
    1、As long as the outcome is a comedy, the process of how you make me cry

  • 2、I can be good for everyone but the premise is that I think it is worth
  • 3、I'm looking at all of you, including the one you like
  • 4、如果我真的足够坚强,就不会在幸福的路上散开你的手。
  • 5、是不是我比较坚强就活该受伤害。
  • The old Confidante India desolate, rouge drunk lonely tears
  • 6、The old Confidante India desolate, rouge drunk lonely tears
  • 7、You are my dream I am worry about personal gains and losses, you are not essential
  • 8、Close your eyes, bustling past, like as trassient as a fleeting cloud hit
  • 9、I said I will not become romantic love I love
  • 10、不是我不懂爱情、而是我不懂你。
  • 11、旧时红颜印凄凉,胭脂清泪醉寂寞。

  • 12、I want to collect your rent, for a lifetime, the owner of the people love you
  • 13、You can have love, but don't be rigid, because the separation is inevitable
  • 14、If not because of thinking of you, how would you sigh
  • 15、我关注着你的所有,包括你喜欢的那个人。
  • 16、无非就是把自己的心封锁起来,从此不让它跳动。
  • 17、若不是因为在想你,怎会不经意就叹息。
  • 18、你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。
  • The flowers are so good, that's why it's so shaky
  • 19、The flowers are so good, that's why it's so shaky
  • 20、Not I do not understand love, but I do not understand you
  • 21、我可以对所有人好但前提是我认为值得。

  • 22、没有一种生命的轮回,是命中注定的就像隔夜的狂欢。
  • 23、If I force a smile can make you feel
  • 24、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。
  • 25、你对着时光悲伤,却忘了时光比你健忘。
  • 26、Think of your name, is not on behalf of I think you
  • 27、Is nothing more than to put their own heart blocked, and then do not let it beat
  • 28、花开得太好,所以摇摇欲坠。
  • 29、我的强颜欢笑是否能让你心安理得。
  • 30、You are sad for the time, but forget the time than you forget
  • 31、衣柜衣服千千万,只有新的最好看。

    Thank you for hurting me let me see the Qingxudong injured all over the body, false love
  • 32、Thank you for hurting me let me see the Qingxudong injured all over the body, false love
  • 33、A woman kissing a man is a kind of happiness, the man kissed woman is a kind of delicious food
  • 34、才发现爱与不爱只差一字,但会让我失去自己。
  • 35、闭上眼眸,那些繁华的过往,便如过眼云烟袭来。
  • 36、谢谢你伤到我体无完肤,让我看清虚假的爱情。
  • 37、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time
  • 38、Wardrobe thousands of thousands of clothes, only the best of the best to see
  • 39、我说我不再自作多情变得爱我所爱。
  • 40、只要结局是个喜剧,过程你让我怎么哭都行。
  • 41、I love you so with vigour and vitality, you hate me so well ingrained

  • 42、If I am strong enough, I will not spread your hand on the road of happiness
  • 43、用整夜的寂寞,拼凑出一个我。
  • 44、女人吻男人是一种幸福,男人吻女人是一种口福。
  • With all the loneliness of the night, put together a piece of me
  • 45、With all the loneliness of the night, put together a piece of me
  • 46、No one life cycle, is doomed to be like overnight carnival
  • 47、你可以拥有爱,但不要执着,因为分离是必然的。
  • 48、我爱你爱得那么轰轰烈烈,你恨我恨得那么深入骨髓。
  • 49、Only to find love and not love just a word, but it will make me lose myself
  • 50、I was not strong it hurt
  • 51、我要收你的房租,期限一辈子,房主爱你的人。

  • 52、想到了你的名字,是不是就代表我想你了。