

  • 2、离别,拉长了身影,身影,拉开了距离。
  • 3、Life is like a news broadcast, not for Taiwan to escape
  • 4、每次看到你上线,就特别开心。
  • 5、嘘,别说话,我只是有一点点难过。
  • Don't belong to own thing, hold in the hand, will only hurt me
  • 6、Don't belong to own thing, hold in the hand, will only hurt me
  • 7、Hush, don't talk, I'm just a little sad
  • 8、You will never understand my pain, like during the day do not understand the black night
  • 9、Time will slowly precipitation, some people will be in your heart slowly fuzzy
  • 10、有一种人:上午是包公,中午是关公,下午是济公。
  • 11、人总是自我矛盾,渴求理解的同时,又害怕被看穿。

  • 12、Like you, including all of you, advantages and disadvantages
  • 13、真心不过钞票多,感情不过性寂寞。
  • 14、A flash of God, in the twinkling of an eye, we have such a vertical chuilao
  • 15、The smile that belongs to me, where I am looking for?
  • 16、属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻找?
  • 17、一晃神、一转眼、莪们就这样垂垂老去。
  • 18、时间被爱情浪费,才算是一种浪漫。
  • 我只是个陪你疯了一场短暂狂欢的过客。
  • 19、我只是个陪你疯了一场短暂狂欢的过客。
  • 20、If without you, where do I have what a pity
  • 21、If you don't go for a walk, you will think this is the world

  • 22、People are always self contradictory, eager to understand at the same time, but also afraid of being seen through
  • 23、I can think of the most romantic thing Is to slowly grow old together with you
  • 24、你永远不懂我伤悲,像白天不懂夜的黑。
  • 25、有些人是可以被时间轻易抹去的。犹如尘土。
  • 26、Parting, elongated figure, figure, opened the distance
  • 27、Every time I see you on the line, especially happy
  • 28、我能想到最浪漫的事。就是和你一起慢慢变老。
  • 29、咽喉里带着没来由的血腥,每次呼吸都牵扯心痛。
  • 30、Some people can be easily erased by time Like dust
  • 31、喜欢你,包括你的一切,优点以及缺点。

  • 32、爱最痛的呼喊,是不能够再重来。
  • 33、生活就像新闻联播,不是换台就能逃避的。
  • 34、如果没有你,我在哪里又有什么可惜。
  • 35、I just accompany you crazy a brief Carnival traveler
  • 36、Want to go wandering, look at different places
  • 37、笑了,自己还痴痴傻傻,等待一个不可能的梦。
  • 38、不属于自己的东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛我自己。
  • 39、再花心,内心深处也有一个自己真正深爱的人。
  • 40、Laugh, he still wait, wait for an impossible dream
  • 41、True, but more money, but the feelings of loneliness

  • 42、想一个去流浪,看看不同的地方。
  • 43、Love is the most painful cry, is not able to re
  • 44、The throat with unprovoked bloody, every breath in pain
  • 时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。
  • 45、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。
  • 46、一句简单的问候,承载了多少不为人知的情感。
  • 47、如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是世界。
  • 48、We are too young to love but to give each other the future
  • 49、A: morning is Bao, noon is fair, is any afternoon
  • 50、A simple greeting, bearing the number of unknown emotions
  • 51、Time is a waste of love, is a kind of romance

  • 52、Again flower heart, deep heart also has a deep love of their own people