
  • 1、真正的爱情不是时间能忘记的,内心的伤口不是时间能治愈的。
  • 2、When I turned around and you are not the intersection is my response is too slow or you go too fast。
  • 3、We ever eager to step step youth, do not leave the past little wind today。
  • 4、Thought have how far, you roll how far。 The speed of light how fast, how fast you roll。
  • 5、A holiday only to find that only people who love you will keep in touch with you。
  • 不懂心的是你,却让我背负了千年的等待!
  • 6、不懂心的是你,却让我背负了千年的等待!
  • 7、Early know so difficult to find object, I set the doll close。
  • 8、我走我的阳光道,你过你的奈何桥。
  • 9、一次不忠,一生不用,谁让我失望,我让谁绝望。

  • 10、思想有多远,你就滚多远。光速有多快,你就滚多快。
  • 11、In the absence of rainbow day I look at the pictures of the rainbow and then looked at the sky。
  • 12、生活其实也很简单,喜欢的就争取,得到的就珍惜,失去了就忘记。
  • 13、你就是我的超幸福鞋垫让我把你踩在脚下。
  • 14、伤口上撒盐,是为了消毒,还是为了疼的更痛快。
  • 15、谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。
  • 16、除了死亡,所有的离开都是背叛。
  • 17、女子无才便是德,我一定是太缺德了。
  • 18、Which heartless person, not a rink hijinks tao lung once。 For sb。
  • 19、时光走的太快,忽视了我的等待。远去的背影,带走了我太多的执着。

  • 20、我要嫁的不是王子,而是把我当公主的人。
  • 21、Innocence is the virtue for women, I must be too wicked。
  • 22、一个说忘就能忘得人、再见、为你不值的。
  • 23、There is no regret medicine, so I want to make one。
  • 24、上学的时候总想玩电脑,放假了只能对着电脑发呆。
  • 25、Only know week in class don't know the date, when the holiday date only know do not know what day。
  • 26、在没有彩虹的日子里我看图片的彩虹然后望望天空就有了。
  • 27、是不是我好人做太久,你就觉得我没脾气?
  • 28、这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。
  • 29、忘记你,是为了证明我可以忘记你。

  • 30、In addition to death, all leave is betrayal。
  • Kindness is people go hungry, I don't eat meat big noise。
  • 31、Kindness is people go hungry, I don't eat meat big noise。
  • 32、我们曾迫不及待的一步踏过青春,如今留不住往昔点点随风。
  • 33、Maybe I was not good enough, but I'll change for you。
  • 34、当我转身时你已不在了路口是我回应的太慢还是你走的太快。
  • 35、Who hold up for a while, I let him regret for the rest of your life。
  • 36、My dream is always appear you, but people around me but not you。
  • 37、I like to say dirty words, but I'm a good girl。
  • 38、生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们要依靠自己的内心那看不见的太阳而存在。
  • 39、哪个没心没肺的人,没有一段为某人掏心掏肺的曾经。

  • 40、An infidelity, life need not, who let me down, I let who despair。
  • 41、Sad youth, drizzle wet with time, all broken, cannot be redeemed。
  • 42、或许我不够好,但我会为了你改。
  • 43、Don't understand is your heart, but let me carry the one thousand years of waiting!
  • 44、I want to marry is not a prince, but I when the princess。
  • 45、善良就是别人挨饿,我吃肉不吧唧嘴。
  • 46、我喜欢说脏话,但我是好姑娘。
  • 47、放假有什么好的,还不是一个人过,而且还见不到最想见到的人。
  • 48、Life is a pure flame, and we have to rely on their own the invisible sun within us。
  • 49、下辈子我要做你的一颗牙,至少,我难受,你也会疼。

  • 50、我没什么理想,只要死后全中国降半旗致哀就行。
  • 51、Have a good vacation, not just one person, but also see want to see。
  • 52、You are my super happy insoles let me put you stepped on the foot。
  • 53、惹我生气!诅咒你一辈子买方便面没有调料包!
  • 54、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。
  • 55、You are always on my mind, just ratio changed。
  • 老鼠拿刀,满街找猫;青楼满座,谁懂寂寞。
  • 56、老鼠拿刀,满街找猫;青楼满座,谁懂寂寞。
  • 57、放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。
  • 58、Wound top sa salt, is for the sake of disinfection, the pain or for more time。
  • 59、the so-called vacation home, go out have no money, every day is idle。

  • 60、I don't have ideal, just after the death of the whole of China flags will fly at half-mast。
  • 61、Achievement as slide, a very difficult climb, slide down but in an instant。
  • 62、Injury is still beautiful girls live the same time。
  • 63、I walk my sunshine, you have your helpless bridge。
  • 64、I'm not RMB, how can let everyone like me?
  • 65、从前有群人总是一起放假,现在这群人放假的时间都不一样了。
  • 66、你活着浪费空气,死了浪费土地,半死不活浪费。
  • 67、我的梦里总是出现你,可是我身边的人却不是你。
  • 68、你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择。
  • 69、At home when the phone vibrate basic can't hear you, when I was in school, like an earthquake。

  • 70、A say forget can forget, goodbye, is not worth for you。
  • 71、Forget you, is to prove that I can forget you。
  • 72、You will never know how strong, until one day you besides strong have no choice。
  • 73、You live waste air, dead waste of land, more waste。
  • 74、Next life I want to be your a tooth, at least, I am sad, you also hurts。
  • 75、Always want to play computer at school, my holiday only at the computer。
  • 76、I was very spoony seed, the results under the rain, and was drowned。
  • 77、看清自己比读懂他人,更重要。
  • 78、我当年也是可痴情的种子,结果下了场雨,淹死了。
  • 79、我心眼小但是不缺,我是脾气好,但不是没有。

  • 80、The original forever, just a misunderstanding。
  • 在家的时候手机震动基本听不见,在学校的时候就特么像地震。
  • 81、在家的时候手机震动基本听不见,在学校的时候就特么像地震。
  • 82、Life is very simple, like fighting for, get treasure, lost forget。
  • 83、上课时只知道星期几不知道日期,放假时只知道日期不知道星期几。
  • 84、See yourself is more important than read, others。
  • 85、成绩就像滑滑梯,爬上去很难,滑下来不过一瞬间。
  • 86、The time go too fast, ignore my waiting。 Far of figure, took me too much。
  • 87、Make me angry! Curse your buying instant noodles without getting flavoring bags。
  • 88、所谓放假,家里遭嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲。
  • 89、原来地久天长,只是一场误会。

  • 90、My mind's eye small but is not short, I am a good temper, but not without。
  • 91、世上没有后悔药,所以我要制造一瓶。
  • 92、早知道找对象这么难,我就定娃娃亲了。
  • 93、Once you have a group of people always have a holiday together, but now the time off of this group of people are not the same。
  • 94、This year, the holiday is not easy, ching Ming festival holiday or touch the light of the ancestors。
  • 95、Mouse sword, streets looking for cat; Full of brothels, who understand loneliness。
  • 96、我又不是人民币,怎么能让人人都喜欢我?
  • 97、受过伤却依旧活的漂亮的姑娘们万万岁。
  • 98、Isn't me good man do too long, you think I didn't temper?
  • 99、True love is not a time to forget, can heal the wounds of the heart is not time。

  • 100、悲凉的青春里,蒙蒙细雨打湿了流年,终究破碎一地,无法挽回。