
  • 1、Personnel manager: sorry, your profession and our position is not very wrong! A: what is wrong? Is the premier of the state have to's "premier" this major?
  • 2、无数次的心灵碰撞,无数次的梦幻诗意,是缘分让我们相见,是缘分让我们相恋,愿千万个祝福化作片片雪花飘落在你身边!
  • 3、This information is purely harassment information! Warning also didn't sleep go to sleep, just turn over to sleep sleep, sleep for a long time up on a toilet and then sleep, really don't want to sleep with me and pick up the phone to sleep!
  • 4、A small group of prosperity, marry, the guest will late poetry revelers would call the bride。 The bride is shy。 To deep night guest do not come loose, the bride said: thank god, thank you, I should have no just no songs? Remember tang poetry by the way, h
  • 5、雨下的断断续续,引起我无限思绪,说白了就是想你,等到了风和日丽,我还带你去那片草地,但是事先约定:猪只准吃草,不准拱地!
  • The hearts of countless collisions, countless dream poetry, is the fate let us meet, is fate let us love, sincere blessings into patches of snow to be with you!
  • 6、The hearts of countless collisions, countless dream poetry, is the fate let us meet, is fate let us love, sincere blessings into patches of snow to be with you!
  • 7、把天真尘封,把活泼捆绑,把自由放飞,把聪颖打包,让幸福无可救药。只释放一点点愚钝和无知,行走江湖。亲爱的朋友,愚人节快乐!
  • 8、尊敬的用户:您的手机目前已具有提款功能,只需将sim卡取出插入提款机即可,如提款机不受理业务,请用手机用力砸提款机!愚人节快乐!

  • 9、The innocent and dusty, the lively, free to fly, the intelligent packaging, let happiness impossible。 Only release a little bit stupid and ignorant, walk river's lake。 My dear friends, happy April fool's day!
  • 10、Respect of customer: your mobile phone has been drawing function, simply insert the sim card out cash machines, such as cash, the business is not acceptable, please use mobile hard hit a cash machine! Happy April fool's day!
  • 11、It rained off and on, cause I infinite thoughts, namely, think you wait to beautiful, I also take you to the meadow, but agree beforehand: pigs eat grass, no hog!
  • 12、一小伙娶妻贺客盈门,晚闹洞房叫新娘吟诗。新娘害羞。至深深夜客不散,新娘曰:谢天谢地谢诸君,我本无才哪会吟?曾记唐人诗一句,春宵一刻值千金!
  • 13、That day every time I looked at your sexy body, naked in front of me twisting, gently caress your skin, I can't resist the temptation to you: boss, I'm going to the fish! Happy April fool's day!
  • 14、等咱有了钱,天天去做美体。想瘦哪里瘦哪里,想大哪里就大哪里。贵宾卡一次买两张,上半身用一张,下半身用一张。
  • 15、本信息为纯粹的骚扰信息!警告还没睡的快去睡,刚睡的翻个身继续睡,睡了很久的起来上个厕所接着睡,实在不想睡的和我一起拿起手机骚扰想睡的!
  • 那天我痴痴地望着你性感的身躯,一丝不挂地在我面前扭动,轻轻抚摸你的肌肤,我无法抵挡你的**:老板,我就要这条鱼!愚人节快乐!
  • 16、那天我痴痴地望着你性感的身躯,一丝不挂地在我面前扭动,轻轻抚摸你的肌肤,我无法抵挡你的**:老板,我就要这条鱼!愚人节快乐!
  • 17、Wait the za riched, every day to do the body。 Thin where you want to thin, is big where you want to big。 VIP card buy two at a time, with a piece of upper body, lower body with a piece of。
  • 18、人事经理:不好意思,你的专业和我们招聘的职位不是很对口!应聘者:啥叫不对口?难道当*****还得是*****这个专业的吗?
