
  • 1、Children who have no pain should always hold up a piece of sky by themselves
  • 2、The lazy, just because there is a hole, so tired
  • 3、I like you No scenery in the world is better than you
  • 4、Vow to promise, it was time to rush empty
  • 5、When the kite is tired of the sky, you threw into the sea?
  • 你的名字,我的心事。
  • 6、你的名字,我的心事。
  • 7、I prefer to go to the north pole, so as long as you give me a little warm, I can feel it
  • 8、Sometimes we blindfolded can deceive oneself, the world is very black, very safe
  • 9、终于我还是放不下以往的一切,还是在沧海桑田里寻找着你的影子。

  • 10、有人说,世界是有两端的,现实在一端,想象在另一端。
  • 11、It takes us a year to learn to speak, but it takes a lifetime to learn to shut up
  • 12、You are so foolish and so ugly Don't harm others Come home with me and live a good life
  • 13、执笔写不出悲伤,流泪滑不下心痛,情只留下疮疤。
  • 14、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。
  • 15、为什么道别离,又说什么在一起。如今依然没有你,我还是我自己。
  • 16、I'm still there, and you're far away Even though I miss you so much, I still can't get your response
  • 17、I do not understand, we have a different fate, or, we are only in the wind, the loss of drift
  • 18、Do you think my heart of stone not sad, but I do not know I hate my pretended indifference
  • 19、But love has far heart fretting, content is not, nor the people, everything can not recover the past

  • 20、我喜欢你,世上任何风景都不及你。
  • 21、曾听人说,回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。
  • 22、Finally, I still can not let go of all the past, or in the vicissitudes of life looking for your shadow
  • 23、Ducklings grow up without mothers and have families with few hands
  • 24、你不是倾国倾城,但是却刚刚好能填满我的眼睛。
  • 25、But in realistic society, people couldn't figure out
  • 26、让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。
  • 27、不属于我的东西,我不会要。不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕。
  • 28、It has been said that memory is a bridge, but a prison leading to loneliness
  • 29、The world, to laugh at you too many people too True to you all inclusive you, too little too little

  • 30、相爱本来就是一场意外,何必说是上天的安排。
  • 31、Don't talk for a lifetime if you're not a lifetime person
  • 32、如果你的心是座监狱,我愿被判终身监禁。
  • 33、我依旧在,而你已渐远。任凭我思念满溢,却仍得不到你的回应。
  • 34、Love is an accident, why say God's arrangement
  • 35、没人疼的孩子,始终要自己撑起一片天空。
  • 36、原以为你只是还不会去爱人,原来你只是不会去爱我。
  • 37、Thought you just don't go to love, originally you just don't love me
  • 38、能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间。
  • 39、Write out of sadness, tears slide not heartache, leaving only the scars of love

  • 40、我的泪变成雨,也舍不得淋湿你。
  • 41、What kind of future, let you leave without hesitation
  • 42、我们用一年时间学会说话,却要用一生时间学会闭嘴。
  • 43、有时候真心话往往藏在玩笑中,只是说者有心,听者无意罢了。
  • 44、不是一辈子的人就别说一辈子的话。
  • 45、我们从没有忘记过真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。
  • 46、People bitter; bitter in the heart People are tired, tired in the heart
  • 47、Who also believe that a lifetime of this superficial dialogue
  • 48、Think of others may have The imprint is engraved on my heart memories, forget
  • 49、Do not ask for long-term love between heaven and earth, but for the dream of soul and the emperor

  • 50、Some people say that the world is a two ends, the reality at one end, the other end of the imagination
  • 51、Time is the only thing that can wash away everything except tears
  • 52、I don't want anything that doesn't belong to me It's not something I really give I'm not scarce
  • 53、If your heart is a prison, I will be sentenced to life imprisonment
  • 人苦;苦在心里。人累;累在心上。
  • 54、人苦;苦在心里。人累;累在心上。
  • 55、你以为我铁石心肠不会难过,却不知我也恨我假装的冷漠。
  • 56、The man I taught you, are you still used to it?
  • 57、Let me love you for two days, the day you have and the day without you
  • 58、Maybe early in the morning, one step later, they're not them, I'm not me
  • 59、别知道因为我会等你,就把我晾在那等。

  • 60、这一刻的爱情情深似海,而人生,注定寂寞如血。
  • 61、我调教过的男人,你用着还习惯么?
  • 62、我喜欢睡觉,因为梦境比现实美好。
  • 63、有时候我们蒙住眼睛就可以欺骗自己,世界很黑,很安全。
  • 64、You're not a big country, but you just fill my eyes
  • 65、暖一颗心要许多年,凉一颗心却只要一瞬间。
  • 66、当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无返顾的坠入大海?
  • 67、This moment of love and love, life, lonely like blood
  • 68、我不懂,是我们有着各自不同的命运,还是,我们只不过都是在风中,茫然飘荡。
  • 69、Why the road is separated, say what together Still without you, I'm still myself

  • 70、命运就像个巫婆,跟着她的心情念着咒语。
  • 71、信誓旦旦给的承诺,却被时间扑了空。
  • 72、鸭仔无娘也长大,几多白手也成家。
  • 73、心微动奈何情己远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。
  • 74、我宁愿去北极,那样只要你给我一点点温暖,我就可以感觉到了。
  • 75、My tears turn into rain, and I hate to wet you
  • 76、是什么样的未来,让你义无反顾离开。
  • 77、We never forget the truth, but we are more and more likely to tell lies
  • Your name, my heart
  • 78、Your name, my heart
  • 79、自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人可能早已忘记。

  • 80、No matter how much you experience pain, to the end will be gradually forgotten Because, nothing can match the time
  • 81、谁人又相信一世一生这肤浅对白。
  • 82、这个世界,对着你笑的人太多太多。真心对你包容你一切的,太少太少。
  • 83、Cherish life, God will let you live, there must be his plan
  • 84、也许早一步,晚一步,他们不是他们,我不是我。
  • 85、A lot of people don't need good-bye, because it's just passing by Forgetting is the best memorial to each other
  • 86、Don't know, because I'll wait for you, just hang me there
  • 87、螃蟹没你可爱,因为你比它横。
  • 88、I like sleeping, because the dream is better than the reality
  • 89、Crabs are not as cute as you are, because you are more horizontal than them

  • 90、不求天地长久情,只求魂梦与君同。
  • 91、之所以懒懒散散,只不过是因为心中有个空洞,所以感到疲惫。
  • 92、珍惜生活,上帝还让你活着,就肯定有他的安排。
  • 93、Fate is like a witch, with her mood to read the spell
  • 94、不管你经历多痛的事情,到最后都会渐渐遗忘。因为,没有什么能敌得过时光。
  • 95、Sometimes the truth is often hidden in the joke, just say it, the listener unintentionally
  • 96、你那么傻还那么丑,不要去祸害别人了,跟我回家好好过日子吧。
  • 97、Warm heart for many years, cool a heart but only a moment
  • 98、伤感的年代,现实的社会,揣摩不透的人心。