
  • 1、爱的那个永远忍气吞声,不爱的那个永远坐享其成。
  • 2、拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。
  • 3、The circle of friends you have praised is called doughnut
  • 4、最爱不过你的名字,用余生写一首情诗。
  • 5、Even though we have lost the past, we still have the future
  • 或许这些话永远不会当面说,但是谢谢你们的陪伴。


  • 7、Love promises between finger seams and intertwines under love
  • 8、幸福的秘诀是得到自由,而自由的秘诀是勇气。
  • 9、To accompany you to the end is not necessarily your favorite person
  • 10、望着你和他的幸福,我含泪背离你们的微笑。
  • 11、White tea has nothing else to do I am waiting for the wind to wait for you
  • 12、Everyone said I spoiled you, except you said I never spoiled you
  • 13、我走进了我的生命,我正为你准备好一生一世。
  • 14、守护才是最长情的告白。
  • 15、Guardianship is the longest confession
  • 16、The furthest distance in life is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don't know that I love you

  • 17、The one who loves will always bear to swallow, the one who does not love will always enjoy its success
  • 18、I don't know when to start, I have learned to rely on
  • 19、I just want to love you all my life and be your exclusive
  • 20、The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage
  • 21、爱你的人那么多,好像在你眼中不差我这一个。
  • 22、Count the years that have been in each other, only to find that the silliest thing is yourself, sorry, did not love you well
  • 23、我像个孩子一样大哭对你说了挽留,你头也不回,就这样对我挥了挥手。
  • 24、我但是是你生命中的一个选择,而你却是我这辈子唯一的答案。
  • 25、I will never forget you There will always be your place in the corner of your heart
  • 26、把你捧在手上,合起了手掌,我憋不死你。

  • 27、I see in your face what my children will look like in the future
  • 28、人生最遥远的距离不是,生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。
  • 29、You are Yeer, I am the breeze, I love you on the branch, and I love you in the street
  • 30、With your beautiful love, the sun will always shine
  • 31、大叔,笑的时候记得捂嘴巴哦,小心您的假牙。
  • 32、白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也在等你。
  • 33、Follow me, don't get lost
  • 34、你瘦的时候在我心里,后来胖了,卡在里面出不来了。
  • 35、Do you know the secret of three blinks of a light bulb? That's what I want to say to you
  • 36、You are so lovely, blown into my arms by the strong wind, I will not return it

  • 37、Life will be better if it's bad enough, because it can't be worse
  • 38、It's good that you're fat You've got another lap of places you like
  • 39、你的名字,是我见过最短的情诗。
  • 40、I am a choice in your life, and you are the only answer in my life
  • 41、爱情最好的模样,是做自己。
  • 42、情人总是分分合合,可是我们却越爱越深,我们的爱情经受住了考验。
  • 43、懂事之前,情动以后,流年里,我们狭路相逢。
  • 44、我永远都不会忘记你。心里的角落永远都有你的位置。
  • 45、你知道灯泡眨三下的秘密吗?那是我想要对你说的话。
  • 46、Let go of your hands and let each other be free

  • 47、For the rest of your life, the snowstorm is yours Please give me more advice
  • 48、Every day is dull without you, but even if I can chat with you, every day is sweet
  • 49、Like rocks, human hearts can also be perforated by water droplets
  • 50、When you were thin, you were in my heart, and then you became fat You could not get stuck in it
  • 51、With you, I live like a year, without you, I live like a year
  • 52、Four seasons should be good, if you are still present
  • 53、Leaving may be the best interpretation of my life
  • 54、果汁分你一半,爱互相分担。
  • 55、Because you like you too much, so everyone looks like a rival
  • 56、There is always so little sadness that I don't know where to vent

  • 57、Things happen because of circumstances, not because of circumstances
  • 58、遇见你,是我一生的幸运;喜欢你,是我做过最好的事情。
  • 59、万水千山我独行,五湖四海任飘零。一身一刀闯天下,天涯何处是归程。
  • 60、细数曾经相濡以沫的岁月,才发现,最傻的是自己,对不起,没有好好爱过你。
  • 61、你已走进我的生命,我正为你准备好一生一世。
  • 62、往后余生,风雪是你,请多指教。
  • 63、As a woman, watching love is hard and desperate
  • 64、走不尽的坎坷,只因有你而快乐,数不尽的风和雨,只因有你而洒脱。
  • 65、The most beautiful thing is to kiss you before going to bed, hold you in the middle of the night and wake up with you one day
  • 66、Distance is not terrible What is terrible is that the heart is getting farther and farther

  • 67、Lovers always divide and merge, but the deeper we love, the more our love withstands the test
  • I'm just a choice in your life, and you're the only answer in my life
  • 68、I'm just a choice in your life, and you're the only answer in my life
  • 69、To embrace, to touch the head, to support the cheek, to all your favorite
  • 70、Before being sensible, after being emotional, during the years, we met in a narrow way
  • 71、Yes, I just like you and I'm afraid to like myself
  • 72、和寂寞对话,只是不愿意相信你已经离开。
  • 73、我在你的脸上,看到了我以后孩子的样子。
  • 74、我不会卑微到求一个女人把离开我的男人还给我。
  • 75、有点小压力,压着小心脏。
  • 76、We are all hurt and hurt by love, but we still expect the existence of true love

  • 77、你胖了真好,喜欢你的地方又多了一圈。
  • 78、只要还呼吸,我就还爱你。
  • 79、What you need is someone who is interested in your nonsense I am
  • 80、你需要的是一个连你废话都感兴趣的人,我就是。
  • 81、你的情话我听着,你的余生我陪着。
  • 82、Happiness on the face can be seen by others Who can feel the pain in his heart?
  • 83、Occasionally, it's good to see you, because it's not a long life, even shorter
  • 84、The best form of love is to be yourself
  • 85、被你点赞过的朋友圈,叫作甜甜圈。
  • 86、He used to look for me, now I look for you, and then you look for her

  • 87、Because I like you, I see the world I have never seen before by your light
  • 88、We're leaving here We've made an appointment that nobody can turn back Let's go!
  • 89、One of my most painful things is to watch the person I love fall in love with another person
  • 90、奇迹就留给别人吧,我有你了。
  • 91、Life is not long Don't keep it close I just want to hold you tight
  • 92、You are the joy of your youth, read it backwards
  • 93、I'm very sad, but I want you to be happy
  • 94、I'm pointing south to you, I love you as a deep-sea wreck, you've always been the recovery of all things, you've left the world barren
  • 95、此刻我很挂念你,请为我小心照顾自己。
  • 96、You may fall from the sky or from the woods, but the best way to land is to fall in love with me

  • 97、人一痴情,就容易受伤,还心甘情愿。
  • 98、因喜欢你,借你的光,看见了以前未见过的世界。
  • 99、I gave everything I had to give, and I gave it up, except to let you know that my heart was like a knife
  • 100、你是年少的欢喜,倒过来念。
  • 101、恢复理性之后,感性就成了尴尬。
  • 102、With you by my side, every day, my heart is like being dew, watered, sweet can not be sweeter
  • 103、你的前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。
  • 104、Change my heart, for your heart, first know and remember each other deeply
  • 105、每想你一次,天上就多一颗星星,于是,有了银河系。
  • 106、Whether you remember me or not, at least I remember you clearly

  • 107、You don't have to be too publicized It's natural fragrance of flowers
  • 108、You have come into my life, and I am preparing you for the rest of your life
  • 109、The most painful feeling in the world is not the loss of love, but when I give you my heart, you are deceiving me
  • 110、I used to be ignorant, and I liked you casually Now I'm mature After careful consideration, I still like you
  • 111、世间五味俱全,谢谢你给我的甜。
  • 112、乖一点,好好待在我身边。不准跑,不准放手。
  • 113、听闻姑娘治家有方,鄙人余生愿闻其详。
  • 114、足够重要才配拥有最后的晚安和最早的早安。
  • 115、Life blossoms like flowers We can't let ourselves wither
  • 116、总是有那么那么一点点的小悲伤,不知该往何处发泄。

  • 117、Ever since I met you, my heart has sprouted, waiting for your watering, until it blossoms
  • 118、It's true that you can't be a lover but a stranger
  • 119、Dialogue with loneliness, just don't want to believe that you have left
  • 120、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。
  • 121、你三秒钟的语音,我能反复听一个月。
  • 122、There is no fate that can be conquered without scorn, endurance and struggle
  • 123、I wish you well, even if later you had nothing to do with me
  • 124、The person who really loves you always makes you angry, but you can't find out what he did wrong
  • 125、距离并不可怕,可怕的是心越来越远。
  • 126、A little pressure, pressure carefully dirty

  • 127、即使我们已经失去了曾经,但我们还有未来。
  • 128、偶尔能见到,也不错因为有你,这本就不长的一辈子,更短了。
  • 129、Endless tenderness to you
  • 因事生情,别因情生事。
  • 130、因事生情,别因情生事。
  • 131、一颗真心,只会向着你前进,也许爱越单纯越着迷。
  • 132、做不了恋人只能做陌生人原来是真的。
  • 133、真正爱你的人其实总惹你生气,你却发觉不了他做错了什么。
  • 134、I can't even guess myself How dare I ask others to understand me?
  • 135、世界上最心痛的感觉,不是失恋,而是我把心给你的时候,你却在欺骗我。
  • 136、I would like to hear about the girl's good governance for the rest of my life

  • 137、There are all kinds of flavors in the world Thank you for the sweetness
  • 138、Pain, but not forget
  • 139、一旦陷入了爱的这片森林,就再也找不到回家的路。
  • 140、爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而努力。
  • 141、I did not want to marry, but finally married love
  • 142、I love you as long as I breathe
  • 143、Knowing the result is uncertain; persistent, just don't want to miss
  • 144、作为女人,守望爱情是艰苦和绝望的。
  • 145、不想结婚的我,最后却嫁给了爱情。
  • 146、痛而不舍,忘却不掉。

  • 147、爱情就是一场**,是一场我甘心死在你怀里的**。
  • 148、四季该很好,你若尚在场。
  • 149、I'm waiting for you for no other purpose but to rush to get married
  • 150、I can listen to your voice for three seconds over and over again for a month
  • 151、我不过是你生命中的一个选择,而你却是我这辈子唯一的答案。
  • 152、I've come into my life, and I'm preparing you for a lifetime
  • 153、爱情在指缝间承诺,指缝在爱情下交缠。
  • 154、Love for so long, in exchange for a sentence since you choose others I do not destroy!
  • 155、不管你还记不记得我、至少我清晰的记得你。
  • 156、When reason is restored, perception becomes an embarrassment

  • 157、你这么可爱,被大风吹到我怀里,我是不会还的。
  • 158、人心和岩石一样,也可以有被水滴穿的孔。
  • 159、没有你的日子,每天都是平淡,然而就算只要能和你聊天,我的每天都是甜蜜的。
  • 160、Palpitating heart, stop beating The scene of departure is not relentless
  • 161、你可能会从天而降,也可能从林间降落,但最好的降落方式是与我坠入爱河。
  • 162、Hold you in your hand, close your palm, I can't choke you to death
  • 163、Be good and stay with me No running, no letting go
  • 164、写不完的温柔对你的温柔。
  • 165、走完同一条街,回到两个世界。
  • 166、不知什么时候开始,我已学会依赖。

  • 167、I know we are only too lonely to start such ambiguity
  • 168、我知道我们只是太孤单了,才开始这样的暧昧。
  • 169、以前不懂事,随随便便就喜欢上了你,现在成熟了,经过深思熟虑,还是喜欢你。
  • 170、A true heart will only move towards you Perhaps the simpler the love, the more fascinated it is
  • 171、想和你在一起,不分秋冬,不顾冷暖。
  • 172、等到风景都看透,我会陪你看细水长流。
  • 173、It's important enough to have the last good night and the earliest morning
  • 174、爱了那么久,换来了一句既然你选择了别人我不破坏!
  • 175、陪你走到最后的不一定是你最爱的人。
  • 176、以前他找我、现在我找你、以后你找她。

  • 177、I only did two things today, breathing and missing you!
  • 178、The endless ups and downs, only because of you and happy, countless wind and rain, only because of you and free
  • 179、手放开,让彼此自由。
  • 180、跟着我,别走丢。
  • 181、Now I miss you very much Please take care of yourself for me
  • 182、有你在我身边,我每天,心里都像被甘露,浇灌一样,甜的不能再甜。
  • 183、Want to be with you, regardless of autumn and winter, regardless of the cold and warm
  • 184、我今天只做了两件事,呼吸和想你!
  • 185、不要那么相信回忆,因为里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。
  • 186、I listen to your love words, and I will accompany you for the rest of your life

  • 187、Love teaches people how to learn not to love
  • 188、Love is a war, a war that I will die in your arms
  • 189、没有一种不通过蔑视,忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。
  • 190、所有人都说我把你宠坏了,唯独你说我从来没宠过你。
  • 191、I won't be so humble as to ask a woman to give me back the man who left me
  • 有你的日子我度年如日,没有你的日子我度日如年。
  • 192、有你的日子我度年如日,没有你的日子我度日如年。
  • 193、我们在这就离别了,我们约好谁都不许回头。走吧!
  • 194、明知道结果渺茫;一味的坚持,只是不想错过。
  • 195、Maybe these words will never be said face to face, but thank you for your company
  • 196、Uncle, remember to cover your mouth when you laugh Watch out for your dentures

  • 197、Juice is half yours, love is half yours
  • 198、To love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness than to abandon her for her happiness
  • 199、生命像鲜花一样盛开我们不能让自己枯萎。
  • 200、Once you fall into the forest of love, you will never find your way home
  • 201、离开,或许就是对我生命的最好诠释。
  • 202、Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you won't get lost
  • 203、如果有一天你我擦肩而过,而我没有回头看你,别惊讶那是我在流泪。
  • 204、我愿你好,即便后来你与我全然无关。
  • 205、你是我的女人、我不要你忘了我。
  • 206、人生不长,该珍惜就别保持不近不远,我只想再抱你紧一点。

  • 207、Your sweet love is precious I disdain to reconcile the situation with the emperor
  • 208、此从遇见你,我的心就发了芽,等待着你的浇灌,直到它开花。
  • 209、我等你,没有别的目的,只是一心奔着结婚去。
  • 210、该给的我都给了,我都舍得,除了让你知道我心如刀割。
  • 211、Wait until the scenery is clear, I will accompany you to see the long flow of thin water
  • 212、因为太喜欢你,所以看谁都像是情敌。
  • 213、你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。
  • 214、每个人都是单数,来时是,去时也是。
  • 215、我对你是指针向南,我爱你是深海沉船,你一来是万物复苏,你离开是世界荒芜。
  • 216、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。

  • 217、换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。
  • 218、There are so many people who love you, as if they are not inferior to me in your eyes
  • 219、Love your name best Write a love poem for the rest of your life
  • 220、Thousands of rivers and mountains I walk alone, and all the lakes and seas are wandering Where is the journey home when you break into the world with one knife and one knife?
  • 221、If a person is infatuated, he will easily get hurt and be willing to do so
  • 222、Your name is the shortest love poem I have ever seen
  • 223、最美莫过于未来有一天,睡前吻你,半夜抱你,醒来有你。
  • 224、I cried like a child and said "Retain" to you You never looked back So I waved
  • 225、爱情是教会人如何学会不爱的。
  • 226、Looking at you and his happiness, I tear away from your smile

  • 227、你不必太张扬,是花自然香。
  • 228、对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。
  • 229、请微笑。这比解释为何悲伤要容易。
  • 230、You did not have me in the first half of your life, so let me accompany you through the second half of your life
  • 231、Every time I think of you, there is one more star in the sky, so there is the Milky Way
  • 232、我连自己都猜不透,怎敢奢求别人来懂我。
  • 233、悸动的心,停止跳动。将离的场景,没有丝毫不舍。
  • 234、If one day you and I pass by and I don't look back at you, don't be surprised that it's my tears
  • 235、Please smile It's easier than explaining why you're sad
  • 236、你是叶儿,我是那微风,我爱你在枝上,也爱你在街中。

  • 237、Meeting you is my lucky life; liking you is the best thing I have ever done
  • 238、我们都被爱情伤过,痛过,却还期待会有真爱的存在。
  • 239、Miracles are left to others I have you
  • 240、Everyone is singular, when they come and when they go
  • 241、我很丧,但我想让你快乐。
  • 242、只想就这样爱着你一辈子,一生一世做你的专属。
  • 243、要抱抱,要摸头,要托腮,要你全部的宠爱。
  • 244、我最心痛的一件事情是,看着我爱的人爱上另外一个人。
  • 245、Don't trust memories so much, because the person in it doesn't necessarily miss you the same
  • 246、You are my woman I don't want you to forget me

  • 247、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。
  • 248、Walk the same street and return to two worlds