
  • 1、Sometimes many familiar people around, but they just like air。
  • 2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。
  • 3、Some people is doomed to be waiting for someone else, some people are doomed to people, etc。
  • 4、女生伪装幸福,只是害怕被最心爱的男生发现她伤心。
  • 5、Always in the moment, before the signs of its profound beauty。
  • 关于爱的记忆,要好好收藏,只是今后的幸福,要各自寻找。
  • 6、关于爱的记忆,要好好收藏,只是今后的幸福,要各自寻找。
  • 7、爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

  • 8、曾经莪以为念念不忘旳人,也就在一念之间都忘记了。
  • 9、总是在撕碎的瞬间,才能体现出它那刻骨铭心的美。
  • 10、Because of love, so will not become the enemy, because have wounded, so will not be friends。
  • 11、因为爱过,所以不会成为敌人,因为伤过,所以不会做朋友。
  • 12、Is obviously two personal memories, but I was the only one collection。
  • 13、About the memory of love, to have a good collection, only the future happiness, want to look for each。
  • 14、The moment the smile is not happy, it was time to cry no tears, no promise when should believe in。
  • 15、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all my heart and soul。
  • 明明是两个人的回忆,却只有我一个人珍藏。
  • 16、明明是两个人的回忆,却只有我一个人珍藏。
  • 17、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten。 Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable。

  • 18、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
  • 19、真正的实体都是有瑕疵的,只有赝品才会让人觉得完美无暇。
  • 20、该笑的时候没有快乐,该哭泣的时候没有眼泪,该相信的时候没有诺言。
  • 21、Real entities are flawed, only fake can let a person feel perfect。
  • 22、Girls disguised happiness, but afraid of being the most beloved boys found her sad。
  • 23、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。
  • 24、In a calm day, leave some space for yourself, leave some space for each other, give us some good to the distance。
  • 25、在风平浪静的日子里,留点空间给自己,留点空间给对方,留点美好给距离。
  • Once I thought never forget one, also is in a nidea forgot。
  • 26、Once I thought never forget one, also is in a nidea forgot。
  • 27、有时候身边很多熟悉的人,他们却只如空气般存在。

  • 28、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。