
  • 1、More inpidual counseling, less overall preaching
  • 2、He who knows is better than he who knows, and he who knows is better than he who knows
  • 3、If a wise man cares, he will lose; if a fool cares, he will gain
  • 4、人生中最重要的决定不是你做什么,而是你不做什么。

  • 5、Only those who are able to do things can do them properly and honestly, and only those who are able to do them properly and steadfastly
  • 即使没有职位权力,也要在队伍中间争取领队。
  • 6、即使没有职位权力,也要在队伍中间争取领队。
  • 7、The direction of the wind is determined by the tree, and the direction of man is determined by himself
  • 8、Don't look at the past with a sentimental eye, because the past will never come back The smartest way is to grasp the present well
  • 9、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐知者。
  • 10、该放下时且放下,你宽容别人,其实是给自己留下来一片海阔天空。
  • 11、多个别辅导,少整体说教。
  • 12、懂得尊重自己的人,也会懂得尊重别人,这包括尊重自己的孩子在内。
  • 13、学如不及,犹恐失之。
  • 14、Everything in the mind comes from feeling

  • 15、儿童是通过努力从事活动,从而使个人得到发展的。
  • 16、Today's garbage material will be the gold that shines brightly in your mind tomorrow
  • 17、In a place that truly belongs to children, children will try their best to pay attention to their behavior and control their behavior
  • 18、Teaching thought determines the teaching mode, without thinking, learning mode is a mechanical activity
  • 19、Whether it is basic knowledge, reading or writing, the fundamental way to improve ability is extracurricular reading
  • 20、对待学生,要像对待自己的孩子一样,我们所做的一切要向他们负责。
  • 21、Sometimes you feel desperate, but not giving up is the best way to deal with difficulties!
  • 不要以感伤的眼光去看过去,因为过去再也不会回来了,最聪明的办法,就是好好的把握现在。
  • 22、不要以感伤的眼光去看过去,因为过去再也不会回来了,最聪明的办法,就是好好的把握现在。
  • 23、会做人才会做事,会堂堂正正做人,才会正正经经、扎扎实实做事。
  • 24、早晨不起,误一天的事,幼时不学,误一生的事。

  • 25、The whole world gives way to a man who is dedicated to his dreams
  • 26、Education is not filling a bucket of water, but lighting a fire
  • 27、We should treat students as our own children, and we should be responsible for everything we do
  • 28、与其说我做了一辈子教师,不如说我一辈子学做教师。
  • 29、In fact, whether it is basic knowledge, reading or writing, the fundamental way to improve ability is extracurricular reading
  • 30、Children develop themselves through hard work
  • 31、在一个真正属于孩子的地方,孩子会尽力去注意自己的举止,控制自己的行为。
  • 32、一心向着自己梦想前进的人,整个世界都给他让路。
  • 33、教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。
  • 34、教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。

  • 35、The purpose of education is to free students from the slavery of reality, not to adapt to reality
  • 36、没有一个孩子不想学习好,没有一个孩子不想有一个美好的未来。
  • 37、今天的垃圾素材,将会是明天闪耀着你思想光辉的金子。
  • It's time to put it down You forgive others, but in fact, you leave yourself a vast expanse of sea and sky
  • 38、It's time to put it down You forgive others, but in fact, you leave yourself a vast expanse of sea and sky
  • 39、风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。
  • 40、Teaching without researching is shallow, while researching without teaching is empty
  • 41、No cause is not terrible, no cause is terrible
  • 42、Man's faults are different from those of his party See, Si Zhiren
  • 43、No child wants to learn well, no child wants to have a good future
  • 44、教学思想决定教学模式,没有思想,只学模式是机械性活动。

  • 45、Even if there is no position power, we should strive for the leader among the team
  • 46、If you fail to learn, you are afraid of losing it
  • 47、The growth of life requires not only eating, but also suffering and losing
  • 48、其实,无论是基础知识,阅读还是写作,提高能力的根本途径都是课外阅读。
  • 49、教育的目的是让学生摆脱现实的奴役,而非适应现实。
  • 50、人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣。
  • 51、People who know how to respect themselves will also know how to respect others, including their children
  • 52、生命的成长不光需要吃饭,还需要吃苦,吃亏。
  • 53、You can find reasons to be sad, and you can certainly find reasons to be happy
  • The most important decision in life is not what you do, but what you don't do

    54、The most important decision in life is not what you do, but what you don't do

  • 55、教而不研则浅,研而不教则空。
  • 56、The greatest pleasure of a gentleman is to create students worthy of his worship
  • 57、先生之最大的快乐,是创造出值得自己崇拜的学生。
  • 58、Teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun
  • 59、无论是基础知识,阅读还是写作,提高能力的根本途径都是课外阅读。
  • 60、Not so much as I have been a teacher all my life, but I have learned to be a teacher all my life
  • 61、头脑里的一切没有不起源于感觉的。
  • 62、智者千虑,必有一失;愚者千虑,必有一得。
  • 63、有的时候你会感到绝望,但不放弃是对付困难的最好办法!
  • 64、When you get up in the morning, you miss a day, when you are young, you miss a lifetime

  • 65、没事业不可怕,没事业心才可怕。
  • 66、你能找到理由难过,也一定能找到理由快乐。