
  • 1、如果婚姻不能带来某种形式的好处,让它完结,让他滚蛋!
  • 2、爱情正是一个将一对陌生人变成情侣,又将一对情侣变成陌生人的游戏。
  • 3、我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。
  • 4、I have to be lucky, not my life
  • 5、感情爱在的时候我们把说的话叫誓言,感情走了爱淡了那誓言就叫逝言。
  • I don't last forever, as long as you give me happiness
  • 6、I don't last forever, as long as you give me happiness
  • 7、大概是因为爱过他的原因,好像很难再爱上别人。
  • 8、有了你,我又相信爱情了!
  • 9、If the marriage does not bring some form of benefits, let it end, let him go!

  • 10、在不对的时间,不对的地点,只要遇到了对的人,就一切都对了。
  • 11、My temper drove away a lot of people, but I left the real man
  • 12、并不是因为安定了,所以想要结婚,就是无法与某人安定下去了,所以才要结婚。
  • 13、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。
  • 14、You know, the boy stands on the left of the girl because it can be a little closer to her heart
  • 15、Have sailed the seven seas for water, except Wushan not cloud Take the second flower bush laziness review, half margin monarch monarch
  • 16、得之我幸,不得我命。
  • 17、我会跟你结婚的。
  • 18、我会来回来,带来回满身木棉和紫荆的清香,然后告诉你,我已找到天堂。
  • 永远有多远,天长地久有多久,我愿意做那个陪你一起永远到天成地久的人。


  • 20、姑娘你是否昂首挺胸不低头,不轻易把眼里流给狗。
  • 21、I'll come back, bring back the scent of the kapok and the Bauhinia, and tell you that I have found heaven
  • 22、我并不痴情,可我回守侯你一生;我不是弱智,但我会傻傻的爱你到永远!
  • 23、When I am exhausted, at least let me keep the right of silence, which is the last way I feel in my heart
  • 24、I'll take you to the ends of the earth to travel, and I'll do it for you as long as you like it
  • 25、With you, I believe in love again!
  • 26、How long will it be forever, and how long will it be long? I would like to be the one who will be with you for a long time
  • 27、Girl if you do not bow to go with head high and chest out, do not flow to the dog's eyes
  • 28、我不要地久天长,只要你给我的幸福。
  • 29、我希望我打球时,都有你在一旁为我加油,为我擦汗。

  • 30、Not because of the stability, so want to marry, is not able to settle with someone, so it is only to marry
  • 31、Love a person, to hurt her first, because the guilt, is the best way to maintain love
  • 筋疲力尽的时候,请至少让我保留沉默的权力,这是我心疼自己最后的方式。
  • 32、筋疲力尽的时候,请至少让我保留沉默的权力,这是我心疼自己最后的方式。
  • 33、一句问候填满青春,别人的话都听不见,岁月凝结在你的视线。
  • 34、If I love you half of the heart to learn, must learn hegemony
  • 35、In the wrong time, the wrong place, as long as the meeting of the right person, everything is right
  • 36、爱你的人,很多很多;我爱的人,只你一个!
  • 37、I wish I was playing, are you rooting for me in the side, I sweat
  • 38、Love in the time when we call the words of oath, love to love light that oath is called the fleeting words
  • 39、A greeting filled with youth, the words of others can not hear, the years congealed in your sight

  • 40、知道吗,男孩站在女孩的左边是因为那样可以离她的心更近一些。
  • 41、要是有人追求,世界上没有一个女人不是飘飘然的。正因为这样,女人才会那么迷死人。
  • 42、如果我用爱你一半的心来学习,一定成学霸。
  • 43、Love you, a lot of people, a lot of people I love, only one of you!
  • 44、我会带你去天涯海角旅游,只要你喜欢我就会为你做。
  • 爱情只是一件有限期的商品,一定会有结束的那一天。
  • 45、爱情只是一件有限期的商品,一定会有结束的那一天。
  • 46、I'll marry you
  • 47、No woman in the world is not fluttering, if someone is pursuing it That's why women are so dead
  • 48、It's probably because he loved him, and it seems that it's hard to fall in love with others
  • 49、爱一人个,要先伤害她,因为内疚,是维系爱情的最好方法。

  • 50、Love is only a limited period of goods, there must be the end of the day
  • 51、Love is a game that turns a pair of strangers into a couple, and turns a couple into a stranger
  • 52、I don't love, but I kept you back to life; I am not retarded, but I will always love you silly!