
    1、就算我卑微,也有资格沉醉。Even if I am humble, also drunk

  • 2、Even if there is no end, I still love you 就算没有结局,我还是很喜欢你、
  • 3、情话 只是偶然兑现的 falsehood -
  • 4、I will be strong enough to make you feel bad、我会坚强的让你都心疼
  • 5、You will never understand love if you are always sane、 ~~~永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。
  • The second i still read with you in different ways to love you、
  • 6、The second i still read with you in different ways to love you、
  • 7、My world, I know a person is good、 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。
  • 8、Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 将他遗忘好比去了解一个素未谋面的人那样
  • 9、◇◆丶 All things there are some rules、
  • 10、People tend to focus on two, for the love and career、
  • 11、saygoodbay,再见再也不见

  • 12、Heart is the knife stabbed himself to others、心软就是把刀递给了别人捅自己
  • 13、幸福的世界里jest want to tell you只想让你听到我的声音
  • 14、If love, please cherish、 若相爱,请珍惜。
  • 15、Each of us is no longer the only 我们彼此不再是唯一
  • 16、All because of love together in this world and not all of them、
  • 17、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of、
  • If the whole world betrayed you, I will hide behind you, betraying the world、
  • 18、If the whole world betrayed you, I will hide behind you, betraying the world、
  • 19、Dear,为什么伱旳资料里会出现别人旳name?
  • 20、Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖
  • 21、I miss you after i missed you [莪想念迩在莪错过迩之后。]

  • 22、Some love can not insist we can only give up chic
  • 23、Baby I know, Baby I know ,maybe its time for us both to let go
  • 24、No two people not only depends on the two heart not、
  • 25、Love, not with the eyes, measure, is the heart of comparison!
  • 26、My special: nonsense verbiage、
  • 27、Zeal for you、对你狂热
  • 28、what do yu think you are° 我已经不想再在意你了。
  • 29、I am never going back again、 我永远不再回头。
  • -Since I was young, time inclined negative、我自是年少,韶华倾负
  • 30、-Since I was young, time inclined negative、我自是年少,韶华倾负
  • 31、A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself、 朋友就是那些你敢在他们面前做自己的人

  • 32、We no longer can not go back、 我们再也回不去了。
  • 33、can you feel my world , 真实的我没办法伪装、
  • 34、Can You Fell My Word ! 我要你懂我的世界!
  • 35、Put my name at the top of your list 让我成为你最在乎的人
  • 36、The details will tell you who is sincere to you、细节会告诉你谁是真心对你好、
  • 37、Approaching you,I get hurt,and leaving you,I will be lonely、
  • 38、We are the witness of love, planted a love of flowers、
  • 39、Love is a kind of faith, to bring you back to me、
  • 40、Sometimes you realise too late that what you are looking for is exactly what you just let go有的时候,你醒悟得太晚,不明白自己苦苦追寻的,其实就是上一秒放弃的。
  • 41、This present life and you love to the end, never separated、

  • 42、New、Unique、Better不是每个愿望都能马上实现,必须好好加油
  • 43、lost self countless times、
  • 44、Too many swindlers, fool obviously not enough骗子太多,傻子明显不够用了
  • 45、We just met not to start
  • 46、girl i want to put you all up in my room、
  • 47、You are my lover、 You are my dearest、
  • 48、I dream about being with you forever、
  • 49、The soul has long been hated buried[灵魂早已被恨掩埋
  • 50、I thought you had feelings for me、 我以为你会对我有感觉