
  • 1、Hate can not hate, after all, you are the one I loved
  • 2、Your woman is not generally, is no ordinary women
  • 3、再提及你的名字以及从前,我都哑口无言默不作声。
  • 4、曾经的形影不离,如今的形同陌路,虎视眈眈。

  • 5、No matter who you fall in love with, I will not frown
  • 任回忆萦绕、凭思念灼烧。
  • 6、任回忆萦绕、凭思念灼烧。
  • 7、给不了你要的幸福,所以选择退出。
  • 8、Don't know him well, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger
  • 9、Darling, I still miss you, imagine your smile
  • 10、最好笑的一句话就是我会陪你到最后。
  • 11、不能流的眼泪最疼,不能说的话最真。
  • 12、In love, there is no one who is right, only who let who
  • 13、Let me hold your hand and walk with you
  • 14、Really give up just know, I never regret

  • 15、You are not wrong, I like
  • 16、Can't give you want happiness, so choose to quit
  • 17、I give you gentle, but indulge you to fall is empty
  • 18、The past can not go back, I would like to now
  • 19、后来我才发现:你的世界,根本不缺我。
  • 20、Streamer easy to throw people off, any oath in the wind flow away
  • 21、亲爱的,我还在想你,想象你的笑容。
  • 22、Don't get love, no end of you and me
  • 23、When I fall in love with you, I will always care about you
  • 24、用时间和心看人,而不是用眼睛。

  • 25、提起你还是心酸,却不再像从前那么喜欢。
  • 26、借我一段笑,款款摆渡这沧桑尘寰。
  • 27、梦想不会逃跑,会逃跑的永远都是自己。
  • 28、随便你现在拼命爱上谁,我都不会皱眉。
  • 29、已散了场的电影,不再有回顾的意义。
  • 30、恨也无法去恨,毕竟你是我爱过的人。
  • 31、此情可待成追忆,祗是当时乜惘然、
  • 32、我承认我犯错,错在爱你,更错在相信了爱。
  • 33、让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。
  • 34、I love you play diligently covered all over with cuts and bruises

  • 35、Tears can not flow the most pain, can not say the most true
  • 36、满街游走、寻找幸福的下落。
  • 37、今生就要在一起,我不要下辈子。
  • 38、The sky is dark, you are light, belong to my light
  • 39、I can stay to recall, just what was lost
  • 40、I want to give you the world, but forget what you need is not me
  • 41、Mention your name and once upon a time, I have rendered speechless silence
  • 42、Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes
  • 43、Any missing memories haunted by burning
  • 44、All of a sudden, I found my smile turned out to be good

    Secretly watching you, secretly hide yourself
  • 45、Secretly watching you, secretly hide yourself
  • 46、谁又从谁的雨季里消失,泛滥了眼泪。
  • 47、Unlike his treatment, the tenderness you gave in
  • 48、我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。
  • 49、不差七情六欲,只欠一心一意。
  • 50、You are the reason why I don't love others
  • 51、生活的真正意义是:生下来,活下去。
  • 52、The most funny is that I will accompany you to the last
  • 53、You agreed to go to white, but midway with head
  • 54、Long time no see, we want to feel embarrassed to greet

  • 55、你的世界人潮拥挤找不到我也合情合理。
  • 56、流光容易把人抛下,任誓言在风间流走。
  • 57、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。
  • 58、得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。
  • 59、我给你的温顺,却放纵你变节落为空。
  • 60、偷偷的看着你,偷偷的隐藏着自己。
  • 61、此情可待成追忆,祗是当时乜惘然。
  • 62、The original picture does not shine, the dynamic will automatically update
  • 63、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
  • 64、永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

  • 65、You can't find my world crowded is perfectly logical and reasonable
  • 66、一句好了找我,之后再也没找。
  • 67、I want to know, there is not a second you are afraid of losing me
  • 68、过去的再也回不去,我就想过好现在。
  • 69、What I miss is not you, but you gave the fatal once
  • 70、Cold water can also drink, but the heart is cold even breathing pain
  • 71、Do not say I wish you happiness, you are not eligible
  • 72、我喜欢照镜子,至少在我哭的时候,它没有笑。
  • 73、有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。
  • 74、A movie that has gone away, no longer has the meaning of review

  • 75、I just want a renegade, not hurt, only the warmth of love
  • 76、I can stay to recall, just what was lost,
  • 77、不知道他那里好,让你抛下我为他奋不顾身。
  • 78、我爱的遍体鳞伤,你玩的孜孜不倦。
  • 79、水凉了还可以喝,可是心凉了就连呼吸都痛。
  • 80、About you or sad, but no longer as love
  • 81、No difference in the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, undivided attention
  • 82、Our love, hope has no end
  • 83、说好一起到白头,你却中途染了头。
  • Who disappeared from the rainy season, the flood of tears

    84、Who disappeared from the rainy season, the flood of tears

  • 85、Not to pay, to know not overdo sth
  • 86、只要活着,就一定能遇见好吃的。
  • 87、我不过是想要一份不叛离,不伤害,只有温暖的爱。
  • 88、或许你从不曾需要我,就像我从不曾拥有你。
  • 89、有些东西,现在翻出来看一样会哭。
  • 90、后来熬夜成瘾,终于习惯了没有人关心。
  • 91、You don't think, to trap the thinking of others
  • 92、突然,发现自己的笑变的好假好假。
  • 93、如果再次看到你,我会收起我的痛。
  • 94、好久不见的我们,想问候都觉得尴尬。

  • 95、The true meaning of life is to live, to live
  • 96、Walk the streets, looking for the whereabouts of happiness
  • 97、不要用你的认为,去套住别人的思维。
  • 98、Some things, now turned out to see the same cry
  • 99、Once together, now strangers, look at fiercely as a tiger does
  • 100、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。
  • 101、你的女人不一般,一般女人没法比。
  • 102、无法理喻的爱情,没有结局的你我。
  • 103、君记我一瞬,我念君半生。
  • 104、我两曾十指紧扣,却扣不住天长地久。

  • 105、A good looking for me, and then never find
  • 106、Help people to help in the end, sent to the west of the Buddha, rogue flow to bed
  • 107、Love me you say, put in the heart more bumpy
  • 108、原来头像不亮的人,动态还会自动更新。
  • 109、If you are the person I love, I want to be right
  • 110、Some love can only stop at the mouth and cover in years
  • 111、没有结果的爱我们又何必去执着。
  • 112、姊长期奔放,找不到矜持的方向。
  • 113、Love is a feeling I wish from you
  • 114、你说不离开可怎么手放开的那么快。

  • 115、I have two fingers, but not buckle the enduring as the universe
  • 116、如果你是我错爱的人,我愿意一错再错。
  • 117、在爱情里、没有谁对谁错、只有谁让谁。
  • 118、一个微笑,一个眼神,只是忽然很想你。
  • 119、If there is no you, where I regret what
  • 120、My insecurity ruins too much
  • 121、After separation, my hand will not touch your temperature
  • 122、真正放弃了才知道,我从未后悔过。
  • Lend me a smile, the vicissitudes of life, leisurely ferry
  • 123、Lend me a smile, the vicissitudes of life, leisurely ferry
  • 124、天暗下来,你是光,专属于我的光。

  • 125、好想知道,有没有那么一秒你也害怕过失去我。
  • 126、不同于他的对待,你给的温柔犹在。
  • 127、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西,流氓流上床。
  • 128、时光太瘦,指缝太宽,不经意的一瞥,已隔经年。
  • 129、Eternity is not a distance but a decision
  • 130、不要说祝我幸福,你没资格。
  • 131、No result of love and why we want to persistent
  • 132、如果没有你,我在哪里又有什么可惜。
  • 133、Then stay up late addiction, and finally get used to no one cares
  • 134、你没有错,是我飞蛾扑火。

  • 135、I like to look in the mirror, at least when I cry, it does not laugh
  • 136、A smile, a look, just suddenly miss you
  • 137、分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。
  • 138、我想给你全世界,却忘记了你需要的不是我。
  • 139、以前我不懂得,未必明天就有以后。
  • 140、How can you say you can not let go so fast
  • 141、I admit that I made a mistake, wrong love you, but also in the wrong love
  • 142、Time is thinner than enough, slipping rapidly through the fingers Such a long time has passed by in a blink of an eye。
  • 143、Dreams don't run, they run away
  • 144、Maybe you never needed me, like I never had you

  • 145、Sister long unrestrained, can not find the direction of modesty
  • 146、当我爱上你的时候,我会永远关心你。
  • 147、If you know I can't stay, can also go extremely difficult
  • 148、This life will be together, I don't want the next life
  • 149、Later, I found that: your world, I do not lack
  • 150、If I see you again, I will take away my pain
  • 151、I did not know before, not necessarily tomorrow
  • 152、你,就是我不爱别人的理由。
  • 153、As long as alive, we will be able to meet delicious
  • 154、你若深知我不会挽留,能否千难万难也别走。

  • 155、相爱是一场你情我愿的自虐。
  • 156、You remember my moment, my life I miss you