
  • 1、因事生情,别因情生事。
  • 2、最美莫过于未来有一天,睡前吻你,半夜抱你,醒来有你。
  • 3、With you by my side, every day, my heart is like being dew, watered, sweet can not be sweeter
  • 4、The most beautiful thing is to kiss you before going to bed, hold you in the middle of the night and wake up with you one day
  • 5、With you, I live like a year, without you, I live like a year
  • Everyone is singular, when they come and when they go
  • 6、Everyone is singular, when they come and when they go
  • 7、恢复理性之后,感性就成了尴尬。
  • 8、信仰无需大声说,心诚则灵,信者得救!
  • 9、Separation and closure, the original love is really so vulnerable

  • 10、有你的日子我度年如日,没有你的日子我度日如年。
  • 11、但求日积月累,收获于细微;不好左顾右盼,专注于自我。
  • 12、分分合合,原来我们的爱情真的这么不堪一击。
  • 13、I can listen to your voice for three seconds over and over again for a month
  • 14、Count the years that have been in each other, only to find that the silliest thing is yourself, sorry, did not love you well
  • 15、You did not have me in the first half of your life, so let me accompany you through the second half of your life
  • 16、Pain, but not forget
  • 17、I did not want to marry, but finally married love
  • 18、你三秒钟的语音,我能反复听一个月。
  • 19、你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。

  • 20、爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而努力。
  • 21、有你在我身边,我每天,心里都像被甘露,浇灌一样,甜的不能再甜。
  • 22、感情被懂得是一种幸福,等待着被懂得是一种孤独!
  • 23、Every day is dull without you, but even if I can chat with you, every day is sweet
  • 24、每个人都是单数,来时是,去时也是。
  • 25、There are all kinds of flavors in the world Thank you for the sweetness
  • 情人总是分分合合,可是我们却越爱越深,我们的爱情经受住了考验。
  • 26、情人总是分分合合,可是我们却越爱越深,我们的爱情经受住了考验。
  • 27、有谁会在乎,又有谁会想念。又有谁能看穿,我的笑脸?
  • 28、有些人不一定很好,很帅,很温柔,却还另你牵挂。
  • 29、倘若你付出爱时,有所保留和计较,你便不在爱里。

  • 30、Belief needs no loud words, sincerity is the soul, believers are saved!
  • 31、Your sweet love is precious I disdain to reconcile the situation with the emperor
  • 32、回头看、那写腐烂的回忆,正侵蚀着你的大脑。
  • 33、The circle of friends you have praised is called doughnut
  • 34、Yes, I just like you and I'm afraid to like myself
  • 35、是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。
  • 36、痛而不舍,忘却不掉。
  • 37、You're just a passer-by I'm just passing by We just pass by
  • 38、隐身,不是为了躲避谁,只是希望有谁发现我消失。
  • 39、Things happen because of circumstances, not because of circumstances

  • 40、If you knew me before, you would forgive me now
  • 41、你这么可爱,被大风吹到我怀里,我是不会还的。
  • 42、It is you who pale my waiting and satirize my persistence
  • 43、Who cares and who misses? Who can see it, my smiling face?
  • 44、Your future, you know, is a memorial to growth
  • 45、As long as the heart is still unwilling, it is not time to give up
  • A little pressure, pressure carefully dirty
  • 46、A little pressure, pressure carefully dirty
  • 47、But it is not good to look left and right and concentrate on yourself
  • 48、只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。
  • 49、乖一点,好好待在我身边。不准跑,不准放手。

  • 50、Some people are not necessarily very good, very handsome, very gentle, but you are also concerned about
  • 51、如果你认识从前的我,你就会原谅现在的我。
  • 52、没有你的日子,每天都是平淡,然而就算只要能和你聊天,我的每天都是甜蜜的。
  • 53、对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。
  • 54、有点小压力,压着小心脏。
  • 55、做不了恋人只能做陌生人原来是真的。
  • 56、Be good and stay with me No running, no letting go
  • 57、世间五味俱全,谢谢你给我的甜。
  • 58、你只是过客,我只是路过,我们只是擦肩而过。
  • 59、When reason is restored, perception becomes an embarrassment

  • 60、你的未来,你知道的,所有的浩劫,都是成长的祭奠。
  • 61、Being understood is a kind of happiness, waiting to be understood is a kind of loneliness!
  • 62、It's true that you can't be a lover but a stranger
  • 63、Happiness on the face can be seen by others Who can feel the pain in his heart?
  • 64、Sometimes, we think too much about ourselves to make ourselves so miserable
  • 65、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。
  • 被你点赞过的朋友圈,叫作甜甜圈。
  • 66、被你点赞过的朋友圈,叫作甜甜圈。
  • 67、细数曾经相濡以沫的岁月,才发现,最傻的是自己,对不起,没有好好爱过你。
  • 68、你的情话我听着,你的余生我陪着。
  • 69、Invisibility is not to avoid anyone, but to hope that someone will find me disappear

  • 70、I would like to hear about the girl's good governance for the rest of my life
  • 71、不想结婚的我,最后却嫁给了爱情。
  • 72、I listen to your love words, and I will accompany you for the rest of your life
  • 73、你的前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。
  • 74、To love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness than to abandon her for her happiness
  • 75、有时候,是我们自己想太多,才让自己如此难受。
  • 76、If you give love with reservations and comparisons, you are not in love
  • 77、Looking back, that rotten memory is eroding your brain
  • 78、听闻姑娘治家有方,鄙人余生愿闻其详。
  • 79、You are so lovely, blown into my arms by the strong wind, I will not return it

  • 80、Lovers always divide and merge, but the deeper we love, the more our love withstands the test