
  • 1、那专想等待良机的,无异在等待月光变为银质。罗斯乔特
  • 2、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。裴斯泰洛齐
  • 3、Knowledge is a treasure, but the key to this treasure is practice。

  • 4、读书不思考,等于吃饭而不消化。波尔克
  • 5、心灵有时应该得到消遣,这样才能更好地回到思想与其本身。费德鲁斯
  • 知识是宝库,但开启这个宝库的钥匙是实践。富勒
  • 6、知识是宝库,但开启这个宝库的钥匙是实践。富勒
  • 7、Don't belittle dusk, dusk, like the morning's achievements in the time of my career。
  • 8、人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例。约翰逊
  • 9、今天所做之事勿候明天,自己所做之事勿候他人。歌德
  • 10、懒惰会使事情困难,勤奋能使事情容易。富兰克林
  • 11、The specially want to wait for opportunity, just waiting for the moonlight into silver。
  • 12、Laziness makes things difficult, hard to make things easy。
  • 13、Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore。

  • 14、Know their own shortcomings, is usually the sign of one supreme wisdom。
  • 15、If people are devotedly to do something, always can meet by chance。
  • 16、贫而懒惰乃真穷,贱而无志乃真贱。罗丹
  • 17、不知道并不可怕和有害。任何人都不可能什么都知道,可怕的和有害的是不知道而伪装知道。托尔斯泰
  • 18、要有坚强的意志,卓越的能力,以及坚持要达到目标的恒心。歌德
  • 19、Poor and lazy is really poor, base without ambition is the true mean。
  • 20、不嫉妒的人,不是在恋爱。尼辛
  • 21、Ideal is the beacon, without ideal, there is no secure direction。
  • 22、认识自身的缺点,是一个人最高智慧的表现。罗什孚科
  • 23、不要懒懒散散地虚度生命。贝多芬

  • 24、Ambition is always accompanied, and poverty is the world common them together。
  • 25、Should do not do today, tomorrow early and delayed again。
  • 26、Reasonable arrangement of time, is to save time。
  • 27、一个人如果胸无大志,既使再有壮丽的举动也称不上是伟人。拉罗什夫科
  • 28、如果有什么需要明天做的事,最好现在就开始。富兰克林
  • 29、一个人追求的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。高尔基
  • 30、我唯一知道的就是自己无知。苏格拉底
  • 31、Lose a person no matter what happens, the appropriate time, favorable timing will work。
  • 32、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。弗兰西斯·培根
  • 正当利用时间!你要理解什么,不要舍近求远。歌德


  • 34、Don't waste life idling about。
  • 35、Stupid action, can make people in poverty; Appeal to the timing of operation, but can be very rich。
  • 36、真诚的友谊好像健康,失去时才知道他的可贵。哥尔顿
  • 37、我要扼住命运的咽喉,他绝不能使我完全屈服。贝多芬
  • 38、劳动能使一个人的道德变得高尚。加里宁
  • 39、不要在已成的事业中逗留着!巴斯德
  • 40、Great into a ridiculous is but a step, but the step again, and will become great。
  • 41、True friendship is like sound health, know until it be lost his precious。
  • 42、人们若是一心一意地做某一件事,总是会碰到偶然的机会的。巴尔扎克
  • 43、Wisdom is a gem, if use modest edge, will be more brilliant。

  • 44、不前进就倒退,停滞状态是没有的。别林斯基
  • 45、The higher one goal, his wit to develop faster, more beneficial to the society。
  • 46、美有如夏天的水果,容易腐烂且不持久。培根
  • 47、溺死於酒杯中的人,较溺死於大海中者尤多。吉泰
  • 48、在所有批评家中,最伟大、最正确,最天才的是时间。别林斯基
  • 49、人并不是因为美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。托尔斯泰
  • 50、I don't know how many people can succeed in the world, all because of the rare time lightly and obscurity。
  • 51、理想是指路明灯,没有理想就没有坚定的方向。托尔斯泰
  • 52、We want to remember, make the silkworm cocoon, cocoon shell which is not see the world。
  • 53、To succeed in this world, we must stick to it: to death can off hand。

  • 54、仅仅天赋的某些巨大优势并不能造就英雄,还要有运气相伴。拉罗什夫科
  • 55、对时间的慷慨,就等于慢性**。奥斯特洛夫斯基
  • 56、Beauty is as summer fruits, easy to corrupt, and does not last long。
  • 57、今是生活,今是动力,今是行为,今是创作。李大钊
  • 58、Who give me a drop of water, and I will reward him across the sea。
  • 59、Opportunities for people who cannot use it and what use? Just as the wind would use it only for is motivation。
  • Matter of the today do not wait tomorrow, don't wait others what he had done。
  • 60、Matter of the today do not wait tomorrow, don't wait others what he had done。
  • 61、Don't envy, not in love。
  • 62、Among all the criticism, the greatest and the most correct, the most gifted is time。
  • 63、The challenge in life is not to allow you to ground to a halt, but to help you find yourself。

  • 64、If the demoralization, interest also is bound to fall。
  • 65、一个人不论干什么事,失掉恰当的时节、有利的时机就会全功尽弃。柏拉图
  • 66、Drowning in glass, especially more from drowning in the sea。
  • 67、This is life, this is the power, this is a behavior, this is a creation。
  • 68、伟大变为可笑只有一步,但再走一步,可笑又会变为伟大。佩思
  • 69、I don't know is not terrible and dangerous。 No one could know everything, terrible and harmful is don't know but pretend to know。
  • 70、机会对于不能利用它的人又有什么用呢?正如风只对于能利用它的人才是动力。西蒙
  • 71、Talent only some of the huge advantage does not make a hero, and luck go hand in hand。
  • 72、生命中的挑战并不是要让你陷于停顿,而是要帮助你发现自我。约翰森·里根
  • 73、To have a strong will, extraordinary ability, and insisted that perseverance to achieve objectives。

  • 74、The aspirations of people usually and their ability to become direct ratio。
  • 75、志气和贫困是患难兄弟,世人常见他们伴在一起。托·富勒
  • 76、The generosity of time, is equal to chronic suicide。
  • 77、智慧是宝石,如果用谦虚镶边,就会更加灿烂夺目。高尔基
  • 78、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。马在思
  • 79、Due to too cautious, for time will be not enough, will miss the boat。
  • 80、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不饶。贝多芬
  • 81、不要贬低黄昏,黄昏同清晨一样是成就事业的时间。天雄
  • 82、Mind sometimes should get entertained, so they can better to ideas rather than itself。
  • 83、Proper use of our time! What do you want to understand, not to further。

  • 84、Labor makes a person's moral noble。
  • 85、Life's opportunities and changes。 When a man the most proud of is biggest misfortune。
  • 86、If a person heart and even more spectacular action is not great。
  • 只有恒心可以使你达到目的,只有博学可以使你明辨世事。席勒
  • 87、只有恒心可以使你达到目的,只有博学可以使你明辨世事。席勒
  • 88、世上真不知有多少能够成功立业的人,都因为把难得的时间轻轻放过而致默默无闻。莫泊桑
  • 89、由于过分审慎,人们对于时机就会重视不够,就会坐失良机。卢梭
  • 90、To read without reflecting is eating without digesting。
  • 91、Don't move forward, backward, is not stagnant。
  • 92、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。狄德罗
  • 93、Only persistence can make you achieve a goal, only knowledge can make you right from the world。

  • 94、Have the courage to bear the fate is the tragic hero。
  • 95、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。黑塞
  • 96、人生颇富机会和变化。人最得意的时候,有最大的不幸光临。亚里士多德
  • 97、The only thing I know is that his own ignorance。
  • 98、谁给我一滴水,我便回报他整个大海。华梅
  • 99、If you have any need to do tomorrow, had better start now。
  • 100、I will take fate by the throat, he never makes me completely give in。
  • 101、我们要记着,作了茧的蚕,是不会看到茧壳以外的世界的。李四光
  • 102、我知道什麽是劳动:劳动是世界上一切欢乐和一切美好事情的源泉。高尔基
  • 103、愚蠢的行动,能使人陷于贫困;投合时机的行动,却能令人致富。克拉克

  • 104、I know what is the labor: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world。
  • 105、As a big advantage is remarkable, in bad and hard encounters hundred fold not rao。
  • 106、要在这个世界上获得成功,就必须坚持到底:至死都不能离手。伏尔泰
  • 107、Don't stay in is a career!
  • 108、People don't because of beautiful just lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful。