
  • 1、Entertainment is ready for learning, is the medicine of the fatigue after learning
  • 2、教学必须从学习者已有的经验开始。
  • 3、掌握新技术,要善于学习,更要善于创新。
  • 4、青年最主要的任务是学习。

  • 5、No business knowledge, the talent is high, can't st
  • Learn from all the winners and losers thought method
  • 6、Learn from all the winners and losers thought method
  • 7、要学习的时间是有的,问题是我们善于不善于挤,愿不愿意钻。
  • 8、一切学问没有速成的,尤其是语言。
  • 9、学如才识,不日进,则日退。
  • 10、有学问的求实不为名,真正的名誉,在虚荣之外。
  • 11、Learned strives for is not the name of the real fame, in vain
  • 12、Not daily, as well, the day to go back
  • 13、Teaching must start from learners of the existing experience
  • 14、愈学习,愈发现自己的无知。

  • 15、All knowledge without crash, especially language
  • 人才虽高,不务学问,不能致圣。
  • 16、人才虽高,不务学问,不能致圣。
  • 17、Learning is extremely precious things, from any source absorption is not a disgrace
  • 18、New mathematical methods and concepts, often more important than itself to follow in solving math problems
  • 19、In those books to bash fame and learning on the cover of the author's name is impressively printing
  • 20、Master new technology, be good at learning, more must be good at innovation
  • 21、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。
  • 22、只要还有什么东西不知道,就永远应当学习。
  • 23、Youth's main task is to learn
  • 24、一个人必须学习与自己不同类型的人相处,不然生活何其孤苦。

  • 25、学而不知道,与不学同;知而不能行,与不知同。
  • There is time to learn, the problem is that we are not good at crowded, willing to drill
  • 26、There is time to learn, the problem is that we are not good at crowded, willing to drill
  • 27、But don't know, and don't learn with; Know not line, with don't know
  • 28、娱乐活动是为学习做好准备,又是学习后恢复疲劳的良药。
  • 29、向一切成功者和失败者学习思想方法。
  • 30、以切磋之谊取友,则学问日精;以慎重之行利生,则道风日远。
  • 31、新的数学方法和概念,常常比解决数学问题本身更重要。
  • 32、To play host to take friends, learning, fine; Arm of a measured, FengRi far
  • 33、Asked to learn there will be a teacher, assembly, like friends
  • 34、问学必有师,讲习必有友。

  • 35、在那些为了抨击名望和学问的书籍的封面上赫然印着作者的大名。
  • As long as there's something I don't know, you should study forever
  • 36、As long as there's something I don't know, you should study forever
  • 37、Learning, found his ignorance
  • 38、A man must learn to get along with different types of people, otherwise how desolate life
  • 39、人要独立生活,学习有用的技艺。
  • 40、People to independent living, learning useful skills