
  • 1、心灵这种地方,既然有锁就会有钥匙。
  • 2、Why do we always catch up with those who do not want to wait for their own people, and missed some obviously can go very fast, but would like to stop
  • 3、献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿福乐时刻与你相伴。分离只熔得友情更浓,重聚首将在那更灿烂的明天!
  • 4、Simple quiet life is not happy, so I only embrace the moment, long lasting feeling is not happy, so I only believe in a moment
  • 5、我希望睡前最后看到的是你。
  • When you want to cry, do not hold back, uncomfortable is their own!
  • 6、When you want to cry, do not hold back, uncomfortable is their own!
  • 7、好多心事藏在心口我怕开口就是嘶吼。
  • 8、To give up is very simple, but to forget a person is very difficult
  • 9、人跟人之间的感情就像织毛衣,建立的时候一针一线,小心而漫长,拆除的时候却只需轻轻一拉。
  • 10、I have been very carefully, but later lost enthusiasm

  • 11、总是想念着你,虽然我们无法共同拥有每分每秒。
  • 12、我真想变成你的手机:永远被你握在手里,经常听到你的心语,还能拍下你看到的美丽,时时把我记在心里。
  • 13、岁月的风尘夹杂着寒霜,也会将希望凋零。就象深秋即将来临,寒风横扫落叶,繁华瞬间落寞。
  • 14、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you
  • 15、There is no love in my world, it's meant to be apart
  • 16、The heart of this place, since there is a lock will have the key
  • 17、Now my life and death, happiness and pain, completely manipulated in your hands, you can give me the holy love?
  • 18、如果爱上,就不要轻易放过机会,莽撞,可能使你后悔一阵子,怯懦,却可能使你后悔一辈子。
  • 19、I want you to be the mother of my children, my child named you oh
  • 20、Lies is to say to the ear, but it is to let the eyes to tears

  • 21、唱着伤心的歌曲,看着心爱的女孩。心是为你伤的,歌是为你唱的,我只是想要你幸福快乐,对不起!
  • 22、Years of dust mixed with frost, also hope will wither As autumn is coming, wind swept the leaves, bustling lonely moment
  • 23、也许你安心深处我需要的不是飞翔,也许,我只是需要一个拥抱,以便让我知道自己并不孤单。
  • 24、Love does not hurt, hurt is a solemn pledge of eternal love can never be realized; lose is not terrible, terrible is touch scene injury, emotional and thinking
  • 25、现在我的生和死,快乐和痛苦,完全操纵在你的手中,你能够赐予我圣洁的爱吗?
  • 26、放弃很简单,可忘记一个人却很难。
  • 27、雨,依旧下着;我,依旧想你。直到世间不再落雨的那一天,我便停止了爱你如雨般深深的思念。
  • 28、有情之人,天天是节。一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份爱意,一生相恋!
  • 29、Singing sad songs, looking at the beloved girl Heart is for you hurt, the song is for you to sing, I just want you happy, I'm sorry!
  • 30、That meteor responsive, I wish in the sky waiting, until a star was moved me, carrying my thoughts and blessings, fall on your sleeping pillow

  • 31、Miss is the roof so tick, is a microwave lake formed, is in the morning mist, is we wake up the confusion I miss you very much at the moment!
  • 32、这是第九次分手,我最后一次让你走!
  • 33、都说流星有求必应,我愿在星空下等待,等到一颗星被我感动,载着我的思念和祝福,落在你熟睡的枕边。
  • 34、喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看着你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。
  • 35、虽然我们说恋爱中的女人应该自信,但一个女人真爱上了一个男人,她会害怕失去,会开始不自信。
  • 36、If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil, when you look in the mirror, you can give me the most affectionate look to me!
  • 37、这一生我只牵你的手因为今生有你早已足够。
  • 38、最难过的莫过于当你遇上一个特别的人,却明白永远不可能在一起,或迟或早,你都不得不放手。
  • 39、I do not know why, as long as you are in me, my heart is no longer on tenterhooks
  • 40、失意了,伤心的泪水,如决堤的海,汹涌澎湃,凭你一双娇柔的双手,又怎么能把所有的伤痕抚平?

  • 41、原来,世上最短的咒语,是你的名字。
  • 42、I always think of you, when you go to sleep
  • 43、我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么不可否认我们的路一直很艰辛,但最终,爱让一切变得简单。
  • 44、我以为你很冷,原来你暖的不是我。
  • Through in the streets of the city by cold steel and concrete dreams, eventually forgotten by the time in the poor discrimination
  • 45、Through in the streets of the city by cold steel and concrete dreams, eventually forgotten by the time in the poor discrimination
  • 46、世间本无沙漠,我每想你一次,上帝就落下一粒沙,从此便有了撒哈拉!
  • 47、我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。
  • 48、想哭的时候,别憋着,难受的是自己!
  • 49、With the desire and vanity of Demiao, as in the past
  • 50、This life I only hold your hand Because this life has you long enough

  • 51、上万事缘在其中,生死尚有时,缘之深浅岂无肖定缘来时喜,缘尽时悲!真是何苦又何必!不若有缘时珍惜。
  • 52、The youth who have shallow bruises, whose sad can not leave birthmark, who fall in love at first sight not deep-rooted, who can not willful resigned
  • 53、The love is true, only happiness is false It was thought that the perfect conjugal bliss Love is just a set of fate
  • 54、Like a person, there is no pain Love a person, may have lingering pain, but you gave me happiness, happiness is the largest in the world
  • 55、痛彻心扉的爱情是真的,只有幸福是假的。那曾经以为的花好月圆。爱情只是宿命摆下的一个局。
  • 56、Don't be in contact because I can't hurt
  • 57、思念是屋檐洒落的滴答声,是湖面泛起的微波,是晨曦中的薄雾,是梦醒时的迷茫。此刻的我非常想你!
  • 58、Growing, is the process of tuning your cry into silence
  • 59、其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我说。
  • 60、People with the relationship between people is like knitting a sweater, established when the stitch, be careful and lengthy, removed when they only need to gently pull

  • 61、生活不是电影,没有那么多不期而遇。
  • 62、Life is not a movie, not so much accidentaly across
  • 63、He is not wrong, but did not love me for a long time, just did not stay for me, just love is not the time, but did not accompany me to the end
  • 64、一个人走、一个人睡、一个人忙、一个人累、一个人思索、一个人沉醉、一个人烦躁、一个人体会。
  • 65、If the sky is no longer blue, clouds will not be the same
  • 66、你看到的,就是最真的我!!一种永无止尽的感动!!感动这世界有你与我这最美的存在!!
  • 67、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃!
  • 68、Don't say sorry to me I don't want to be with you
  • 69、If not if, the time will be for us to stay? Have seen the sunset, heard of the tide, are buried by time, fantasy into a bubble
  • 70、Like your smile, like to watch you quietly, my sad like a cloud in general suddenly flew to the

  • 71、深情总不被人珍惜,薄情却让人怀念。
  • 72、A person walking, a person to sleep, a busy, a person tired, a person thinking, a person intoxicated, a person irritable, a personal experience
  • 73、I really want to become your phone: always to be hold in your hand, often hear your Xinyu, can take you to see the beautiful, and always put the I in mind
  • 74、Day and night will not be able to stop the deep thoughts of both of us!
  • 75、伤口是别人给与的耻辱,自己坚持的幻觉。像我这样的人,总是以一个难题的形式出现在感情里。
  • 76、如果爱情是一朵花,就让它开在我心里,败在我心里,深埋在我心里。
  • 77、不知为什么,只要有你在我身边,我的心便不再惶惶不安。
  • 78、The wound is a shame to others, the illusion of their own People like me, always in the form of a problem in the feelings of
  • 79、If you live, it is the greatest gift that God has given me, and you will be the greatest gift God has given me
  • 80、I hope to see you at the end of the bed

  • 81、When my heart finds your heart, it's been out of your hypocrisy Your heart is wandering, my heart is waiting for your return
  • 82、我总会想你,睡觉的时候也没停止过。
  • 83、如果没有如果,时间是否会为我们停留?曾经看过的夕阳,听过的潮落,都被时间掩埋,幻成泡沫。
  • Maybe you feel at ease I need not fly, maybe, I just need a hug, so I know I'm not alone
  • 84、Maybe you feel at ease I need not fly, maybe, I just need a hug, so I know I'm not alone
  • 85、No desert in the world, every time I think of you, God will fall a grain of sand, and then there will be the sahara!
  • 86、Active for a long time will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!
  • 87、随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。
  • 88、如果有来世,我愿意做你的瞳孔,在你照镜子的时候,可以把你最深情的注视给我!
  • 89、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。
  • 90、This is the ninth time to break up, the last time I let you go!

  • 91、谎言是说给耳朵听,却是让眼睛流泪。
  • 92、A lot of hidden worries in the heart I am afraid of opening is screaming
  • 93、I've given you enough time to run away from me now, time to
  • 94、I have you in my heart, only the proportion has changed
  • 95、简单安静的生活其实不幸福,所以我只拥抱刹那,绵延持久的感觉根本不快乐,所以我只信仰瞬间。
  • 96、谁与谁错肩,谁和谁永远。谁在残阳如血的时光中等待风气,谁在纪念梦幻的青春,纪念谁的唏嘘。
  • 97、Rain, still under the; I, still miss you Until the day the world no longer rain, I will stop loving you deeply miss rain
  • 98、You see, is the most real me!! A never ending move!! Moved the world to have you with me this most beautiful existence!!
  • 99、I've worked so hard for this moment, just to say it to you I like you
  • 100、Although we say that women in love should be confident, but a woman love a man, she will be afraid of losing, will start not confident

  • 101、白昼与黑夜将无法阻挡我俩的深深思念!
  • 102、爱情是奢侈品,拥有欣慰,没有无谓。
  • 103、如果天不再是蓝色,云会不会不一样。
  • 104、谁的青春没有浅浅的淤青,谁的伤心能不留胎记,谁的一见钟情不刻骨铭心,谁能任性不认命。
  • 105、爱一个人,明明知道他的不好,却丝毫不会在意;明明知道比他好的还有很多,却只会倾心于他。
  • 106、他用十年扮演一个过客,她用余生回忆一场错过,她还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾经来过这里。
  • 107、With the blessing of distressed at parting wishes, may the moment with you Separation only melting may friendship thicker, the first will be reunited in the more brilliant tomorrow!
  • 108、Frustrated, sad tears, such as burst of sea, surging, by your hands, a pair of delicate, how can to heal the wounds of all?
  • 109、穿越在这座城市的大街小巷,靠着冰冷的钢筋水泥想入非非,最终被时间遗忘在贫穷的歧视里。
  • 110、分开了就不要在联系因为我伤不起。

  • 111、你知道什么是孤独吗,就像你一语不发的离开,我在漫无边际的回忆和冷风里一边恨你,一边等你。
  • 112、He spent ten years as a passenger, she spent the rest of his life to remember a miss, she is still waiting for you, but you have forgotten that you have come here
  • 113、It turned out that the world's shortest spell, is your name
  • 114、Would like to have no time to look back, and with a deep feeling of the rest of the life
  • 115、Without your love The goal will be difficult to re!
  • 116、我已经给了你足够的时间从我的身边逃走现在,时间到。
  • 117、爱情不伤人,伤人的是永远实现不了的海誓山盟;失去不可怕,可怕的是触景而伤情,睹物而思人。
  • 118、喜欢一个人,是不会有痛苦的。爱一个人,也许有绵长的痛苦,但你给我的快乐,也是世上最大的快乐。
  • 119、我偷听到你对上帝说你非我不嫁,所以我不想你背叛上帝嘛!
  • 120、I start to try new life, try to wear different styles of clothes, try to drink different flavors of drinks, but also try to do without your dream

  • 121、The most sad thing is when you meet someone special, you know it's never gonna be together, sooner or later, you'll have to let go
  • 122、Always miss you, although we can not together have each minute
  • 爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?爱,原来是一种经历,但愿人长久。
  • 123、爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?爱,原来是一种经历,但愿人长久。
  • 124、Love a person, clearly know that he is not good, but did not care about; clearly know that there are a lot better than him, but will go to him
  • 125、Red cherry, green banana, the old man cast time
  • 126、我们为什么要总去追赶那些不愿意等自己的人,而错过了一些明明可以走很快,却愿意停下来的人。
  • 127、A feeling of the people, every day is the festival A marker, a legend; a lovesickness, with hope; a love, life in love!
  • 128、I want to have a person to understand me, even though I can't deny that our road has been hard, but in the end, love makes everything simple
  • 129、Love is a luxury, have a happy, not meaningless
  • 130、我为了这一刻努力了千万次,只是为了和你说一声我喜欢你。

  • 131、I think you are very cold, the original you warm is not me
  • 132、Do you know what it was like to be alone, as you wordlessly leave, I in the endless memories and cold side hate you, while waiting for you
  • 133、我开始尝试新的生活,试着穿不同以前风格的服装,试着喝不同口味的饮料,也试着做没有你的梦。
  • 134、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
  • 135、Love is never a matter of innumerable twists and turns Never been abandoned, never hurt, how to understand love? Love is a kind of experience, danyuanrenchangjiu
  • 136、In fact, I am very sad, just proud not to let me say
  • 137、If love is a flower, let it be in my heart, lost in my heart, deeply buried in my heart
  • 138、他没有错,只是没有爱我很久,只是没有为我停留,只是爱的不是时候,只是没有陪我到最后。
  • 139、Find a worthy hell-bent person, love
  • 140、If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity, rash, may make you regret for a while, cowardice, but may make you regret for a lifetime

  • 141、Who is with whom the wrong shoulder, who and who forever Who is at the summit of the time waiting for the atmosphere, who at the memorial youth Memorial, who
  • 142、红了樱桃绿了芭蕉,时光总把旧人抛。
  • 143、I heard you said you never marry to God, so I don't want you to betray god!
  • 144、找一个值得死心塌地的人,好好爱。
  • 145、我也曾经很用心,只是后来失了热情。
  • 146、如果活著,是上帝赋予我最大的是命,那麽活麽有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命中最大的恩赐。
  • 147、Not being cherish affection, but fickle people miss
  • 148、别对我说对不起,我不想跟你没关系。
  • 149、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。
  • 150、我要你当我孩子的妈,我孩子指名要你喔。

  • 151、我的心找到你的心时,早就被你的虚伪赶走了。你的心在流浪,我的心却在等待你流浪的心归来。
  • 152、Step back is lonely, step forward is happiness
  • 153、愿无岁月可回首,且以深情共余生。
  • 154、如果没有你的爱活著的目标将难复再!
  • 155、退后一步是孤独,往前一步是幸福。
  • 156、Everything on the edge in the edge of life and death is still sometimes, no depth to Dingyuan Xiao Xi, do sad! It is why why! If there is a chance to cherish