • 67、I will cherish every good to me。
  • 68、Nobody could ever replace you。
  • 69、We are afraid of losing but never did learn to cherish。
  • 70、有些爱,藏在回忆的角落,却不得不各安天涯。
  • 71、从来没有人可以取代你。
  • 72、Don't shoot my heart, it's still in your heart!
  • 73、Most afraid of the world to find times but found no one

  • 74、有时候,想一个人躲起来脆弱,不愿别人看到自己的伤口。
  • 75、Don't see a love one, love too much, your love will depreciate
  • 76、曾以为我们的爱会很久很久。请原谅我不能陪你走到最后。
  • 77、I get by。
  • 78、Rampant spread of those wanton in the night。
  • 79、Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way。
  • 80、深浅不一的印记,付之一笑的回忆。
  • 81、为什么当看到他的时候心还是会难过,明明已经不爱了。
  • 82、删掉你的一切,却删不掉我们的回忆。
  • 83、别一枪打死我的心,里面还装着你呢!

    You should be kind to others, because you will need them when you are frustrated
  • 84、You should be kind to others, because you will need them when you are frustrated
  • 85、我输过,败过,伤过,累过,但我何曾怕过。
  • 86、Time is not to let people forget the pain, but people get used to the pain
  • 87、那些杀不死我的东西,只会让我变更强。
  • 88、Once thought that our love will be a long time Please forgive me I can not accompany you to the end
  • 89、In my heart, as long as you smile, the world will not be too bad
  • 90、Some love, hidden in the memories of the corner, but have to the safety of the world
  • 91、害怕寂寞,哪怕周围再多人,感觉还是我一个人。
  • 92、That was a time when, we keep the lonely wounded badly
  • 93、有时候,爱上一个人的原因,也是离开一个人的原因。

  • 94、爱一朵花就陪它绽放,爱一个人就陪他流浪。
  • 95、这个夏天,我是不是应该谢谢你,给了我透心凉。
  • 96、不要见一个爱一个,爱的太多,你的爱就要贬值。
  • 97、The voice, once you have taken away
  • 98、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。
  • 99、Love a flower bloom to accompany it, love a man to accompany him to stray。
  • 100、Don't push me to study, I can study hard
  • 101、You say, is not each seriously to love the people, are so silly?
  • 102、有没有什么好办法、能让寂寞变听话。
  • 103、No can not do without, only do not want to leave; not reluctant, only can not put down

  • 104、I love not love you one minute only 60 seconds。
  • 105、I think I fall in love with you。
  • 106、我走得很慢,但是我从不倒退。
  • 107、我会把孤独喂饱,再来温暖迩。
  • 108、不要逼我学习,我学习起来可厉害了。
  • 109、晚风的声音,带走你曾经的曾经。
  • 110、你说,是不是每个认真去爱的人,都这么傻呢?
  • 111、你不擅长甜言蜜语,但你拥抱我的方式比任何人都深。
  • 112、Afraid of loneliness, even around a number of people, I feel that I am a person
  • 113、把心留给在乎你的人吧!

  • 114、This summer, I should thank you, give me cool
  • 115、Catch one's heart, never be apart
  • 116、Save your heart for someone who cares。
  • 117、Relationship is like a piece of paper, broken, and then how to piece together there are cracks
  • 118、我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人。
  • 119、明明很简单,何必想的复杂。
  • 120、我爱的不多, 一分钟只爱了你六十秒。
  • 121、Know not to know, sometimes you don't expect a word, will affect my mood a day
  • 122、我只想问你,若我回头,你还在不在?
  • 感情不是两个人的果断,而是众人的拉扯纠缠。


  • 124、我已经不恨你了,因为我不想再记住你。
  • 125、时间不是让人忘记了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。
  • 126、The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever。
  • 127、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
  • 128、Obviously very simple, why think of the complex
  • 129、Why when you see his heart or will be sad, obviously have no love
  • 130、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it。
  • 131、I do not hate you, because I do not want to remember you
  • 132、I lost, lost, hurt, tired, but I have been afraid of
  • 133、Love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it。

  • 134、Forget who loved, slowly accustomed to loneliness
  • 135、Watching more entertainment can make their thinking more active, pay attention to keep up with the trend
  • 136、有时候不用别人嫌弃,自己也会自卑地嫌弃自己。
  • 137、独自一人走在路上,只有风陪我。
  • 138、爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不能准备。
  • 139、别向这个混蛋的世界投降。
  • 140、I am not a gentle man, but I do the best for you
  • 141、Ghost grass can not be submerged inner thoughts, not to swallow Equinox flower heart haze
  • 142、我不是温柔人,却为你做尽了温柔事。
  • 143、我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道。

  • 144、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。
  • 145、The missing hidden in the heart, as the monsoon gradually lost the face
  • 146、忘了曾经爱过谁,慢慢习惯了寂寞相随。
  • 147、你陪我东山再起,我让你母仪天下。
  • 148、Because when young, with a total want of good in the future。
  • 149、I want to give you a hug, give you a pair of warm hands
  • 150、Don't surrender to this dark woeld。
  • 151、I always remember that I loved you, even though I was just a passing traveller
  • 152、Sometimes, think a person hide fragile, don't want others to see his wound
  • 153、If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time。

  • 154、I just wanna ask,"Will you still be there if I come back?"
  • 155、人之所以能,是相信能。
  • 156、我的青春像一地碎玻璃、我光著腳狠狠踏了上去。