
  • 1、Having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god
  • 2、为学之道,莫先于穷理;穷理之要,必先于读书。
  • 3、腹有诗书气自华,读书万卷始通神。

  • 4、Reading for the rise of china
  • 5、Reading books is death to others, an opening to harm; but not reading is not necessarily good
  • You should learn some history, to know the history, to know China's yesterday and the day before yesterday
  • 6、You should learn some history, to know the history, to know China's yesterday and the day before yesterday
  • 7、好好学习,天天向上。
  • 8、与有肝胆人共事,从无字句处读书。
  • 9、读书之法无它,惟是笃志虚心,反复详玩,为有功耳。
  • 10、With hepatobiliary work, reading from the book without words
  • 11、好读书,不求甚解。
  • 12、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。
  • 13、The shortage of nature and the lack of experience and the lack of reading

  • 14、读书谓已多,抚事知不足。
  • 15、读书欲精不欲博,用心欲专不欲杂。
  • 16、The abdomen with gas from Chinese poetry and literature, reading only through god
  • 17、养心莫若寡欲;至乐无如读书。
  • 18、In order to learn the word, not before the poor reason; the reason for the poor, must first read
  • 19、Their slow Xu poo abdomen, we know not reading book
  • 读死书是害己,一开口就害人;但不读书也并不见得好。
  • 20、读死书是害己,一开口就害人;但不读书也并不见得好。
  • 21、Yangxin morrow desires; music without reading
  • 22、杀人亦有限,列国自有疆。杜甫《前出塞九首其六》
  • 23、立志是读书人最要紧的一件事。

  • 24、Reading that has been more, to ask the lack of knowledge
  • 25、The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice
  • 26、Reading of the law, in an orderly and progressive, familiar with the fine si
  • 27、读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足。
  • 28、Reading is, to teach a doubt, doubt, but undoubtedly, is here to progress
  • 29、自得读书乐,不邀为善名。
  • 30、Good reading, read without thorough understanding
  • 31、三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。杜甫《蜀相》
  • 32、读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到。
  • 33、Study hard and make progress every day。

    Determined is one of the most important things to read
  • 34、Determined is one of the most important things to read
  • 35、云物不殊乡国异,教儿且覆掌中杯。杜甫《小至》
  • 36、读书不知味,不如束高阁;蠢鱼尔何如,终日食糟粕。
  • 37、你们应当学点历史,要懂得历史,知道中国的昨天和前天。
  • 38、自家慢诩便便腹,开卷方知未读书。
  • 39、Great joy of reading, not to invite good name
  • 40、Reading people do not necessarily have the knowledge, real knowledge is to know the knowledge, thinking, can work
  • 41、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。
  • 42、读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思。
  • 43、为中华之崛起而读书。

  • 44、贫寒更须读书,富贵不忘稼穑。
  • 45、To do not want to read books, intentions to do not want to
  • 46、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。
  • 47、A lot of knowledge is not to go to school
  • 许多知识是书本上学不到的。
  • 48、许多知识是书本上学不到的。
  • 49、The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading
  • 50、The method of reading without it, but is an open mind, and repeatedly to play, for the active ear
  • 51、读书无疑者,须教有疑,有疑者,却要无疑,到这里方是长进。
  • 52、The poor should not forget how rich reading
  • 53、读书人不一定有知识,真正的常识是懂得知识,会思想,能工作。

  • 54、There are three books to read, that the heart, eyes, mouth to
  • 55、诸葛大名垂宇宙,宗臣遗像肃清高。杜甫《咏怀古迹五首其五》
  • 56、Reading does not taste, as it's a silly fish beam; for example, all the food dregs